Jesse’s Bluff HOA Organizational/Transition Board Meeting

Wednesday, February 6, 2013 – 7:00 PM

10608 N Alberta Rd.

Board members present were Bob Panther, Wendy Allen, Kathy Reinholdt, Phyllis Verduin, Sanjay Logani, Paul Scales, Dan Oehler and Alex Ganea. Rob Dashiell and Tim McCandless were absent.

Bob Panther called the meeting to order at 7:00PM. Board member terms of one or two years were noted:

Alex Ganea, Dan Oehler, and Tim McCandless (2013 and 2014)

Paul Scales, Rob Dashiell, Phyllis Verduin, Sanjay Logani (2012 and 2013)

Officer election results for 2013:

President - Sanjay Logani

Vice-President - Phyllis Verduin

Secretary – Alex Ganea

Treasurer – Paul Scales

Secretary Report

Minutes were read and approved for the October 2012 board meeting and the January 2013 Annual Meeting.

Treasurer Report

Wendy Allen reported:

2013 Beginning Balance $44,494.01

Deposits $11,025.00

Expenses ($ 742.09)

Balance 2/6/13 $54,776.92

Paul will send out an email reminder to those owners who have not yet paid. Delinquent notices will be sent out in March.

W-9 forms have been sent to Tamara Murock and Innovative Lawn and Landscape for tax purposes.

Committee Reports

Landscaping - Paul Scales provided new members with the Landscaping 2012 summary report.

Neighborhood Watch – Kathy Reinholdt will co-chair with LeLola Scales.

Website –Wendy Allen will continue to update the website as the board directs.

Architectural – Noted that Copper Basin still had not responded to our request for consideration to the masonry issue at 2522 W Juliann Ct. They have also not provided specifications for the new home being built at 10410 N Alberta Circle.

Old Business

Bob Panther presented Granger Terrace water reimbursement information. To date they have paid us for the 2012 backflow test and repair. Their first quarterly payment due for water usage has not yet been received.

New Business

Bob Panther will draft an email to be sent to all owners explaining the final results from the annual meeting voting. New board members and 2013 officers will be included.

Landscaping – Paul will solicit a 2013 bid from Innovative Lawn and Landscape by Feb. 15.

2012 Tax documents have been sent to the accountant for preparation and filing.

The Signature card at the bank will be revised with new officers. It was suggested that Paul, Sanjay and Phyllis be the new signatories.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Alex Ganea, Secretary SangayLogani, President