CMRSB Minutes
April 16, 2003CORRECTED
Joel Sandifer called to order.
Joel Sandifer ChairmanCentral Communications District
David SenterNorth MS District
Joel BoboHorne CPA Group
John GarnerAT&T Wireless
Leyser HayesAttorney General’s Office
Patsy BoydSouthern Communications District
Janie SheltonCellular South
Jane WoosleyGuest – MS Dept. of ITS
Jeff JenningsGuest – MS Dept. of ITS
Martha PembertonGuest – MS Dept. of ITS
Paul HarkinsGuest – Lee County E911
Review minutes of last meeting. Motion to accept minutes was made by Janie, seconded by Patsy, and carried.
Horne's financial report was presented by Joel Bobo. One invoice and two expense vouchers were passed out and approved for payment. Motion to accept report was made by David, seconded by Janie, and carried.
Technical Committee Report – The Technical Committee, which consists of John Garner, Paul Harkins, Freda Rocker, Andy Hubbuck and Janie Shelton, has no plans under review. John reported that T Mobile will be sending a revised plan to the Board and Verizon still has not sent in a plan for consideration. John reported that the non-recurring costs of Phase II were significantly higher than Phase I. This has caused several questions to be raised. Should there be a time limit on when Phase I plans are submitted to the Board after implementation? Should funds be set aside for Phase I recurring costs on plans already approved? These issues will be discussed further at the next Technical Committee meeting on May 21, 2003.
Attorney Generals Office Report – Leyser handed out the two letters to Senator Robertson and Representative Ellis that accompanied the audit reports she sent to each. Leyser reported that two quotes did in fact need to be obtained regarding the web site. ITS is a non-competitive bid, but will be asked to give a price for same parameters that other quotes are based on. A third quote will be obtained and the Board will make a decision based on these at the next Board meeting. Notices for Board meeting will be mailed with checks to each counties ECD monthly.
ITS – Three members of ITS were present at the meeting and discussed its involvement with the CMRS Board. At this point they are looking for guidance from the Board as far as expectations. ITS said they will assist the Board in any way then can. There were several handouts distributed. One was an estimate of web site set-up. One was a "draft" memo to Joel Sandifer concerning new law and its equipment requirements for all emergency communications districts. The third was an example of ITS Express Product Lists (EPLS). ITS suggested that the memo provided should be sent to every counties E-911 Coordinators. The Board agreed. Paul Harkins said he would provide a list to ITS. ITS did tell the Board that they have to charge for time and will give the Board an estimate when they feel they understand their involvement.
Floor items – Patsy reported that Beverly Limbaugh does not want to work for the Board on an hourly basis.
David asked if each county could be sent a recap showing total dollars sent from the CMRS Board to them for the fiscal year ended June 30. Joel Bobo said he could do this and would try to have it together to send out to the counties with their May checks.
David also reported that the state conference for E-911 coordinators will be held in Tunica October 19-22 and suggested the Board hold their monthly meeting there so coordinators could attend if they desire. The Board agreed. David will find out where the CMRS Board meeting will best fit on the agenda and report back to the Board, but it will either be Monday, October 20th or Tuesday, October 21st .
CMRSB Minutes (Continued)
April 16, 2003
Joel Sandifer appointed John Garner and Patsy Boyd to the rules committee. They will work together to come up with a draft of CMRS Board rules for future Board discussion and ultimate approval. Final report to comply with Section 27 of Administrators Procedures Act must be on file with the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House by October 1, 2003.
Being no further business, motion to adjourn made by David, seconded by Janie, and carried.