(Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science: Case report)

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Tae-Il Kim






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References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Each reference should be cited as [1], [1,4], or [1-3]. Whenquoting from other sources, give a reference number in brackets afterthe author’s name or at the end of the quotation.Examples are as follows:

-Kim [1]

-Bernstein and Horbar [2]

-Bradin et al. [3]

CASE DESCRIPTION(primary section heading)

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Tables and figures should be indicated in the main text as follows:

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If there are any conflicts of interest, authors should disclose them in the manuscript.

If there are noconflicts of interest,authors should insert the following sentence.

“No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported”.


Persons or institutes thatcontributed to the papers but not enough to be coauthors may be introduced. Financial supportincluding foundations, institutions, pharmaceutical and device manufacturers, private companies, and intramural departmental sources should be described along with other types of support, if any.


References should not exceed 40.


(Author. Title. Journal name Year:Vol;Page.)[K7]

1. Park JC, Um YJ, Jung UW, Kim CS, Choi SH, Kim CK. Histological characteristics of newly formed cementum in surgically created one-wall intrabony defects in a canine model. J Periodontal Implant Sci 2010;40:3-10.

2. Kim CS, Choi SH, Chai JK, Cho KS, Moon IS, Wikesjo UM, et al. Periodontal repair in surgically created intrabony defects in dogs: influence of the number of bone walls on healing response. J Periodontol 2004;75:229-35.


(Author. Book title. Edition. Place: Publisher; Year.)

Newman MG, Takei HT, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA.Carranza's clinical periodontology. 10th ed. St. Louis: Saunder Elsevier; 2006.

Book chapter

(Chapter author. Chapter title. In: editor(s). Book Title. Edition. Place: Publisher; Year. Chapter page.)

CarranzaFA, TakeiHH. Clinical Diagnosis. In: Newman MG, Takei HT, Klokkevold PR, Carranza FA.Carranza's clinical periodontology. 10th ed. St. Louis: Saunder Elsevier; 2006. p.540-60.

Web site

(Title [Internet]. Place: Publisher; Copyright year [cited Year Month Date]. Available from: URL.)

American Cancer Society. Cancer Reference Information [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): American Cancer Society; c2010 [cited 2010 Jun 20]. Available from:

Other types of references not described below should follow the NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (

(Table sample)

Table 1. Comparison in the number of episodes of incontinence per 24 hours, urodynamic parameters, and QoL scores at baseline and after 24 weeks

Parameter / Baseline / Re-evaluation / P-[K8]value
PI / 68.40±12.18 / 33.60±9.08 / 0.000a)[K9]
BoP / 42.60±17.66 / 19.70±9.31 / 0.002 a)
PD-M / 3.88±0.71 / 3.49±0.67 / 0.063
PD-O / 2.93±0.91 / 2.62±0.68 / 0.020 a)
CAL-M / 4.83±1.90 / 3.99±1.10 / 0.028 a)
CAL-O / 4.28±1.31 / 3.61±1.18 / 0.009 a)

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation.

PI:plaque index,[K10]BoP:bleeding on probing,PD-M:probing depth-molar teeth, PD-O:probing depth-non-molar teeth, CAL-M:clinical attachment level-molar teeth,CAL-O:clinical attachment level-non-molar teeth.

a)Statistically significant difference compared to the baseline.

(Table guide)

Each table should be typed in aseparate sheet. The title of the table should be placedon top. The first letter of the first word should be capitalized and a period should be placed at the end of the title. Tables are numbered in order of citation in the main text. Only horizontal lines should be used within a table, to distinguish the column headings from the body of the table, and immediately above and below the table.Lower case letters in superscripts a), b), c) ... should be used for special remarks.
(Figure sample)

Figure1. Histologic presentation of the biphasic calcium phosphate (BCP)/absorbable collagen sponge group after 4weeks of healing. New bone is seen in close contact with the graft material. (A:H&E, ×10[K11]; B:H&E, ×100). arrowheads, defect margin; NB, new bone.

(Figure guide)

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It is recommended to size original figure widths to 4 inches wide.The minimum requirementsfor digital resolution are:

• 900 DPI/PPI for black and white images, such as line drawings orgraphs.

• 300 DPI/PPI for picture-only photographs.

• 600 DPI/PPI for photographs containing pictures and line elements,i.e., text labels, thin lines, arrows.

- 1 -


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-The superscript asterisk (*) sign should be given to the corresponding author.

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[K5]Original article should be structured as following section headings:








[K6]Read these brief guides and overwrite from here.

[K7]First 6 authors are listed; thereafter add an ‘et al.’after the sixth author.For a journal article writtenby six or fewer authors, provide the names of all the authors.

[K8]Italic style


Lower case letters in superscripts a), b), c) ... should be used for special remarks.

[K10]Style for abbreviation.


A legendfor each light microscopicphotograph should include name ofstain and magnification; electron microscopic photography shouldhave an internal scale marker.