Northern European FRIEND AMHY

JointLow Flow and DroughtMeeting

November 10 – 12, 2008

Faculty of Natural Sciences, ComeniusUniversity

Mlynska dolina

842 15 Bratislava



Sunday, November 09, 2008Arrival of NE-FRIEND & AMHY LF & D group participants

Monday, November 10, 2008

08.00 – 13.00 Arrivalof NE-FRIEND & AMHY LF & D group participants, Registration

14.00 – 17.30: JOINT NE-FRIEND & AMHY LF & D GROUPS administrative meeting

14:00-14:10 Opening ceremony, welcome of participants by representative of the Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava and by UNESCO representative

14:10-14:20Introduction of participants

14:20-14:45Minutes of previous NE-FRIEND Low Flow and drought group meeting (Perugia, July 2007)

14:45-15:30International activities (GEWEX, global change, FRIEND-HELP, FRIEND Fes conference, NE-FRIEND Coordinators meeting, Koblenz, NE-FRIEND other project groups, EU programs.....)

15:30-16:00 Coffee/Tea break

16:00-16:15New structure: merger of NE FRIEND and part of AMHY (EURO FRIEND)

16:15-16:45Recent research plans of NE FRIEND and AMHY Low flow and drought groups

16:45-17:15Discussion on the future of Low flow and drought groups

17:15-17:30Election of the new EURO FRIEND Low Flow and Drought coordinator

Tuesday, September 11, 2008

Session 1: Data –Indicators – drought monitoring

Chairperson: Fendekova Miriam

Rapporteur: Fleig Anne

08:30-08:50Tokarczyk Tamara: Widely applied indices for drought assessment and Polish application

08:50-09:10Wong Wai Kwok: A statistical study of drought characteristics in the Zhujiang region, China

09:10-09:30Rossi Giuseppe, Caporali Enrica: Regional analysis of low flow indices in Tuscany (Italy)

09:30-09:50Colleuille Hervé, Beldring, S., Mengistu, Z., Andersen, J., Overlie, T., Haugen, L.E., Wong Wai Kwok: The monitoring of groundwater conditions with real-time observations and modelling tools

09:50-10:10Coffee/Tea break

10:10-10:30Aksoy Hafzullah: Baseflow separation tool: AdUKIH

10:30-10:50Gregor Miloš, Fendeková Miriam: BFI 2+ program utilization for baseflow separation


Session 2: Drought generating processes and ModellIng

Chairperson: Caporali Enrica*

Rapporteur: Stahl Kerstin

11:20-11:40van Lanen Henny, tenDoeschate Anneke, Oostertwijk Jacob, Tallaksen Lena M.: Drought: climate and catchment control in various regions

11:40-12:00Querner Erik: Drought analysis using the Regional Hydrological Model SIMGRO

12:00-12:20van Loon Anne, Rakovec Oldřich, Horáček Stanislav, Tallaksen Lena M., Hisdal Hege, Perez Miguel C., van Lanen Henny, Novický Oldřich: Drought propagation in contrasting catchments in Norway, CzechRepublic and Spain: preliminary results

12:20-12:40Lang Claire:Low flow in the Rhein-Meuse basin: characterization, processes and forecasting



Session 3: drought patterns and CHARACTERIZATION

Chairperson: van Lanen Henny*

Rapporteur: Querner Erik

14:00-14:20Stahl, Kerstin, Hisdal Hege, Tallaksen Lena M., Hannaford Jamie, Saquet Eric, Demuth Siegfried: Trends in low flows and droughts from streamflow records of an updated European Water Archive

14:20-14:40Jakubowski Wojciech: Trends of low flow characteristics in the UpperNysaKlodzkaRiver Basin

14:40-15:00Fiala Theodor: Trends of mean and low flows in the CzechRepublic

15:00-15:20Schumann Sybille, Bawol D., Herrmann A., Duncker D.: Changes in the flow regime of Lange Bramke basin (Harz Mts., Germany) towards elongated and intensified low flow period in summer

15:20-15:40Kasei Raymond: Drought frequency in West Africa, A pattern of Climate change

15:40-16:00Coffee/Tea break

16:00-16:20Fendeková Miriam, Stojkovová Michaela, Machlica Andrej: Influence of meteorological drought on groundwater in twocatchments of Slovakiawith different hydrogeological conditions

16:20-16:40Zorba Petrit, Pudja Migena, Bibe Brunilda: Drought in the Albanian Western Lowland

Session 4: Large-scale drivers - Teleconnections

Chairperson: Tallaksen Lena M.

Rapporteur: Hisdal Hege

16:40-17:00Fleig Anne, Tallaksen Lena M., Hisdal Hege, Hannah David, Stahl Kerstin: Regional hydrological droughts and weather types in N-W Europe

17:00-17:20Gudmundsson Lukas, Tallaksen Lena M., Stahl Kerstin, Lange Holger: Spatio-temporal correlations of inter-annual variability in European streamflow quantities



Wednesday, September 12, 2008

Session 5: Drought forecasting and prediction

Chairperson: Aksoy Hafzullah*

Rapporteur: Dakova Snejanna

08:30-08:50Hisdal Hege, Engeland Kolbjørn, Orthe Nils Kristian, Voksø Astrid: A low flow index map for Norway – From regression equations to a web-application

08:50-09:10Laaha Gregor: Applying the national low flow estimation procedure to the Austrianprovince Burgenland

Session 6: human impacts on drought- Global IMPACT

Chairperson: Laaha Gregor*

Rapporteur:Schumann Sybille*

09:10-09:30Tallaksen Lena M., Stahl Kerstin, van Lanen Henny:Climate change impacts on low flow and drought – an overview

09:30-09:50Dakova Snejanna: Identification and estimation of low flow and drought events in Bulgaria – present state and tasks

09:50-10:10Coffee/Tea break

10:10-10:30Saquet Eric, Dupeyrat Anne, Agosta Cécile, Hendrickx Frédéric:Impact of business-as-usual water management on low flows under modified climate for Garonne catchment (S-W France)

10:30-10:50Horáček Stanislav, Kašpárek Ladislav, Novický Oldřich: Estimation of climate change impact on water resources by using BILAN water balance model

10:50-11:10Slivová Valéria: Groundwater drought in a catchment affected by water abstraction



13:00-13:10Rapporteur Session 1: DATA –INDICATORS - DROUGHT MONITORING - Main Findings

13:10-13:20Rapporteur Session 2: DROUGHT GENERATING PROCESSES AND MODELLING - Main Findings

13:20-13:30Rapporteur Session 3: DROUGHT PATTERNS AND CHARACTERIZATION - Main Findings

13:30-13:40Rapporteur Session 4: LARGE-SCALE DRIVERS - TELECONNECTIONS - Main Findings

13:40-13:50Rapporteur Session 5: DROUGHT FORECASTING AND PREDICTION - Main Findings

13:50-14:00Rapporteur Session 6: HUMAN IMPACTS ON DROUGHT- GLOBAL IMPACT - Main Findings

14:00-14:30Discussion and Summarization: Conclusions and Recommendations for UNESCO-IHP VII Programme

14:30-15:00Closing session

Summary of Action points

Next meeting EURO FRIEND Low Flow and Drought group

Remark * - to be agreed