Journal Rubric

Advanced Proficient-4 / Proficient-3 / Partially Proficient-2 / Need more evidence-1/0
All work is of a consistently high quality. Superior depth of understanding is demonstrated by consistent use of examples, sophisticated explanations and interpretations, critical and insightful points-of-view, and the ability to deeply consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Most of the work is of high quality. Solid depth of understanding is demonstrated by use of examples, grade-level explanations and interpretations, critical points-of-view, and the ability to consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Detail is missing in the work that is submitted. Some depth of understanding is attempted but references are not made. Explanations and interpretations are only attempted in a cursory fashion. Student struggles to consider how his/her own views are shaped. / Student competence is not yet known or is inadequate. Minimal effort is being made by the student. Most work is incomplete and/or missing. Evidence of learning is unable to be determined.

Journal Rubric

Advanced Proficient-4 / Proficient-3 / Partially Proficient-2 / Need more evidence-1/0
All work is of a consistently high quality. Superior depth of understanding is demonstrated by consistent use of examples, sophisticated explanations and interpretations, critical and insightful points-of-view, and the ability to deeply consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Most of the work is of high quality. Solid depth of understanding is demonstrated by use of examples, grade-level explanations and interpretations, critical points-of-view, and the ability to consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Detail is missing in the work that is submitted. Some depth of understanding is attempted but references are not made. Explanations and interpretations are only attempted in a cursory fashion. Student struggles to consider how his/her own views are shaped. / Student competence is not yet known or is inadequate. Minimal effort is being made by the student. Most work is incomplete and/or missing. Evidence of learning is unable to be determined.

Journal Rubric

Advanced Proficient-4 / Proficient-3 / Partially Proficient-2 / Need more evidence-1/0
All work is of a consistently high quality. Superior depth of understanding is demonstrated by consistent use of examples, sophisticated explanations and interpretations, critical and insightful points-of-view, and the ability to deeply consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Most of the work is of high quality. Solid depth of understanding is demonstrated by use of examples, grade-level explanations and interpretations, critical points-of-view, and the ability to consider how one’s own views are shaped. / Detail is missing in the work that is submitted. Some depth of understanding is attempted but references are not made. Explanations and interpretations are only attempted in a cursory fashion. Student struggles to consider how his/her own views are shaped. / Student competence is not yet known or is inadequate. Minimal effort is being made by the student. Most work is incomplete and/or missing. Evidence of learning is unable to be determined.