ALIVE-O6 Term 2
Lesson Title / What am I trying to do? / Why? / Song/Sound / Read/ Poem / Prayertime / DVD / To be learned
A Healing Community / To explore the Church's concern/care for those who are sick. / So that the children will come to understand how the Church continues the healing work of the Risen Jesus today, particularly in the Anointing of the Sick. / Jesus, Be With Me /
  • Sr Josephine Keane
  • Jesus Cures the Man by the Sheep Gate
John 5: 2-9 / Service of Healing and Prayer for the Sick
  • Jesus, our healer, you are with us.
  • May God bless them and comfort them.
  • Give them your peace. Show them your love.
/ What do we celebrate in the Anointing of the Sick?
We celebrate the presence of God to those who are sick, giving them strength, hope and peace.
Why do we celebrate the Anointing of the Sick?
We celebrate the Anointing of the Sick to remind us that the Lord Jesus is with us to strengthen and comfort us.
Our Parish / To explore something of the structure of the Church as 'home parish'. / To develop and deepen the children's understanding of the Church and its membership. / Parish Anthem / Rosie Wants to go Home /
  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Send your blessing, bring your life.
  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit: Send your blessing, strength and life.
  • Send your blessing. Fill them with your Spirit.

The Body of Christ – The Church / To explore the image of the Church as the Body of Christ. / To develop the children's understanding of the Church and its membership. /
  • Christ Be Beside Me
  • I Will be the Vine
  • The 'Organ-ising Body'!
  • Saul and the Lord Jesus
Acts 9:1-9
  • The Body of Christ
/ We are part of the Body of Christ. / Powerpoint / What does St. Paul call the Church?
St. Paul calls the Church the Body of Christ.
What happened to us in the sacrament of Baptism?
In the sacrament of Baptism we became followers of Jesus and members of the Church.
The Body - of Christ at Play. / To explore the children's experience of play in the context of St. Paul's image of the Body of Christ. / So that they may develop an understanding of their belonging to the Church as all-pervasive, and relate their membership of the Church to their whole lives and to everything they do. / Grace Before and After Play / Ishvah's StoryLuke 18: 15-17 / Prayer to Jesus
We belong to the Body of Christ.
The Body of Christ – At Work / To explore how we can live as members of the Church at work. / To develop and deepen the children's understanding of the Church and its membership. / We are the Body of Christ /
  • All In A Day's Work
  • The Body of Christ
1 Cor 12:12
1 Cor 12:12
1 Cor 12:24-28 / I belong to the Church; I am part of the Body of Christ.
Lent / To help the children to:
  • see the link between
the Church season of Lent and the time Jesus spent in the wilderness;
  • explore the Christian discipline of Lent;
  • become more aware of the practice and meaning of Christian fasting, as prescribed by the Church for Adults on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
/ So that they may be formed by the kind of nourishment that Jesus availed of in the wilderness and that is offered today by the Church season of Lent. / Song of Peace / Jesus goes into the Wilderness Matthew
4: 1-11
Poem: Lent / Prayer Service:
Ash Wednesday Ritual
  • Hear our prayer.
  • O God you are with me In the quiet of my heart.
/ Powerpoint
The Prodigal Son / To help the children to explore the relationship between the father and the son in the story of the Prodigal Son. / So that they come to a deeper understanding of the reconciling love of God for each one of them. / Prodigal Son Song / The Prodigal Son
Luke 15: 11-32 / Let us sing and dance for joy. / Powerpoint
Never-ending Love / To strengthen the children's sense of their membership of the Body of Christ and their grasp of the never-ending love of God for each one of them in spite of any wrongdoing on their part. / So that they will be able to appreciate God's love and forgiveness and celebrate it in the sacrament of Reconciliation. /
  • The King of Love
  • Whatsoever You Do
/ Recall the story of the Prodigal Son / Rite for Reconciliation of Individual Penitants (Rite 1)
God, forgive us. / Powerpoint / When do we sin?
We sin when we refuse to love God and to love others as Jesus taught.
Does God love us even when we have sinned?
Yes, God loves us even when we have sinned and is always waiting to forgive us.
What does God our Father do for us in the sacrament of Penance?
In the sacrament of Penance God our Father forgives us through the words and actions of the priest.
Never-ending Love (Holy Week) / To renew the children's familiarity with the events of Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday. To enable the children to look at and respond to some specific artistic depictions of Palm Sunday and Good Friday. To introduce them to religious works of art. / So that the children may enter more fully into the Church celebration of Holy Week. /
  • Sanctus
(from Alive-O Mass)
  • The Passover Song
  • Stabat Mater
/ Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest. / Powerpoint / What happened on Good Friday?
On Good Friday Jesus died on the cross.
What does the cross remind us of?
The cross reminds us of the sufferings of Jesus and of His love for the Father and for us.
What did Jesus say about his own suffering and death?
Jesus said: 'A man can have no greater love than to give his life for his friends'.