MAY 5, 2005 6:30

Jerry Demio sat in as District 11 director for the meeting.

Jerry read Ed Lundbergs resignation and was accepted by the quorum.

Introduced Pete Hill as interim District 11 director fulfilling Ed Lundbergs last year.

No minutes from the last meeting or treasurer report. Jerry will track those down and get a copy to us. Minnesota Hockey will be doing an audit on our district and Jerry will report.

Tournaments – Everything looks good. Two conflicts Squirt B Jan 27 with Carlton. And Peewee B1 Dec 9-11th, 2005. Tournament directors do not seem to have a problem with that.

Coaching Director District 11

  • 2005 – Advanced 15 programs – General Overview, Practices, Play-In Games, Festival Games (23/24 April). Most associations were represented. Next year’s early notification.
  • Future certification methods – Initial on-line certification for both Level II & Level III. Probably 2 years away (06/07 season)
  • 2005/2006 Certification for District 11 – Tentative Dates are:
  • Level I – Friday December 2, 2005 5:00pm to 9 pm.
  • Level II – Saturday November 12, 2005 8:00 am to 5:00pm
  • Level III – Re-Certification – On-Line

Continued attempt to have guest speakers

Continued focus on USA Hockey Curriculum

Continued focus on development of coaching philosophies.

May attempt the on-line registration method.

  • Your Coach-In-Chief Staff and personal resources:

oUSA Hockey Minnkota District Coach-In-Chief – Mr. Mike MacMillan

oMinnesota Hockey Coach –In-Chief – Mr. Hal Tearse

oMinnesota Hockey District 11 – Mr. James Stauber

  • Other resources:


o - Other sate wide certification clinics/dates/location/times.

  • Coaches are where the rubber meets the road….they are our children’s mentors and leaders. Make good decisions in the selection process and support them in anyway you can! Coaches can either take the game away from kids or let them keep it!

Take a pole of your association coaches who might be interested taking the level 4 Coaching. Mostly intended for long-term coaches who do not want to have to keep retaking classes.

Girls Program – Pete Hill spoke on the Girls program is growing all over the state. Especially down in the cities where lower levels are being created. Looking at the U14 level of keeping the teams at the same level through the season and then at the end of the year looking at dividing the lower teams to play against one another and then top teams playing against one another.

North East Hockey Officials – Steve Tatro present. Holding a board meeting May 22nd, 2005. They do not plan on fee hikes. Except at Junior Gold level. Scheduler had to work out in California for part of the year but is back in Minnesota now. Treasurer, a new one will be elected. Also starting a mentorship at levels squirt b and below were older referees will be on the ice with the younger ones. They will not be making any calls but watching the younger referees and advising them when they need to be in position. Tag up rule might be coming back in.

District Director’s report –

District 11 Districts Bantam A – Cloquet

Bantam B – Two Harbors

Bantam B2 – Duluth

Peewee A – TBD (Hermantown, Mars…)

Peewee B1 – Moose Lake

Peewee B2 – Proctor

Squirt A – Unofficially TBD

Squirt B - Unofficially TBD

Girls U14 – IR

Jerry also reported that he was very upset with Hermantown with their decision not to play the last playoff game at Bantam level and to take the 2ndseed at state so they could go watch Hermantown High School play. He would like some sanctions put into place. Also rules stating if they were to happen again that the team would not be able to participateat any playoff games or state tournaments. Hermantown was also sited for 2 cancellation or no shows with playing games up on the Range.

Jerry asked if the District director should continue to pursue working with the Iron Range to include in the league scheduling. Voted to continue. The agreement should be in place to be voted on by the August meeting.

USA and Minnesota hockey raised their fees. Last year we paid $32.00 per child now we will be paying$40.00 per child.

D/O insurance. USA will include a rider for coverage in case there isany illegal activity by any of the board members.

Rules to be brought the associations. Will be voted on at fall meeting.

Rules – District Hockey League Play revised 2005-2006

  1. All District league games will be played in accordance within the rules of Minnesota hockey and USA Hockey
  1. Upon the requests of an opposing coach or a referee a team roster must be available at each game for verification of players.
  1. Each A team will play a home and away game with the B teams playing single games against each other.
  1. Game postponements shall occur only due to extreme weather or unsafe ice conditions. In either case, the decision to postpone shall be made in ample time to allow a minimum of two (2) hour’s notice to the opposing coach and scheduled referees. The call will be to the telephone number furnished by the teams or to the association league scheduler.
  1. The home team shall provide a scorekeeper and timer.
  1. The home association will provide the District Scheduler with scores of the games each week.
  1. District standings shall be determined by a point system. Two (2) points for a win, one (1) point each for a tie, zero (0) points for the loss and one (1) point for teams that meet Fair Play for teams that meet Fair Play criteria.
  1. Positions for playoffs determined by most points in round-robin play if two or more teams are still tied the determination will be made by:
  2. Head to head competitionbetween the tied teams.
  3. Most wins.
  4. Least goals allowed
  5. Coin flip.
  1. A league game may be changed or postponed bymutual agreement and shall be made up by mutual agreementwit the home team giving four (4) days notice of the game. The district scheduler will be given notice of this make up date & time.All games will be made up one week prior to the completion of leagueplay. Failure to reschedule a game by the home team will result in a forfeit.
  1. If a team fails to show up fro a scheduled game and the game has not been rescheduled or cancelled by mutual agreement by both coaches, the game will result in a forfeit with two (2) points awarded for a win. There will be zero (0) Fair Play points awarded in these games. The forfeited team will pay all fees concerning this game. Each association will bill the forfeited team their game fees. ……(Already suggested to add the fair play point to the team that got the win points. )
  1. The District Scheduler will publish league standings every other week.