JLHS Sports Booster Club ThursdayJan 5, 2017 7:00PMJLHS Media Center

  1. Meeting called to order at 7:06 pm.
  2. Minutes were posted on the website after the last meeting. Sherri Franzman made a motion to adopt the minutes. Lisa Pratcher seconded the motion. Minutes accepted.
  3. Officer’s report
  4. President’s Report – (Judy Pincus)
  5. First request of this school year to fund a softball workshop for coaches $345 total for 3 coaches for registration, they cover their own hotel costs. – board approved
  6. Coach Pat Simon submitted a request but couldn’t be here today because of an away meet for Gymnastics. Request is for $500 benefitting 24 athletes, a little under $21 per athlete, will recognize booster club in program and encourage families to join. They also had car wash and requested other donations to earn the total $4251.40. Discussion centered around if the request was for optional apparel. Sherri Franzman made a motion to approve based on the assumption that the money was toward leotard uniforms that are required and kept and not toward general apparel. Ellen Montforte seconded the motion. Motion approved contingent that it is not for optional apparel.
  1. Vice President’s Report(Michelle Merchant)
  2. Apparel Update – Model UN requested items for raffle. $50-$75 worth of items offered.

Several items will be added to the portfolio: Long sleeve T shirt with JL logo, bucket hat, baseball hat, performance polo, women’s crew, windbreaker, headband.

VJ to help with pricing for previous baseball hat. Plan to have new order sheet in February. VJ to send out with the Booster club membership form and the new apparel form with the Feb 1 Spring sports email.

  1. Treasurer’s Report-(Sherri Franzman/Lisa Pratcher)
  2. Financial Report/Cash Position - $8300 in bank. Concession stand and apparel have been the big money makers. There are apparel checks to deposit. Popcorn machine will be purchased.
  1. Membership Status (Bridget Lawless)- Judy Pincus on her behalf
  2. No new membership forms received
  3. VJ has the membership form and will email out with the Spring Sports Packet of information
  4. Maria Arnold did begin to call current members for volunteer opportunities. She left voice mails.

There was a request to ask Bridget Lawless to send out Sign Up Genius in an email.

  1. New Business – Need to create a brochure for the Booster Club for parents/kids/coaches. This could be used to promote the booster club at freshman orientation.
  1. Athletic Director Update (VJ) –
  2. Spring sports will use Power School for sign ups.
  3. Suggests changing the Booster club meeting to Feb 6 to avoid varsity home games.
  4. Continuing to work toward identifying 12 season athletes and 12 season varsity athletes for recognition.
  5. Deb McKenna volunteered to head up a scholarship committee. Need to establish criteria for male and female athlete scholarship criteria. Judy will send out email to membership requesting volunteers for scholarship committee. Ask Foran for their criteria to avoid reinventing the wheel.
  6. Announcements - None
  7. Open to the floor for comments - None
  8. Adjournment – Michelle Merchant made a motion to end the meeting. Sherri Franzman seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8 pm.