Employment Information System (EIS) Quick Tips

How to calculate a Full Time Equivalency (FTE) for a certified (licensed) position?

An employee can only have a maximum of 1.0 and a minimum of 0.1 FTE for a school year.

The FTE is for the primary certified (licensed) position an employee holds. Any extra duties should not be include in the FTE.


Primary position – Teacher:

Can be between 0.1 and 1.0

It is calculated by dividing the amount of time in the regular school year divided by the amount of time the teacher works in a regular school year.

If a regular school year is 180 Days and the Teacher works 180 full days then the Teacher’s FTE will be 1.00

If a regular school year is 180 Days and the Teacher works 90 full days then the Teacher’s FTE will be .50

If a regular school year is 180 Days and the Teacher works 90 Half days then the Teacher’s FTE will be .25

Extra duties for example, not included in FTE:

  • Summer school teaching,
  • Night school teaching,
  • Coaching,
  • Yearbook Advisor, etc.

Primary position - Summer School Only Teacher

Can be between 0.1 and 1.0

It is calculated by dividing the amount of time the Summer School Teacher works by the amount of time in a regular school year.

If a regular school year is 180 Days and summer school is 40 Days then the Summer school teachers FTE will be .22

The reason for calculating the FTE in this manner is so ISBE can do an equal comparison from one district to another district.


Links to EIS webpage:

EIS home page -

Data Elements -

Excel Templates -

User Manual -

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FAQs –


Five Categories for the Non-certified (non-licensed) Staff with definitions and examples

  1. School Office Worker

School Office Worker category consists of staff whose activities are concerned with support of the teaching and administrative duties of the office of the principal or department chairpersons includingclerical staff and secretaries.

400 / Accountant
401 / Bookkeeper
402 / Clerical Support Staff
403 / Head/Executive Secretary
405 / Other Office Staff
406 / Information Technology Staff
  1. District Office Worker

District Office Worker category consist of staff members providing direct support to district administrators, business office support, data processing, secretarialand other clerical staff; staff implementing software solutions and staff providing hardware and software maintenance and data user support.

400 / Accountant
401 / Bookkeeper
402 / Clerical Support Staff
403 / Head/Executive Secretary
405 / Other Office Staff
406 / Information Technology Staff
  1. District Office Library Support

Library/Media Support Staff category consist of staff members who render other professional library and media services. Duties of these staff members include selecting, preparing, caring for, and making available to instructional staff, equipment, films, filmstrips, transparencies, tapes, TB programs, and similar materials maintained separately or as part of an instructional materials center. This category alsoincludes activities in the audiovisual personnel andincludes library aides and those involved in library/media support.

304 / Audio-Visual Staff
  1. District Student Support Staff

Student Support Services category consist of professional staff members whose activities are concerned with the direct support of students and who nurture, but do not instruct students. Included in these list: attendance officers; staff providing audiology and supervisors of the preceding staff; coaches, athletic advisors, and athletic trainers if position does not require teaching credentials.

300 / Advisor
301 / Athletic Coach
302 / Athletic Trainer
303 / Attendance/Truant Officer
314 / Other Athletic/Extracurricular Worker
351 / Audiologist
360 / Medical Service Personnel
  1. All Other District Support Staff

All Other District Support Staff category consist of support staff such as plant and equipment maintenance, bus drivers, security, and food service workers.

500 / Cook
503 / Other Food Service Staff
520 / Custodian
522 / Maintenance, Craft, or Trade Worker
523 / Grounds Staff
530 / School Bus Driver
531 / Transportation Mechanic
533 / Other Transportation Staff


Salary and Benefits Definitions

Annuities - Dollar value of qualified and nonqualified Annuities provided by the employer to the employee this school year.

Base Salary- The dollar amount the employee is paid for the school year for a position. This includes gross salary for personal services rendered while on the payroll of the LEA. Not included in base salary are; stipends, bonuses, annuities, retirement enhancements, and other benefits (i.e., amounts paid by the employer for health insurance or toward retirement). An accompanying salary record must be submitted for each reported position.

Bonuses -Dollar value of Bonuses awarded to the employee this school year. Only required for the following positions:

  • 100 - 121 General Education Administrative
  • 150 - 155 Special Education Administrative
  • 200 - 207 General Education Instructional
  • 250 - 251 Special Education Instructional

Other Benefits-Dollar amount of other employer-provided benefits received during the reporting fiscal year for the employee. Other Benefits should include only the employer paid portion. Other benefits include any payment, reimbursement, or goods received that directly benefits the employee such as: Health/Dental/Vision Insurance, Life Insurance, Social Security (when applicable), Medicare, Workers Compensation, Unemployment Insurance, Reduced Tuition, Housing, FICA, Medicaid, THIS.

Only required for the following positions:

  • 100 – 121General Education Administrative
  • 150 – 155Special Education Administrative
  • 200 – 207General Education Instructional
  • 250 – 251Special Education Instructional

Retirement Enhancements– Dollar value of retirement enhancements provided by the employer to employee this school year, including early separation or retirement ERO (Early Retirement Option and is 6%), Board Paid TRS Retirement, IMRF, SERS, and Federal TRS.

Sick Days– Number of sick days awarded during the reporting fiscal year. Generally reflects a standard amount that is awarded contractually.

Vacation Days– Number of vacation days awarded during the reporting fiscal year. Generally reflects a standard amount that is awarded contractually.


ATSB creation

  • EIS creates the Administrator and Teacher Salary and Benefits Report for the districts.
  • It is the Districts responsibility to publish the ATSB report on their website.
  • All other related reports are NOT included in EIS – such as Teacher Salary Study Survey or Non-certified Staff Salary Study.


Business rules for ending or removing an employee’s position and/or employment from EIS.

  • To end an employee’s position, the employee’s position record must show a salary greater than $0.00 and have a position End Date.
  • To end an employee’s employment, all positions for that employee must have a Salary, an End Date and an End Reason for each position.
  • To remove an employee’s position record, the employee’s position record must have:
  1. ASalary of $0.00
  2. An End Date
  3. “Remove Record” in the Time Frame field.

The employee’s position record(s) will no longer display.

  • To remove an employee’s employment record, the employment record must have the following:
  1. No position records, (even in past years) (see “To remove an employee’s position record”)
  2. An End Date
  3. An EndReason of “Remove Record”.

The employment record will no longer display.

ISBE Employment Information System1(Rev. May 2014)