FAP Question and Answer Grid
BEM 100, Introduction1. / Food assistance can be used to purchase eligible food. What is eligible food?
BAM 115, Application Processing
2. / What is the SOP for Non-expedited FAP?
3. / When an in-person interview is conducted for FAP, what are the signature requirements?
4. / When it is clear the FAP group is not eligible and all verifications are provided, what has to be done before denying the application?
5. / When can you deny an incomplete application?
6. / What is the process for updating an application?
7. / What is the benefit period for households that contain only senior and/or disabled group members and their only source of income is SSI and or RSDI?
8. / When would you assign a benefit period of less than 12 months for FAP?
BAM 130, Verification and Collateral Contacts
9. / How long does the client have to return verifications requested?
10. / Can you extend the due date for a FAP verification checklist?
BAM 117, FAP Expedited Service
11. / What is the SOP for
Expedited FAP?
12. / What are the minimum
verification(s) required for expedited FAP?
13. / What is the interview requirement for expedited FAP?
14. / What are the 3 criteria that qualify a group for Expedited FAP processing?
BEM 245, FAP Student Status
15. / For FAP, when is a person considered in Student Status?
16. / What are the criteria a person in student status must meet to get FAP?
17. / When is a person in Student Status no longer considered in Student Status?
BAM 401E, Electronic Benefit Transfer Issuance System- Bridge Card
18. / When is an EBT card automatically sent?
BEM 212, FAP Group Composition
19. / What 4 things determine who is in the FAP group?
20. / Who must be in the FAP Group?
21. / When would Foster children/adults be included in the FAP group?
22. / What are the reasons a person could be disqualified from the FAP group?
BEM 213, Categorical Eligibility
23. / Which groups are Traditionally Categorically Eligible?
24. / Which groups are not Categorically Eligible?
BEM 550, FAP Income Budgeting
25. / What is considered an SDV FAP group?
What is the definition of Senior, Disabled and Disabled Veteran?
BEM 200 series
26. / What is the residence Requirement for FAP?
27. / What is the child support requirement for FAP?
28. / Can a client receive FAP benefits from two states at the same time? (concurrent receipt)
29. / Whose identity must be verified for FAP?
30. / Is age an eligibility factor for FAP?
BEM 400, Assets
31. / What is the FAP Asset Limit?
32. / Who is in the FAP Asset Group?
33. / When must the assets be verified?
BEM 500, Income Overview
34. / Bridges determines/ redetermines eligibility for all benefit periods starting with what?
35. / What are the 4 General Exclusions that apply to income types?
36. / When does non-excluded income have to be verified for FAP?
BEM 501, Employment
37. / When would Bridges disregard a student’s earnings?
38. / What are four examples of earned income that is excluded by Bridges?
39. / What are the some specific verification sources for wages, salaries and commissions?
BEM 503, Unearned Income
40. / What are four common examples of countable unearned income?
41. / What are four examples of excluded unearned income?
BEM 504, Rental/ Room & Board
42. / What is In-Home Rental income?
43. / How is In-Home Rental handled by Bridges?
44. / What is Room and Board income?
45. / What is Other Rental income?
46. / Is Other Rental income earned income or unearned income?
BEM 505 Prospective Budgeting/ Income Change Processing
47. / What is available income?
What is stable income?
Fluctuating income?
Irregular income?
BAM 200, FAP Simplified Reporting
48. / How are FAP groups assigned to Simplified reporting?
49. / What is the FAP Simplified reporting Income limit?
50. / What groups are NOT eligible for simplified reporting?
BEM 554, FAP Allowable Expenses & Expense Budgeting
51. / What are the allowable expenses for Non-SDV groups?
52. / What are the allowable Expenses for SDV groups?
53. / When two people live together and both claim they pay ½ of the Heat & Utilities, do you prorate?
Page 1 of 6 Updated 11/15/2013