October 11, 2017

Just for Me Spa

Meeting called to order by Chuck Dougherty in the absence of Alex Rojas

Roll Call:

Voting Members in Attendance: Chuck Dougherty, Treasurer; Larry Loyer, Acting Secretary; Heidi Rosebud & Nikki Bailek

Voting Members Absent: Alex Rojas, Acting President & Joan Wright

Quorum Yes

Others Attending:

Robin Anthony, Greater Stillwater Chamber of Commerce

Christie Rosckes, Fresh Avenue Marketing

Mike Runk, City of Oak Park Heights

Matthew Stepaniak, 210 Laurel

Approval of the Agenda  - Loyer/Bailek – Approved

Approval of Last Meeting Minutes – Loyer/Bailek – Approved with revisions to misquoted

statements by Mike Runk.

Treasurer's Report - Chuck Dougherty, Treasurer – There are cash flow issues, which is normal

for this time of year. Loyer/Bailek – Approved

Partner’s Reports –

Oak Park Heights - Mike Runk – Single track mountain bike trail open.

IBA – Sherri Hopfe – Home town for the holidays is currently being planned. There is

one extra weekend between Thanksgiving and Christmas. There was a general

discussion about increase in business downtown since the bridge


Chamber - Robin Anthony – The art fair was a huge success. There was a general

discussion about parking downtown. The Ice Castle is approved. They are

working on approving Sunday music in the park for next summer. They are

experiencing increased traffic and phone calls since the new bridge opened.

Christie also commented about the issue of increased phone calls. It was

decided that we need to put this issue on a future agenda. For the Chamber

Winter Gala they are bringing back the “Blue Moon.” It will be held February 9th

at the Heights. Also, “Bags, Bingo & Beer” at will be held at Mallards in Bayport.

The nominations for community awards will be available soon.

Marketing Report – Christie Rosckes, Fresh Avenue Marketing - There is no official

report. It was stated that there is no reason to spend a lot of money on the

Superbowl . There are two official publications which are a possibility for

Superbowl advertising. Partnering with the Ice Castles on an ad could be a

possibility. The City of Stillwater has approved the #onlyinminnesota monument

for the ice castle location.

Discussion Items :

Visitor Guide Cover Design – Christie Rosckes shared a letter from Abby at the city in which she was complimenting the past visitor guides. The new cover design was selected by a majority vote.

There was a short side discussion about parking and a boat launch at new bridge

EMT Metro CVB Group Partnership Level - Motion by Chuck Dougherty to increase to the gold level - Loyer/Bailek - Approved

2018 Marketing Plan Proposal – This proposal is not completed. There was a general discussion about marketing. Our Website has experience tremendous growth over the years, except this year. This website traffic change may be due to people getting their information from other social media. Facebook is up 22% from last year. We are meeting all of our measurable goals. Should we market to last minute bookers? The Marketing Plan will consist of five seasons – Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall & Holidays. The focus will be on places to stay, last minute, couples, anniversaries & birthdays. The budget was increased budget by 10% due to new revenue from air bnbs. After discussions, $300,000 was settled upon as the budget. We will go over the Proposal at the next meeting.

Event Grant Requests – 9 applications totaling $55,200.

Marquess Studios – $3900 – No

ArtReach – $5,000. – Yes

Lumberjack Days - $7,500 – Yes

Carriage Rides - $6,800 – yes

Hometown for the Holidays - $7,500 – yes

Sticks in Stillwater Tournament – $7,500 – The Board decided to fund them at $4,000 if it is held downtown and $2,000 if it is at the Rec Center with a shuttle to downtown.

Harvest Fest - $7,500 – Yes

Summer Tuesdays - $1,500 - Yes

Rivertown Art Festival - $7,500 – Yes

Motion by Larry Loyer to approve these Grants - Doherty/Beilek - Approved

TUK TUK wrap sponsor – Discussion tabled for a future meeting about transportation.

Next Meeting Date:
November 8, Reve Bar & Bistro (Finalize 2018 Marketing Plan/Budget) 10:30