Mission Statement:Hereford Cathedral’s mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ in the City and Diocese of Hereford and in the wider world by serving and inspiring all those who encounter this sacred place and our community.

Post:Development& Events Manager

Role:To support the Chapter’s ministry to the many visitors, customers and pilgrims who come to Hereford Cathedral by ensuring that every opportunity isstrategically developed, implemented and executed to attract potential customers and benefactors whilst retaining existing ones. The Development Manager is tasked with optimising footfall and generating sustainable income considerably greater than the funds invested in any venture.

Line Manager:Chief ExecutiveOfficer

Key Responsibilities:

To reach out to new supporters and advise the Chief Executive Officer about new markets to explore.

To help theChief Executive Officer to maintain a consistent trajectory of growth, whether that growth is measured in financial terms or in terms of expanding the reach of the Cathedral while avoiding obstacles that arise from a constantly shifting market.

To identify and take decisions regarding new opportunities for development in support of Chapter’s mission based on trends and expectations for the future.

To identify new market opportunities to generate increased income, taking care that expenditure remains within the agreed Development budget and projected income is calculated to yield a considerably higher return than funds invested.

To develop and implement new campaigns in support of Chapter’s mission in order to generate significant new contacts.

To plan and implement new activities, ensuring that where applicable these are communicated and training delivered tothe :

Trading Enterprises Manager.

Perpetual Trust Bid Writer.

Visits & Volunteers Officer.

Head of Schools and Family Learning.

To ensure that results of new initiatives are measured with regular updates provided to the Chief Executive Officer

To oversee and consolidate the organisation’s commercial and life and learning activities.

To determine the optimal pricing to balance profit with customer/client satisfaction, taking account of theethos and values of Chapter.

To support the Chief Executive in assuming overall responsibility for brand management and corporate identity across the whole organisation.

To analyse the effectiveness of any new activities undertaken.

To monitor and report on the effectiveness of marketing and press communications.

To maintain effective internal communications to ensure that all departments are kept informed of development initiatives.

To identify and maintain strategic partner relationships, particularly with Tourism, that can be utilized to effectively develop the Cathedral’s commercial enterprises.

Through the Perpetual Trust Bid Writer, to identify and apply to external sources of funding to support relevant activities.

Perform the duties of Line Manager for:

Marketing & Communications Officer

Trading Enterprises Manager

Perpetual Trust Events Coordinator

Perpetual Trust Bid Writer

Visits & Volunteers Administrator

The Development & Events Manager is responsible for the overall management and delivery of external requests to use Cathedral premises for:

Three Choirs Festival


Public Performances


Public Functions

Bespoke Services (including Carol Services)

The Development & Events Manager is responsible for ensuring a Risk Assessment is completed for all events for which they have managerial responsibility and that actions to mitigate risk are complied with.

Ensure compliance with all current Safeguarding, Equality & Diversity, Environmental Healthand Health & Safety legislation.

Maintain an effective relationship across the whole Cathedral community.

The above is not an exhaustive list. The Development & Events Manager is expected to perform different duties and tasks as necessitated within the overall objectives of Hereford Cathedral.

Name of Post Holder:………………………………………………………………………..


Line Manager:……………………………………………………………………………..

Signature:………………………………………………………………………….. Date:…………………………………………………