Mr. White’s Grading Policy
Tests /Large Labs 35%
Quizzes/Small Labs 30%
Homework 10%
Classwork/Sci. Notebks 25%
Class Overview
1st Semester: Chemistry
· science notebooks
· lab safety
· measurement
· scientific method
· Properties of matter
· States of matter
· Elements, mixtures and compounds
· Introduction to atoms
· The periodic table
2nd Semester: Human Body Systems
· Super Size-Me
· Body Organization and structure
· Circulation and respiration
· The digestive and urinary systems
· Nervous and endocrine systems
· Reproduction and development
· Body defenses and disease
· Staying healthy
For a successful year, it will be helpful for each student to have his or her own materials in class each day. These should include: a composition notebook (I will provide the first one), a two-pocket folder, a blue or black pen, a pencil, scissors, colored pencils, and a glue stick.
Class Rules
1. Quietly enter the classroom and begin your bellwork.
2. Have all your materials for class.
3. Stay in you assigned seat.
4. Clean-up after yourself.
5. Follow directions the first time they are given.
Discipline Policy
Students will be responsible for their actions and will be given consequences and rewards when necessary. Students who do not follow the rules will be given a card signature for each offense. Five card signatures will earn the student a detention. Ten signatures will earn the student an out-of-school suspension. Students who go an entire quarter without a card signature will receive a free dress-down day.
Homework Policy
All assignments are to be turned in completed and on time. I will accept late work but I will not ask for it. If a student is absent, homework assigned prior to the absence is due upon return. It is the responsibility of the student to get all missed work. The students are to check with the homework person and the teacher to obtain missed worksheets and/or homework assignments. If notes were missed, they are to copy them from a classmate in place of completing the warm up for the day. Paper copies of notes will not be given due to limited quantities of paper and copies.
Please visit for school information. Click on my bulletin board to find specific homework assignments and class information. Here you will also find a link to my personal website:
How to contact Mr. White
If you need to reach me for any reason, I can be contacted at (314)809-3109, by note, or by email. Email is the fastest and easiest way to reach me: You may also contact me via the website listed above.
Correcting Work:
The majority of my assignments and assessments CAN BE RE-DONE. If I do not give this option in class, just ask me and we can work something out.
I am available for tutoring in the morning from 7:00-7:25 and after school from 3:00-4:00. There will be no after school tutoring on Thursdays because of Outdoor Club. Please ask if you can stay in advance, just in case I have somewhere to be after school