November 2, 2010
This addendum must be signed and returned with Bid documents package for your Bid to be valid and responsive. Signature line is at end of Addendum.
1. Left Hand/Center and Right Hand Units; and the 70 x 64 Classroom – These buildings will have an approximate shipping height of 17’ which may preclude them from certain areas ( ie the coast) and at a minimum will be very expensive to ship. Do you still want the mansard?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
2. 28x32 Classroom (also all 28 x 64 and 42 x 64) – Spec states only Washington Tag. Please confirm this is correct or clarify how you would like us to price these buildings.
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010 – Addendum 2.
3. Part 5, Page 69 Site Work – Asphalt sidewalk description ends with the word “or.”
Response: The word “or” was intended to be centered. It should read as below:
“Asphalt sidewalks – 1 ½ inches x 4 feet wide
“Fire lanes – 20feet wide, 6 inch asphalt over thick
4 inches crushed rock
What form do you want us to describe contingencies for these items?
Response: Submit on a separate document of your choosing and attach at the end of Part 5.
4. Entire RFP referenced - Can you provide a general list of the items that have changed between this bid and the first KCDA bid, submitted in February of this year, and what the basic changes were.
Response: No. The bids are unique documents.
5. Part 1 Intent/Award, Page 6 – Please list the industry standards and requirements which are defined, established and set forth and adopted by the individual governmental agencies and/or industry organizations that may purchase off this list.
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
6. Part 1 Scope, Page 7 – Please clarify the total estimated sales for 2010 as $9m or $1,049,384.38 or some other number.
Response: $9 million.
7. As above – Please confirm that bids will be considered non-responsive if relocation services are not offered.
Response: This is a correct statement.
Are these relocation services for only buildings purchase from this contract or for any other buildings?
Response: No. The buildings are for buildings purchased under this contract as well as modular buildings which the customer currently has which need relocating.
8. Part 2 Building Codes, Page 10 – Please confirm that we are bid to the current state codes at the time of the bid.
Response: Yes.
9. Part 2, Clarification, Page 11 – Please elaborate and/or provide an example of where you expect/request Combination Pricing in this bid.
Response: Disregard the reference to Combination Pricing.
10. As above – Should we include bond costs in each of our line items at our bonded rate?
Response: A bid bond is required to be submitted as a separate document in the amount of $200,000. See further information re bid bond in Part 2: General Terms & Conditions, Bid Bond.
A Performance & Payment Bond, if required by state law the contractor, upon receipt of the KCDA purchase order, provides the member on whose behalf the purchase order is issued a corporate surety bond in the full amount of the purchase order for the faithful performance of the contract. The surety must be authorized to do business in the specific member state and be satisfactory to KCDA and the KCDA member. Each bond shall be in the form required by the KCDA member. See further information re Performance & Payment Bond in Part 2, Special Terms & Conditions, Performance & Payment Bond.
Line items are prices to be charged to customers. Bond costs pertain to cost of specific bond documents.
11. Price List, Item 51 – How do we price this item? Should we price one of each building size, but combined into one number? Or could we choose one size to bid to?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010 – Addendum 2.
12. As above, Item 47 – Should this item be priced per lineal foot?
Response: Per wall as stated.
13. Part 2, Bid Bond, Page 9 – If the contractor does not or cannot enter into an agreement with a member agency, is all or part of the bid bond forfeited, or not forfeited at all?
Response: The KCDA bid bond will be returned within 10 days of the award to the
vendors not awarded the modular contract. The member agency bid bond is obtained only when the member agency requests. They would request because they
would be entering into a modular contract and would want to keep on file for
audit purposes.
14. Part 3, Tab 5 Page 34. Please confirm that the lawsuits referred to are only for the states of WA, OR and ID.
Response: Lawsuits pertain to local, state or federal.
15. Part 3, 16. Order Processing, Page 38 - Please state how long in working days KCDA’s review and approval time is per invoice?
Response: Review and approval time per invoice varies. It is dependent upon the KCDA’s member approval time frame. When an invoice is received from the awarded Contractor, KCDA will immediately request approval via e-mail from the customer. If the customer agrees the project was performed satisfactorily and gives us permission to invoice them, we usually pay vendor within 30 days of receipt of approval.
16. Part 3, 17. Invoicing, Page 38 - Once approval is received from customer, how many working days will KCDA have to pay the vendor (send a check)?
Response: Normally, 30 days.
17. As above – How many working days does the customer have to approve payment.
Response: No set limitations; however, we will continue to request approval on a consistent basis or work with the customer what the delay may be and notify the
awarded contractor.
18. Part 3, Page 31, Tab 4, 9th Bullet - “Submit information per Washington ESB 2805”, is this the correct reference or is it EHB 2805?
Response: EHB 2805 is correct.
19. Part 5 Form A - What electronic formats do you want Green Certification?
Response: PDF
20. Price List – D. Can we assume that all materials are re-usable and we do not have to include any set and/or seam materials? If not, what set material costs should we use?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010 – Addendum 2.
21. Part 5 Form A –
1. Please clarify what you would like submitted for Tab 12. Original document is a word file but RFP requests excel.
Response: Word
2. What format do you want to see here? Is this an area for additional line item pricing “under separate cover”? This section requests prices that are listed in Tab 13, the price sheet, so there appears to be redundancy.
Response: Form “I” needs to be returned with Part 5 as a required document. Return in hard copy and as a Word document on the disc. There isn’t a form which the vendor needs to return. This section serves to clarify what is on the Excel price list. The Excel price list must be returned in Excel format and as a hard copy.
How does this section differ also from Tab 6?
Response: Tab 6 is Value Added Services. List products or services which are not listed on the price list which can be provided and may be considered
as a value add for KCDA customers.
22. How/when can we ask for an increase in shipping costs if there is a significant increase in fuel prices?
Response: Request for increases/decreases in fuel costs should be submitted at the
annual bid anniversary date.
- Part 2, page 13: Drawings. This section states that bidders are required to submit their own drawings. It does not address when multiple factories are represented by one bidder. We have the ability to purchase from three factories, one in each state. We are asking for clarification if it is acceptable to provide our own drawing listing the three factories, or do you want three separate drawings of the same floor plan with one factory listed on each.
Response: Three separate drawings of the same floor plan with one factory listed on each.
As a follow up to the previous question, in Part 2, page 31 the bid documents state “Each Bidder must submit their own standard drawings and specifications for each building requested in the bid document. These must for the factory the bidder intends to use for construction of the requested buildings”. We are asking for clarification if it is acceptable to provide our own drawings and specifications listing the three factories, or do you want three separate drawings and specifications for each size listed in the bid documents?
Response: Three separate drawings and specifications for each size listed in the bid documents.
- Does KCDA or the bidder reserve the right to select the manufacturer for any given project?
Response: The Owner reserves the right to select the manufacturer for any given project.
25. Why are double top plates being required for the exterior walls? If we can prove from an engineering stand point that they aren’t required, can we use a single top plate?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
26. 5/8” Hardie Panel doesn’t exist. Hardie Panel is available in 5/16” thick panels. In addition if 5/16” Hardie Panel was to be used, it would require a structural sheathing be used under it which means there would be three layers of board on the exterior walls. Will 7/16” LP Smartside be acceptable? We believe it is more than equal to 5/16” Hardie.
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010 – Addendum 2.
27. Height of complex units – It is totally impractical to ship 14’ tall modules. If we can achieve a 9’ ceiling and still have enough space above the t-bar ceiling for the ductwork, would it be acceptable to reduce the building height a minimum of 10”? This would allow the building ship height to be just under 16’ which will reduce costs and complexities.
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
28. Siding for the complex units – Will it be acceptable to use whatever is approved for the other buildings?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
29. Cabinets in the daycare rooms – the spec is now calling for the countertops to be 36” AFF. The maximum allowed by code when there is a sink, is 34”. In addition these countertops were previously at 24” AFF because the intended use was for small children. What height should we figure?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
30. The factory discovered an incorrect call out for the interior doors. The spec says “interior doors to be 1-3/4” thick (this part is OK) and core to be filled with polyurethane”. The second part (in red) is an incorrect call out and should be corrected (deleted).
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
31. The specifications state that “Plumbing tree stubbed to one point connection”. For bidding purposes do you want the one point stubbed below the restroom or to the nearest exterior wall?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
32. In Part 3, page 31, the first bullet point under Tab 4 is “Contractors & Subcontractors Checklist”. Where is this checklist located?
Response: There isn’t one provided. It means that the bidder needs to submit a checklist so that all documents are checked off which are bulleted in Tabs 4 & 5.
33. During the last KCDA bid, the applicability of RCW 39.30.060 was brought into question. The intent of this statute is to prevent bid shopping on projects expected to exceed $1,000,000 in value. Each line item is well under the $1,000,000 threshold. In addition, no on-site plumbing/mechanical/electrical work is part of this bid. Further, the location of potential work is unknown at the time of bid which would prevent any listing of subcontractors. Does this RCW apply to this bid?
Response: Because it’s never known if a project will exceed $1,000,000, RCW 39.30.060 could apply. Form “J” has been added to the end of this Addendum. Form “J” asks you to list plumbing, mechanical and electrical subcontractors if you are not self-performing the work. We know it is difficult to list the subcontractors if a project location is unknown but we need for you to list by county, for example, within the three states the plumbing, electrical and mechanical subcontractors you would utilize at the time of bid opening.
34. For the same reasons listed above, would Oregon’s ORS 279C.370 (1)(c) apply to this bid?
Response: Answer will be provided November 3, 2010- Addendum 2.
35. In Part 2, page 17, the evaluation formula lists Freight charges to transport buildings, Price page, Section B, lines 1-7. Since that is a price per mile, to what location are the freight charges going to be applied?
Response: KCDA member’s destination.
36. Part 2, page 22. Does the restocking fee apply to this contract?
Response: Yes. Because there are fixed charges for a delivery truck to mobilize, there needs to be a fixed cost for a certain radius such as 30 miles. The delivery cost per mile for a project within 30 miles of an FOB point would be very high compared to delivery cost per mile for a project located 300 miles from an FOB point. For example, you may have a fixed delivery cost of around $2,000 for a project 10 miles away which would result in a cost per mile of $200. In order to provide the best pricing for members, KCDA should consider a fixed cost for a 30 mile radius and then a cost per mile thereafter. If this is not used, bidders would lose money on delivery points close to the factory and would be forced to select factories further away which would result in higher costs to members. Will KCDA revise the pricing sheet to include a fixed delivery cost for delivery points within 30 miles of the factory and then a cost per mile thereafter.