Jr. Indians Basketball

Marengo will have 4 teams competingthis year again, there will be a 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grade team. They will compete against programs throughout northern IL. In the past we have had approximately 18 games and 20 practices throughout the season, and it should be the same this season. The purpose of this league is to help develop the athletes’ skills and abilities through practice and games; in turn making better players. The league will run from January to March (Spring Break).

Try-out dates are December 19th20th from 7:30 – 8:30 @ Marengo High School District 154 Homer Barry gymnasium. If you are interested in trying out you must be there by 7:15 on December 19th to turn in the required forms (attached: Insurance waiver and registration form). If you need additional copies of the registration or insurance waiver you can get them by logging onto the MCHS website ( and go to the athletics section there you will find the forms for Jr. Indians.

We are able to keep the costs for your athletes down thanks to the support from Marengo High School District 154 Administration and the School Board allowing us to use their facilities, therefore the league fee will only be $150.00.

It will be parents/guardians responsibility to ensure that their athlete is to the practices as scheduled. The league will not transport the athletes to games; it is the parent /guardians responsibility. There are teams expectations for character and conduct which the athletes will be expected to understand and follow; those will be given to the athletes at their first practice.

**Parents/guardians are also needed to help at home games; for hall supervision, game clock, and game book (if you do not know how to operate the clock or keep the book we can get you trained).

**Uniforms have been supplied; any damage or loss will result in a charge for replacement.

Look forward to seeing everyone at try-outs on December 19th @ 7:30 p.m. at Marengo High School District 154 Gymnasium. If there are any further questions please feel free to email Becky Wienhandl at: or 815-568-1612.

Jr. Indians Expectations

Your citizenship, sportsmanship, and attitude are all measuring units for your success as an athlete and as a person. The coaching staff is determined to develop character and leadership in all of our players. As athletes, you are not only measured by your actions on the court but off it as well.

Team Rules:

  1. Respect opponents, referees, and those associated with the game. Violations to guidelines:
  2. Warning (extra conditioning, or related task)
  3. Suspension (time determined by staff)
  4. Dismissal from team
  5. Any athlete that has a “major” violation will earn an appropriate response that may not follow the listed penalties.
  6. Any player missing a practice or game must notify their coach prior to the absence.
  7. Since this is a competitive league and we are keeping 10 players per level, each player must be dedicated to the program and participate in practices and games.
  8. Practice MUST be attended in order for the student athlete to be able to compete in that week’s competition.


Transportation to and from all practices and games is the responsibility of each parent/guardian. If alternative transportation is needed it MUST be coordinated by the parent/guardian. (Coaches will NOT be responsible for transportation of athletes)

Playing time:

Playing time will be determined by the coach and they will attempt to balance it throughout the season, not on a game by game basis.


Jr. Indians Basketball League 2012


Player Name: ______Date of Birth:______

Address: ______City: ______ZIP: ______

Phone: ______School: ______Grade______

Age as of ______Aug 31 2010

E-mail address: ______

I have played basketball before: YES NO I have played for ______school

Medical Information:

Does your child have any allergic reactions to any medications? YES NO

If yes please list: ______

Any medical conditions to be aware of? YES NO If yes please list: ______

Emergency contact (other than parent/guardian) Name:______

Relationship: ______Home Phone: ( )______

Cell phone ( )______


Mother Father

Name ______Name______

Address Information: (Only if different than child’s information)

Address: ______Address:______

City ______Zip______City______Zip______

Phone numbers are for emergency use:

Home phone: ( ) ______Home phone: ( ) ______

Cell Phone: ( ) ______Cell Phone: ( ) ______

Work phone: ( ) ______Work Phone: ( ) ______

E-mail: ______E-mail______

I am interested in (Coaching) or (Assistant Coaching) – Name:______

Registration Fee:$150.00 per athlete (due on the 1st day of practice after try-outs are completed).



I understand that my son is not covered under medical/accident insurance and that I as a parent/guardian am responsible for medical/accident insurance. Individual family insurance will be used as primary coverage if needed; and will not hold Marengo High School District 154 responsible for any insurance coverage cost that may occur during the Marengo Jr. Indians League.

Signature of Parent/Guardian:______

Print Student Name: ______