JosephineCounty Commission for Children & Families
Aprilthrough June 2007
This resource is updated quarterly. Please call Jennifer at 474-5234.
County Wide-SCHOOLS
School Readiness Packets and/orPreschool Packets are available / Both ThreeRiversSchool District and Grants Pass School District No 7 provide School Readiness and/or Preschool Packets to parents.
Three RiversSchool District: Call 862-3111 and ask for the monthly School Readiness Packet
Grants Pass School District No 7: Go to your neighborhood Elementary School and request a monthly Preschool Packet
Child Care Resource Network
776-1234 / Child Care Resource Network can help you find quality child care. The CCRN can help provide families with; customized child care referrals, a “quality checklist” for your search, information on a variety of parenting concerns, access to other community resources, and information on where you can apply for child care subsidies. Call 776-1234 to speak with a specialist.
Grants Pass
Pre-register at 955-5419
Internet: / Three RiversCommunityHospital & HealthCenter offers classes on Childbirth, Breast Feeding, Infant/Toddler Safety, and CPR throughout the year. For more information on current classes, call toll free 1-888-688-4920 or on the Internet at
“Family Matters” offers classes and tours: Check out—There’s Going to Be A Baby in Your Life, Life Saver Baby, What You Can Expect From The Breastfeeding Experience, Great Expectations: Hospital Tour and Birthing Film, Cesarean Wisdom, and Big Sister, Big Brother. Most classes and tours are no fee, but call to pre-register at 955-5419
Grants Pass
Mom’s Group / Mom’s Group
This Mom’s Group is open to all new moms and babies. They meet every Thursday from 11:00am to 1:00pm in the FamilyBirthCenter. For more information call 472-7223.
Glenna Dole
479-8847 / Name of Program: "The Incredible Years"
# Hours: Varies per location
Provided By: ChoicesCounselingCenter
How Often Provided: Call Glenna for more information
Target Population: Parents, open to the public
The "Incredible Years" uses brief, real life, videotape vignettes of children interacting with other children, teachers, and parents. The video vignettes serve to promote group discussion, problem-solving, and role-playing activities. For more information, please call Glenna at 479-8847.
Grants Pass
Department of Human Services (State)
Child Welfare
Foster Parent Program
474-3120 / Name of Program: Foster Parent Training and Certification
# Hours: Please call Lisa or Jennifer at 474-3120
Provided By: Oregon State Department of Human Services
How Often Provided: All day training.
Target Population: Adults interested in becoming Foster Parents
Would you like more information about becoming a Foster Parent? Please contact Lisa or Jennifer at the State Department of Human Services, Child Welfare. Foster Parent Information at 474-3120.Grants Pass
Family Friends, Inc.
Ellie @ 476-4248
United Way Scholarships Available. Contact Ellie for more information. / Name of Program: Parent Training Course
# Hours: Classes held every Tuesday. Contact Ellie for exact times.
Provided By: Family Friends, Inc.
How Often Provided: On-going throughout the year. Day and evening sessions.
Target Population: Parents
The “Parent Training Course is a sixteen-week, on-going parenting class. The course work includes information on Self Care, Anger Management, Behavior Management, and Development issues. Fees done on a sliding scale. To learn more information and to pre-register, please contact Ellie at 476-4248.Grants Pass
GEMS “Growing and Encouraging Mothers”
Contact Nikki at 471-4843 / Growing and Encouraging Mothers (GEMS)
# Hours: First Thursday at 9:00 a.m. and Third Thursday at 6:00 p.m. every month
Target Population: Mothers expecting and with children 0 through Kindergarten
Parents listen to guest speakers while caregivers help kids with crafts. A meal is provided at each meeting. Small fee. Contact Nikki for more information at 474-4843.
Grants Pass
Goodwill IndustriesSteps to Success
Cheryl 955-5253 / Name of Program: Steps to Success
# Hours: 1 ½ hours/ Monday 9:00 to 10:30
Provided by: Goodwill Industries
How Often Provided: Weekly
Target Population: All Parents
Location: 735 SW 5th Street
This FREE 13 week class teaches life skills, job skills, and parenting skills. It is open to all parents and can be joined anytime. Call Cheryl for more information at 955-5253.
Grants Pass
OptionsChildren’s Resource Team
Terri Cox @ 472-9953 / Name of Program: 1,2,3 Magic Parenting
# Hours: Call Terri for hours at 472-9953
Provided By: Options, Children’s Resource Team
How Often Provided: Four Weekly Sessions
Target Population: Parents of children prenatal through 8 years.
The four workshop sessions are built on Dr. Phelan’s 1,2,3 Magic and Positive Parenting by Jane Nelsen. The workshop will cover STOP behaviors as in arguing, fighting, screaming, tantrums, and teasing; and will teach START behaviors as in schoolwork, going to bed, eating, cleaning rooms, and chores without wars. Childcare and snack are provided. To register for this FREE workshop series, call 474-5358.
Grants Pass
OptionsChildren’s Resource Team
Terri Cox @ 472-9953 / Name of Program: Families In Transition
# Hours: One Class/ Wednesdays, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Provided By: Options, Children’s Resource Team
How Often Provided: Weekly
Target Population: Parents who are separated or divorced with children at home.
The class goals are: 1) To reduce the negative effects of separation of parents on children, 2) To educate parents on the developmental stages and how these relate to separation and divorce, 3) To help parents identify problem behaviors and find resources, and 4) To give parents strategies for better co-parenting and parenting time. Cost is $45 per person. Pre-registration is required.
To Pre-register and for more information, call 474-5358
Grants Pass
OptionsChildren’s Resource Team
Terri Cox @ 472-9953 / Name of Program: Toolbox
# Hours: First and Second Monday each Month from 4:00 to 6:00 pm.
Provided By: Options, Children’s Resource Team
How Often Provided: Weekly
Target Population: Children between 5 and 13 whose parents are involved in dissolution of marriage, separation, or proceedings for custody.
The class lets children know that they are alike in their emotions and desires and teaches them to learn to speak openly about them. The class includes art expression, games, and skill building. The group’s focus is to help children express their feelings and learn ways to cope with some of the difficulties they face during a divorce or separation. Parents are required to participate during the last ½ hour when children share what they have learned and can ask questions.
This class is free with participation in Families In Transition.
To Pre-register and for more information, call 474-5358
Grants Pass
LoveJoy Hospice
Walt @ 474-1193 / Name of Program: “Good Grief”
# Hours: 8 meetings/ 1 ½ hours each
Provided By: LoveJoy Hospice
How Often Provided: Two times per year. Next session starts September 26th.
Target Population: Children who are coping with the loss of a loved one.
The “Good Grief” program will provide children and their parents a safe place to talk about how their family is coping with the loss of a loved one. There are groups for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school youth and parents. The counseling sessions provide the opportunity to express feelings through art, music, and play. Individual and Family Counseling is also available. For more information and to pre-register contact Walt at 474-1193.
Grants Pass
479-6264 / Name of Program: PregnancyCareCenter
# Hours: Monday through Thursday 10:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Target Population: Pregnant women and new moms.
CARE information for pregnant women and new moms. Free pregnancy testing, maternity clothes, and infant supplies. Private sessions with a client advocate are available. Call 479-6264 for more information.
Grants Pass
Moms and Munchkins
Mary 472-9694 / Name of Program: Moms and Munchkins
Target Population: Parents
Moms and Munchkins is a playgroup for moms and children any age. Group meets for crafts, books, or play time. Call Mary for more information at 472-9694.
Grants Pass and Surrounding Area
Planned Parenthood
Maggie Sullivan @ 773-8285 ext. 1207
/ Name of Program: Talking to Kids and Teens about Sexuality# Hours: Varies
Provided By: Planned Parenthood
Target Population: Parents
Planned Parenthood is offering a free parent information kit and free consultations with information on how to talk to your kids about sex. The Resource Kit includes "There's No Place Like Home...for Sex Education", a resource for parents of pre-school through high school aged children and, "Tips for Talking with Sexually Active Teens About Contraception".To receive this free kit or to take this free class call Planned Parenthood at 773-8585 ext. 1207. Consultations can be scheduled for GrantsPass.
Grants Pass Family YMCA
474-0001 / Name of Program: Love and Logic# Hours: 2 ½ hours, from 6:00 to 8:30pm
Provided By: Grants Pass Family YMCA
How Often Provided: Class starts April 2, 2007
Target Population: Parents with kids from birth to 6 years old.
Parents of young kids will learn skills that will give them; happy fun families, toddlers who go to bed the first time, meals without the battles, discipline without losing their love, great comebacks all parents need to know, youngsters that grow to safe, smart, confident teens, and much more! Class costs $25 for YMCA members ($40/couple), $30 non-members ($50/couple). Please contact the YMCA at 474-0001 for more information.
Faith Based Classes Available / Grants Pass
Divorced, Separated, and Widow Program
A non-denominational Group at
St. Anne’s Catholic Church Parish Center
Carole at 659-7103
FREE Weekly Sessions
/ Name of Program: Divorced, Separated, and Widow Program# Hours: 2 hours
Provided By: Non-denominational Group at St. Anne’s Catholic Church
How Often Provided: Every Monday
Target Population: Divorced, Separated, or WidowedParents and non-parents included
This program offers four components toward helping individuals to know where they are going and what to do next—SUPPORT so that you can get acquainted and feel comfortable, TRANSITION—to self-growth and receive the tools to maintain a healthy relationship, REBUILDING—to explore further growth through the help of Dr. Fisher’s book entitled “Rebuilding”, and GROWTH—to learn how to use the tools learned in our everyday lives.The weekly sessions are FREE. Contact Carole at 659-7103.
Goodwill IndustriesSteps to Success
592-4149 / Name of Program: Steps to Success
# Hours: 1 ½ hours/ Monday 9:00 to 10:30
Provided by: Goodwill Industries
How Often Provided: Weekly
Location: AFS 535 E. River Street, Cedar Room
Target Population: All Parents
This FREE 13 week class teaches life skills, job skills, and parenting skills. It is open to all parents and can be joined anytime. Call Cheryl for more information at 955-5253.
IV Safe House
Grace @ 592-2515 ext. 326 / Name of Program: “Helping Children Who Have Been Exposed To Batterers”
Provided By: IV Safe House and Herbert Templeton Foundation
How Often Provided: Weekly, Call for more information.
Target Population: Parents and Community Partners
This FREE weekly class is designed to help parents understand the impact of domestic violence on their children and themselves, to teach parents to talk to and listen to their children about experiences of violence, to encourage children’s resiliency, and to support parents in strengthening their relationships with their children. The class is FREE. Pre-registration is required. Call Grace at 592-2515 ext. 326 for more information.
Brigid @ 866-2765 / Name of Program: "Preschool Playgroup"
# Hours: 2 ½ hours, 9:00 to 11:30 a.m.
Provided By: OregonParentCenter
How Often Provided: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday every week.
Target Population: Parents and children from Birth to Six.
Parents help children with fun craft activities, story time, and a mid-morning meal. Children not potty trained must have a caregiver. This program is FREE with parent involvement. For more information, call the OregonParentCenter at 866-2765.
Online Resources
Oregon Department of Human Services
Children’s Environmental Health / Name of Service: Children’s Environmental Health
# Hours: Online Information Site
Provided By: Department of Human Services
Target Population: Parents, Schools, Child Care Providers, and the general public.
The Children’s Environmental health provides information and solutions on common environmental health dangers in three areas; home, school and the outdoors.
Oregon’s Child
Everyone’s Business
Beth Glascock, 1-503-373-1570, Ext 240 / Name of Service: Oregon’s Child, Everyone’s Business
# Hours: Online Information Site
Provided By: Collaboration of Partners
How Often Provided: Online Information Site
Target Population: Parents, Employers, policy makers, and the general public.
The Oregon’s Child, Everyone’s Business website provides tips to parents, employers, policy makers and the general public. The site also contains instructions for ordering or downloading publications. The website was designed to raise awareness about the importance of quality childcare and healthy early brain development. Website:
NationalChildCareInformationCenter (NCCIC)
/ Name of Service: "NationalChildCareInformationCenter”
# Hours: Online Information Site,
Target Population: Parents, Child Care Providers and Service Providers
The NationalChildCareInformationCenter offers a broad source of resource information. New information and updates include: Frequently Requested Information, Economic Impact of Child Care, Early Childhood Mental Health, and Literacy. On the web at:For more information about this resource, please call:
Josephine CountyCommission for Children and Families
Attn: Jennifer Oliver Phone: (541) 474-5234 FAX: (541) 474-5238
Mailing Address:
Josephine CountyCommission for Children and Families
500 NW Sixth Street
Grants Pass, OR97526