Job Description
Job Title:Team Leader - Day Centre Singles Service
Reporting to:Manager of Day Centre
Date of Issue:March 2018
Vision and Mission
COPE Galway’s vision is Improved Quality of Life in a Home of your own for people affected by homelessness and its ambition is to see everybody living in a home that meets their needs.
The mission of COPE Galway Homeless Services is to contribute to people finding and keeping their own homes and to improved quality of life.
COPE Galway recognises that people need to live and sustain themselves safely in the community. All COPE Galway homeless services ranging from prevention, emergency response, resettlement and tenancy support are focused on helping people to achieve these outcomes.
Community Model
COPE Galway’s community model approach is to assist with buildings strong connections between the individual and the community to sustain an independent and satisfying living environment, and the ultimate aim of all of the organisations homeless services is that people can maintain their own homes within their chosen communities.
COPE Galway homeless services
COPE Galway operates a range of services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including;
Day Centreat Teach Corrib - targeted on single person households who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including the provision of information and referral to accommodation and mainstream services and assistance is securing long term accommodation. Food and access to washing and laundry facilities are available. The service operates from Monday to Saturday during day time hours.
Family Support Services– work with and support families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness including providing and placing families in emergency accommodation (operating some of this accommodation directly in the form of self-contained units at various locations in the communitywhich are used for both emergency and transitional accommodation purposes and placing families in private emergency accommodation such as hotels, B&B’s and other forms of tourist accommodation); homeless prevention interventions, resettlement and tenancy support and the provision of information and referral to mainstream services and assistance is securing long term housing.
Emergency accommodation services – 24/7 services at Fairgreen Hostel (26 spaces for single men), Osterley Lodge (12 spaces for women and women with children) and Cold Weather Response (additional beds for winter months) focused on responding to the accommodation and other support needs of people who are in crises and in need of emergency accommodation and supporting them to move out of homelessness and secure suitable longer term accommodation. An Out of Hours Freephone Service operates each evening from 7pm to 11pm and facilitates referrals and placements for people in need of emergency accommodation.
Resettlement and Tenancy Support Services – focused on supporting people through their transition to independent living when moving out of homelessness and for the period of time required to help establish and sustain their tenancy.
Transitional accommodation that includes the Towards Independence Project and other transitional accommodation for single person households which prioritises referrals from COPE Galway emergency accommodation services
The Day Centre for homeless people in Galway provides a range of services for peoplewho are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Galway City including referral to and placement in emergency accommodation (Out of Hours Service), housing information, information and support in access welfare and health services and a range of practical assistance such as access to food and refreshments, personal care, laundry and clothes exchange. In addition to the provision of these services the Day Centre also provides work space facilities for a health services multi-disciplinary team including a GP, an mental health team comprising of an Occupational Therapist, Social Worker and Community Mental Health Nurse and a Registered General Nurse
Overall Purpose of the job
The post of Team Leader - Day Centre Singles Services involves taking lead responsibility for client services for single person households and couples who use the services of the Day Centre, managing and supervising the day to day work of the staff team involved in the delivery of services to these clients and contributing to the ongoing development of the service. The role also involve working directly with clients as part of the day centre staff team responding appropriately to their needs and will be part of the core staffing cover on a rostered basis. The post holder will also be required to deputise for the Manager of the Day Centre for leave absence periods.
Priority clients of the Day Centre service are people who are rough sleeping and who are marginalised and entrenched in homelessness; an approach based on an acceptance of where they are at in their lives and interventions focused on harm minimisation will be adapted in responding to their needs.
Other clients include people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness; an approach based on an expectation that individuals will want to make changes in their lives and on encouraging and facilitating them to do so will be adopted in responding to their needs.
This job description will be subject to review to take account of any changes necessary as the project develops over time.
Duties and Responsibilities
Team Leader - Day Centre Singles Service
- Manage the day to day operation of the COPE Galway Day Centre service ensuring the highest standards of service offering
- Develop and imbed a proactive approach on the part of the service to working with people who are either at risk of homelessness or homeless.
- Contribute actively to the development of the service, its review and evaluation and keep updated on best practice
- Monitor the levels of need among clients of the service, ensuring full use of all available options subject to clients’ needs and reasonable preferences
- Ensure that the work of the service is fully documented in accordance with policies and procedures and best practice and in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation and furnish reports as required
- Support the ongoing implementation of an outcomes focused approach.
- Be flexible in the delivery of the range of services provided at the Day Centre.
- Oversee and participate in the operation of the service in accordance with national quality standards
Client specific:
- Ensure that all clients are treated respectfully in a welcoming and friendly environment; that they are listened to and are kept at the centre of service provision, kept informed at all stages of the process as far as possible and ensure a high quality of service is provided to all clients
- Work with all clients and endeavour to win their trust and respect, be proactive in addressing difficult or problematic situations as they arise in a sensitive and direct manner within the frame work of the organisational policies and procedures
- Process referrals made to the service – conduct interviews and assessments in a professional, sensitive and appropriate manner, including adopting a proactive response to clients’ needs
- Actively engage with and facilitate clients in accessing a broad range of services including housing, health, welfare, education and training and leisure services aimed at integrating clients into the community
- Ensure that appropriate and effective procedures are in place for communication and consultation with clients and support the organisations policy of encouraging client involvement in a wide variety of ways.
- Oversee the placement of households in private emergency accommodation (B&B’s, Hotels, and Holiday Apartments etc) as required and liaise closely with providers of such accommodation to support placements.
- Work in close co-operation with the Housing Departments of the local housing authorities in responding to the needs of individuals and couples who are homeless and/or at risk of homelessness and promote joint working with other service providers working with families so as to enhance the range of information and options available
- Continuously work on securing additional placement options for families who are homeless
- Ensure that health and safety standards are adhered to in accordance with COPE Galway policy and statutory requirements and identifying any concerns as they arise.
- Contribute to the development and updating of Health and Safety practices
- Liaise as appropriate in respect of the Health and Safety maintenance requirements
- Support domestic, health, and hygiene standards in the building and project
- Communicate effectively with colleagues by ensuring that all incidents, emergencies, events and handovers are recorded
- Ensure that recording systems are developed and in place and appropriately operated
- Carry out administrative and financial procedures in accordance with organisation policies
- Make every effort at all times to ensure your own personal safety and the safety of other staff and clients
- In conjunction with the Manager of the Day Centre develop, foster and maintain positive professional relationships with other relevant services and agencies.
- Attend and actively participate at project, organisational and interagency meetings including case discussions, reviews and team meetings
- Attend meetings, briefings, information and training sessions as required by line manager
- Ensure that confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the COPE Galway Confidentiality Policy and Procedure and agreed information sharing protocols
- Actively participate at project, organisational and interagency meetings including case discussions,
Staff related
- Participate in the recruitment and induction of staff and volunteers as appropriate
- Manage and provide support and supervision to the staff and volunteers of the service
- Oversee the operation of a case/key work system for the service including allocating a case load to project workers
- Ensure compliance with organisational and service policies and procedures to ensure consistent professional delivery of services and the maintenance of quality standards
- Contribute to ensuring that staff are trained and competent in the use of the PASS system and Outcomes Star tool.
- Ensure that appropriate and effective systems are in place for communication within the team
- Provide regular reports on performance and other issues, as required
Self-care and development
- Work effectively both within the team and as a lone worker
- Participate in regular supervision and annual appraisal and assist in job-related training needs
- Work with a case load of clients as required
- Undertake specific roles within the service as required (e.g. Health and Safety representative) and within the wider organisation
- Always act in the best interests of COPE Galway
- Undertake any other duties commensurate with the role
Deputy Manager Role
- Deputise for the manager when s/he is on leave and assist in leading and supervising the staff team
This Job Description is not an exhaustive list of all duties and responsibilities that may be required and is subject to change in accordance with the needs of the Project.
Key terms and conditions of employment;
Hours of work:39 hours per week (across a six day rota Monday to Saturday)
Salary:Team Leader Scale
Method of pay:Monthly, by Direct Debit
Annual Leave:23 days per annum plus bank holidays (equivalent in hours)
Nature of
Contract:2 Year fixed term contractinitially
Place of work:Teach Corrib Day Centre, Seamus Quirke Road.
The ideal candidate will have a proven interest in working with people who are homeless and a third level qualification in social care or equivalent. Flexibility regarding rosters and unsocial hours working is also required.
Essential Requirements
- A recognised third level degree in the Social Care, Community Development or related field.
- A working knowledge of Housing Legislation in Ireland, current homelessness policy and an up to date knowledge of best practice in the area of homeless services
- A minimum of one year’s experience of working in a management role in a comparable area of work
- A minimum of two years experience of working in the area of homelessness or other similar area of work with socially disadvantaged
- Experience of working with persons with mental health and addiction problems
- Experience of advocating with local services and supports
- Experience of interagency working with a range of housing, welfare, health and social work services
- Understanding of why people become homeless and the related health, welfare and support needs they have
- Understanding of a broad range of issues including mental health, addictions, relationship and family breakdown, poverty and social exclusion
- An up to date working knowledge of the social welfare system and the housing assessments and application process
- An up to date working knowledge of the range of support service available to families in the Galway City and surrounding areas
- IT – competent in the operation of Word, Excel, Internet/e-mail and data bases
Core competencies:
- An ability to develop and promote a culture of understanding, ownership and delivery of the organisations vision
- Committed to collaborating with other agencies and services in the delivery of this organisational vision
- Has an ability to build, maintain and positive effective relationships and networks
- Demonstrates a client centred approach
- Takes responsibility for service delivery and outcomes
- Encourage and promote a healthy working environment which fosters trust, respect and hard work
- Seek to be innovative in identifying new ways of work with, liaise with and engage with clients
- Demonstrate the ability to solve complex problems, creating effective and innovative solutions
- Demonstrates professionalism and acts as a role model and support to colleagues to do the same
- Follows through on all required actions in working towards clients’ needs and team goals and seeks the active participation of team members to ensure team goals are achieved
- Respect and value differing views and go the ‘extra mile’ and help colleagues when required
- Promotes a culture of high level trust and integrity
- Encourage staff to identify strengths and focus on progress, despite the challenges they face
- Ability to remain calm and composed within a demanding and stressful environment and situations and focus on getting the job done and act as a role model for others as to how to handle difficult situations
- Model the highest standards of professional practice and encourage others to strive for the same
Signed: ______Date: ______