Welcome to St Michael’s Church Galleywood

"Jesus, teach us all to love"

November Vacancy Update

The first Vacancy meeting was held on Wednesday 1st November in church, involving a number of people: Our Churchwardens, a number of PCC members, Archdeacon Elizabeth, Rev Martin Woods (Bradwell Area Team ), Christine Horton (Deanery Lay Chair), Rev John Fisher (CPAS representative), Rev Stephanie Gillingham and Rev Gemma Fraser.

The next stage in the process for the vacancy is to put together a small group who will write the parish profile and to appoint 2 lay representatives to oversee the appointment process including, short listing and interviewing. The PCC will make the decision on these people at their meeting on 21 November and then let everyone know. To be on the profile writing group you need to be a member of the congregation and ideally on the electoral role (but this is not a requirement). To be one of the 2 lay representatives, you need to be on the PCC.

If you think God may be calling you to serve in one of these roles, we are having a discernment morning on Saturday 18 November 9-12 at the church. A group of us will be praying for the morning and ask you to drop in sometime during the morning and talk to one of us and also to pray with us. If you want to let us know you are coming, then please email but it quite OK just to turn up, no need to book a time. You can stay for as long or short a time as you wish, but talking and praying with you will probably take about 30 minutes.


Mobile 07703 586537 Landline 01245 495529

Prayers in Vacancy

  • Prayer for the wider vision needed for the appointment of the right person within the context of the Ministry and Mission unit (MMU) and reduction in clergy from 2025
  • Wisdom on who to talk with on church fringe and the local community and how to go about this
  • How to involve Archdeacon Elizabeth in the above
  • Discernment over the right people to be considered as Parish profile writing and group and the 2 lay church reps for the process (Sat 18th November)
  • Sense of purpose and a clear timeline and processes being agreed as we have the next few meeting before Christmas. PCC on Mon 21 November, MMU lynchpins meeting on Mon 27 November and possible first meeting of the Profile group on Mon 4 December
  • Pray for church members who have taken on extra responsibilities at this time; Anne Pepper, Anne Gardner (wardens) Fiona Seldon, Travers Harpur, Suzanne McAllister, Karen Robertson and Brian Pepper.