Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Board of Directors

18901 B Street

Savanna Depot Business, Industry & Technology Park

Savanna, IL 61074

3:00 p.m., Wednesday June 1, 2016

I. Call to Order -The meeting was called to order at 3:01 p.m. by Vice Chairman Don Crawford on Wednesday, June 1, 2016 at the Jo-Carroll Depot LRA Conference Room, 18901 B Street, Savanna, Illinois.

II. Roll Call was answered as follows: Present - 5 Don Crawford, Bill Robinson, Bill Wright, Paul Hartman and Bill McFadden. Absent – 3 Steve Keeffer, Ron Smith, and Kevin Reibel. LRA Staff present: Mara Roche, Angie VanKampen and Attorney Phil Jensen. Guests present: Tim Schoenig (W/S Operator), Laura Roach (Depot Electric Supply) arrived 3:01 p.m. and Jim Jeanblanc (JBI).

III. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

IV. Agenda Additions - None

V. Approval of Minutes

A. May 4, 2016 Board Meeting

A motion to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2016 Board Meeting was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Wright. The motion passed by voice vote.

VI. Old Business

A.  OEA Update –Waiting on a review date.

B. WHKS - Intersection Design Study; Traffic Count - No update. Discussed holding off until we get the results of the updated Business and Reuse Plans. That is information that can be provided as part of the application.

VII. New Business

A.  Bills over $2,500 - None

B. Review of Resolution # 12-Insufficient Funds/Returned Check Fee

A motion was made by Bill Robinson to keep the rate at $25.00, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion passed by voice vote.

C. Staff Reports

1. Executive Director

a. Report/issues update - The Freight Study notes from the April 26, 2016 meeting are in the packet for review.

b. Correspondence – A copy of the correspondence to Scott Lombardo about his previous request for utilizing his property for a RV Park and Storage Facility. The LRA has no objections for Mr. Lombardo using his property, but the LRA is unable to grant or guarantee an option for acquisition or conveyance of easements to the property that lies between the east fence line on Mr. Lombardo’s property and the Apple River.

c. Property transfers - None at this time. The UECA language for parcels 10 & 18 is completed. The Army requested a boundary survey for the transfer of parcel 16B which was completed by Fehr-Graham. The land use control and FOST for parcels 8 & 16 are in the works.

d. Employment report-Employment numbers for May were 106, down two from April and up from 80 last year.

2. Bookkeeper

a. Bank account balances - As of 6/1/16, our current balance is $1,169,783.88.

b. CD –The next CD due is on 9/10/2016 for $252,761.33 @ the Milledgeville State Bank with an APY of 0.60%.

c. Cash flow - Income for the month of May was $6,687.87. Expenses for the month of May were $26,759.25.

d. Budget update – Six months into the FY income is $24,563.80 with $41,161.53 budgeted and expenses are $179,762.33 with $542,800.00 budgeted. Yearly loss is $-155,198.53.

e. Water/Sewer-review expenses - Water and Sewer related expenses for the month of May were $4,185.21 and income was $4,152.25. Total expenses to date are $51,429.13. Total income to date is $11,343.20 for a deficit of $-40,085.93 six months into the FY.

f. Outstanding Invoices-Speer monthly payment for May is now past due. Feb and March payments were made on 5/10/16. W&S Bills past due are Fluidic microControls.

D. Board of Directors Reports

1. Foreign Trade Zone #27 - Next meeting July 6, 2016.

2. Jo-Carroll Enterprise - Next meeting July 6, 2016.

3. Other directors’ reports - None

E. Attorney’s Report

1. Speer Enterprises –

A motion was made by Paul Hartman send the addendums to the Port Authority for signature and provide a written update of efforts to date upon return, prior to the LRA’s signature, it was seconded by Bill Wright. The motion passed by voice vote.

VIII. Reports to the Board

A. Site Manager / BRAC Environmental Coordinator – Demolition of the barracks began this week.

B. Tenants – None.

C. UMRI Port District – None

D. USFWS – None

E. Guests - None

IX. Public Comments-None

X. Executive Session as permitted for the following under:

5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6). The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

A motion to enter Closed Session at 3:22 p.m. as permitted for the following under:

5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (6). The setting of a price for sale or lease of property owned by the public body.

was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Paul Hartman. The motion carried by roll call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson and Bill Wright. Ayes: 5; Nays: 0.

Guests were excused.

A motion to return to open session at 3:38 p.m. was made by Paul Hartman, seconded by Bill Robinson. The motion carried by roll call vote as follows: Don Crawford, Paul Hartman, Bill McFadden, Bill Robinson and Bill Wright. Ayes: 5; Nays: 0.

Guests returned.

XI. Motions from Executive Session, if any - None

XII. Adjournment-

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Bill Robinson, seconded by Bill McFadden. The motion passed by voice vote. The meeting was adjourned at 3:39 p.m.


Angie VanKampen, LRA Board Secretary