Joint Commission on Rabbinic Placement
Congregational Questionnaire
November 6, 2008
Dear Congregational Leader,
When you are ready to upload the questionnaire, please go to the placement documents tab and select browse to locate the completed congregational questionnaire that you have saved to your hard drive or flash drive. Please remember, the congregational profile that you submit is your congregation’s personal information document. This is your first impression to the candidates. The responsibility to maintain accurate information, to include highlights, and or important issues belongs to you. You are free to update any part of the data in this profile at any time. We are here to help you if needed.
Materials uploaded by the 25th of the month will appear on the following month's Placement List.
Once all of your documents have been uploaded and approved by the Placement Office your congregation will be able to receive resume referrals directly from the interested candidates.
If you have any concerns, or difficulties, please feel free to contact us via email at:
please be sure to indicate the congregation's name, city and state in your message.
Thank you and good luck!
The Rabbinical Assembly
3080 Broadway, New York, NY10027
Phone (212) 280-6000
Fax: (212) 749-9166
NOTE: It is expected that the congregation will reimburse all travel expenses for a Rabbi invited for an interview.
NOTE: A congregation will be listed upon the Placement Office’s approval of registration application and the uploading of the Congregational Questionnaire. Referrals begin when all the parts have been approved.
Part I
(mm/dd/yy; example 09/08/02)
Name of President
Information About Synagogue:
Postal Code
Name of Search Committee Chairperson:
Postal CodePostal Code
Prefer to Receive mail at (please choose one) Business Home
Prefer to be called at: (please choose one) Business Home
President/Chief Volunteer Officer:
Title (Mr., Rabbi, Mrs.,)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Business Phone
Business E-Mail
Home Phone
Home E-Mail
Prefer to Receive mail at (please choose one) Business Home
Prefer to be called at (please choose one) Business Home
Corresponding Secretary of the Search Committee
Title (Mr., Rabbi, Mrs.)
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Business Phone
Business Email
Home Phone
Home Email
Number of Membership Units of Congregation to closest 25, e.g. 225, 750
Indicate Senior Staff – Please write outHazzan, Educator, Executive Director, Assistant Rabbi, Early Childhood Director, Ritual Director – Indicate full-time=FT or part-time=PT
Day School in the Community – Write YES or NO
Instrumental Music on Shabbat – WriteYES or NO
Congregation is Egalitarian – Write YES or NO
Congregational Information
A.Number of member units today:Total
FamiliesSingle Members Seniors
Children 0-4Children 5-13
Age Distribution
B.Number of member units five years ago:Total
Families Single Members Seniors
Children 0-4 Children 5-13
Age Distribution
Future demographic projections of the congregation, are:
Talk about the future demographics of the entire Jewish community as a whole:
What website can the candidate check for more information:
For the synagogue
For the larger Jewish community
For the general geographic area
What is the best book to learn about:
Your Jewish community
The general geographic area
Other resources you may want to tell us about
Year synagogue founded
Please answer one of these questions -
a) For North America Congregations - Are you affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism? Write Yes or No
What region of the USCJ
b) For overseas congregations: What is your connection to Masorti Olami?
C.Synagogue Facility
Describe about your physical space:
Describe the Rabbi’s study
Where are religious services held? Describe the space
List and describe other professional synagogue or congregational staff, e.g. Cantor –leads services, conduct an Adult and children’s choir
Does the Rabbi have a secretary/assistant? Describe:
D.Religious Life
Describe your siddurim – Do you have a primary one?
High Holy Days
Sabbath and Festivals:
Describe the Sabbath Service (e.g. congregational singing/Torah discussion, Hebrew/English
Usage):Talk about both Friday night and Shabbat morning.
Full Torah Reading Write yes or no
Triennial Torah Reading Write yes or no
Other (desribe)
Who reads Torah?
Describe the High Holy Day Services (e.g. choir, number of parallel services):
What religious event is the synagogue most proud of and why?
Describe weekday Yom Tov services and programs
Adult attendance at services (excluding Bar or Bat Mitzvah or other life cycle events)
Friday – Kabbalat Shabbatearlylate
Shabbat morning
Weekday Yom Tovmorningevening
Daily Minyanmorning evening
Describe the process used to make ritual decisions:
What are your congregation’s attitudes about Conversion and Intermarriage? (involvement in synagogue program, membership policy)
In addition to leading religious services; the next most important tasks/priorities/roles of the Rabbi is?
List three:
What is your congregation’s current practice regarding:
Instrumental music on Shabbat?
Video taping on Shabbat?
Participation of women?
Ritual or religious trends the candidate should know about:
The last major religious policy change was:
Describe the impact
The next major religious policy issue facing the congregation will probably be?
What religious policies/traditions should the next Rabbi make sure to preserve?
Describe three current synagogue events your congregation is most proud of?
Describe a unique synagogue event:
Other committees and programs the Rabbi should know about?
Women’s League/Sisterhood Membership Total:
Describe role in congregation:
Men’s Club Membership Total:
Describe role in congregation:
Describe your current Adult Education Program:
What involvement are you looking for from Rabbi in Adult Ed Program?
Congregation Education
How many days does afternoon school meet? (two, three)
How many students are in the school grades aleph to heh? – Total
Expectations of the new Rabbi in relationship to the school:
Describe Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah Program:
What percentage of Children continue after Bar/Bat Mitzvah?
What expectation do you have of the new rabbi with the Post Bar/Bat Mitzvah program.
Describe the Early Childhood Program of Synagogue (including # of Students):
What percentage of ECE families continue membership after finishing the school?
What is current Rabbi’s role in ECE?
Describe the youth activities?
How many go to CampRamah? Involved with USY?
USY Summer programs Kadima
- Community Profile
- Other synagogues
Are there other synagogues in the local area? How many?
What branch?
Describe your relationship with them:
How does your synagogue differ from them?
- Jewish Community
Describe the other local Jewish community institutions:
What is the synagogue’s relationship to them?
What is the role of the current Rabbi in the greater Jewish community outside of the synagogue?
- College and Universities (List those in close proximity)
Does the Rabbi have a role?
- Is there a Jewish day school in or near your community? Write Yes or No
SolomonSchechterDay School Write Yes or No
Number of students in local Jewish Day Schools
Through what grade?
Number of students from your synagogue
Name of present RabbiYears served
Name of preceding RabbiYears served
Name of preceding RabbiYears served
Name of Cantor(Hazzan)Years served
Name of Executive DirectorYears served
Name of Educational Director Years served
Does Rabbi attend Board meetings:YesNo
Is Rabbi expected to attend other committee meetings? (Explain)
Why are you currently searching for a new rabbinic leadership?
What is it about your synagogue that makes your synagogue particularly attractive to a Rabbi?
Part II – Synagogue Finances
We ask you to indicate either a specific figure(s) or a specific range. The “Proposed Salary” section should read, for example, “the salary range is $70,000 to $80,000” or “the minimum salary base is $60,000 or the maximum salary is $120,000.” We ask you not to write “negotiable” with no numbers attached. (Enter additional comments below)
a)Proposed salaryinclude parsonage if housing not provided)
b)Percentage of pension in addition to salary
*Additional comments)
c)Standard benefits for Rabbi in addition to salary (not included in “a” above):
Income- Disability Insurance
Major Medical Insurance – Hospitalization
Convention Allowance/Continuing Education
Professional Dues
Describe the benefits arrangements.
d)Other benefits?
e)Additional comments:
(If outside the united States, please describe arrangements for medical coverage, private, insurance, etc.)
Housing (in addition to proposed salary)
a)Housing provided by Congregation?YesNo
b)If so, distance from Synagogue miles (please enter one number, use additional comments if necessary)
c)Where housing not provided by the Congregation:
Cost of Housing? (please enter one number)
Cost ranges? Minimum Cost Maximum Cost
Does the Rabbi need to ride to shul on Shabbat?
d)Housing arrangements with current Rabbi?
Are you willing to help the Rabbi purchase a residence? Yes No
If yes, please explain how.
(All amounts are in U.S. Dollars)
Size of Congregational budget?
Status of Financial condition?
Accumulated deficit is:
Describe sources of revenue (e.g. fundraising, income from pre-school)
If there a deficit this year, how is it met?
Does the current Rabbi have a role in fundraising?
Part III – Primary Mission
This section must reflect a consensus of the Search Committee
a)What is your congregation’s style?
b)What are the congregation’s core values? (list 3-5)
c)What are the three primary goals of your synagogue?
d)What is unique about your congregation?
e)What are your congregation’s strengths?(list three)
f)What are your congregation’s weaknesses?(list three)
g)The three most important issues to confront your synagogue in the next five years will be:
h)What three qualities are most important to you in your new Rabbi?
i)The three most important priorities of our Rabbi should be:
What role does the Rabbi have in hiring/firing and supervision of staff?
j)The single most important issue a Rabbi needs to know about your congregation is:
k)What do you want the Rabbi to change?
l)What do you want the Rabbi to preserve?
m)What do you want the Rabbi to build?
n)How do you expect the rabbinic position to change over the next few years?
Part IV
Name of preceding Second Rabbis were1.
Describe relationship to Senior Rabbi:
Three most important priorities of Second Rabbi:
Specific areas of responsibilities will be:
Role of Second Rabbi on the High Holy Days will be:
Role of Second Rabbi with regard to life cycle events:
Role of Second Rabbi with Youth Department:
Role of Second Rabbi with School Department-Elementary and High School. Pre-school:
Role of Second Rabbi with Adult Education:
Role of Second Rabbi with B’nai Mitzvah
Role of Second Rabbi with local Day School:
Additional comments:
Statement by Senior Rabbi about his/her vision of relationship to Second Rabbi
NOTE: It is expected that the congregation will reimburse all travel expenses for a Rabbi invited for an interview.