Job Advertisement for RTA Twinning Assistant
Assistant to the RTA (Resident Twinning Adviser)
Twinning Project, No.MK/2006/IB/SO/01 - Review of the National Labour Legislationis a joint project between Slovakia, represented by the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family and the Ministry of Labour and Social Policyof the Republic of Macedonia. The objective of the project is to support the improvement of capacity of the country in reinforcing labour market and preparing for the accession to the European Union.
The project is seeking an Assistant to the RTA, whose activities include assisting the RTA with co-ordination and management of the Twinning project Review of the National Labour Legislation. The duration of the contract is 14 months. The planned starting date is between 5thand 15th June 2008.
The RTA assistant will be employed full time and stationed in Skopje. The RTA assistant may not be employed by the public administration in the last 6 months.
The tasks of the RTA assistant include:
- Assisting the RTA with project co-ordination and management and organise the office administration in an effective way
- Arrangement of training seminars, partners and experts meetings and missions
- Making interpretations and written translations including drafting and preparing reports
- Arrangement of information exchange, compilation of documents
- Cooperate with key-persons involved in the project
- Arrangements of travel, study tour trips in the country and work of Short-Term Experts.
The successful candidate should have:
- Fluent in oral and written Macedonian and English
- Strong administrating and organizing skills
- Very good computer skills (MS Office Word, Excel, Internet)
- Very good communication skills
- Previous experience in EU/Twinning projects would be an advantage
- Willingness to travel in the country
- Additional training, specialization, post graduated studies, will be considered as an advantage;
- Knowledge of Slovak/Czech language is an asset;
- University degree in social sciences, law, economy or relevant. Experience in the field of labour relations and social affairs are desirable.
За реализација на Проектот на Министерството за труд, социјални работии семејство на Словачка и Министерството за труд и социјалнa политика на Република Македонија- „Преглед на националното трудовото законодавство“ објавуваат оглас за вработување на асистент на Постојаниот Твининг Советникза период од 14 месеци. Работното место на асистент е во Скопје. Заинтересираните кандидати треба да достават- Кратка биографија и пропратно писмо на англиски јазик, најдоцна до 31 Мај 2008 година на следната адреса: Mrs. Eva Lovasikova, Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok, Bratislava Region, Hontianska 12,821 08 Bratislava, Slovakiaby 31st May 2008или преку електронска со назнака "RTA assistant". Одреден број пријавени ќе бидат повикани на интервјуа во првата недела од Јуни.
Twinning Project –Review of the National Labour Legislation
An EU funded project managed by the European Agency for Reconstruction