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OnthefirstpageyouputdownUDC (inthetopleftcorner), the title of the article (in capital letters), the author’s initialsand surname, the institution or organization name, the name of the place, e-mail address.

The article must be up to 10 pages, including figures, tablesand bibliography list. The summaries of the article must be given in Russian and in English. Thevolumeofeachsummaryisnotmorethan500 characters.

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The link to the literature in the text is given in square brackets according to the bibliography list.Articles submitted for publication must havescientific characterand approved by the organisation committee.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject the materials which don’t suit the subject areas of the conference and don’t meet the arrangement requirements.

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Asaresultoftheconferencethe electronic collection of the conference materials will be published and coded with ISBN, UDCandLBC;it will be placed on the site of the conference; the disk will be sent to the libraries and registeredin the Russian Institute of Bibliography.

You can get acquainted with the materials and results of the XIIIInternational scientific and practical conference «ThetendenciesofagriculturalproductioninmodernRussia» on the site the property page of this conference.

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Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Department of Agriculture and Processing Industry of Kemerovo Region

Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute

Within Kuzbass agricultural

production forum 2014






9-12 December, 2014



Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute invites you to participate in theXIII International scientific and practical conference «The tendencies of agricultural production in modern Russia within Kuzbass agriculturalproduction forum 2014.


1. Innovative technologies in crop production

2. Innovative technologies in animal farming

3. Engineering and technical servicesof the agricultural sector

4. Agricultural produce processing: topical questions and technologies

5. Economic instruments of the agricultural sector development

6. Information technologies in agrobusiness

7. Ecology and rational management of natural resources

8. Social problems of the countryside

Organization committee:

MyalenkoVictorIvanovich– the chairman, the rector of Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, the doctor of engineering sciences, professor;

EgushovaElenaAnatolievna – the headof the sciencedepartmentof Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, the candidate of engineering sciences, an associate professor;

ZyablitsevaSvetlanaVladimirovna–a professor of humanities department, the doctor of history, an associate professor;

KurbanovaMarinaGennadievna – the head of the storage technology and processing of agricultural production department, the doctor of engineering sciences, an associate professor;

AscheulovaAlyonaSergeevna – an associate professor of economic theory, economic modeling and law department,the candidate of physic-mathematical sciences;

BagnoOlgaAlexandrovna–anassociateprofessoroftheanimals’ physiologyandreproduction department, the candidate of agricultural sciences;

VidyakinAlexanderVladimirovich– the dean of the faculty of economics, the candidate of economics, an associate professor;

ChernyshAlexeyPetrovich– the head of Technology of Metals and Machinery Repair Department, the candidate of engineering sciences, an associate professor;

ChumanovaNataliaNukolaevna–the head of farming and crop production department, the candidate of agricultural sciences, an associate professor;

YakovchenkoMarinaAlexandrovna– theheadofthe research laboratory of mined-land reclamation, the candidate of chemistry, an associate professor;

IzhmulkinaEkaterinaAlexandrovna– the head of innovative technologies department, the candidate of economics;

KornilovaNataliaAlekseevna – the head of the publication departmentof Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute;

PopovaLyubovVladimirovna –a key specialistof the sciencedepartmentof Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute.


Forparticipationit’snecessarytosubmitthe following files to the organization committee by e-mail tillthedeadline30November 2014:

1)The article in the form of a file typed according to the given requirements from5up to10pages.

2)The participant’s registration form.

3)The payment receipt copy.

The materials are to be sent to the e-mail .

The organization paymentfor the conference organization and thearticle publication comprises 500 rubles for an article.


FGBOUVPO «Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute»650056, Kemerovo, Markovtsevstreet, 5

INN 4205035690KPP 420501001

ОКОNH 92110 ОКPО 26647331

BIК 043207001ОGRN 1024240680199 dated back 12.08.2002. The receiver (UFКon Kemerovo region FGBOUVPO «Kemerovo SAI» personal account 20396X20640)

Current account40501810700002000001 intheGRKC GU of the Bank of Russia on Kemerovo region КBК 00000000000000000130

The payment purpose: the fee for participation in the conference

TheconferenceisheldinKemerovo, on the basis of Kemerovo State Agricultural Institute, the mailing address: 650056, Kemerovo, Markovtsevstreet, 5.

Youcangetacquaintedwiththe program and participation conditions of Kuzbass agricultural production forum on the

Focal persons:PopovaLyubovVladimirovna, Egushova Elena Anatolievna.

Phone: 8(3842)73-51-14.

E-mail: .