Revised January 17, 2017
Article 1- NAME
The name of this organization shall be Jennings High School Student Council, hereinafter called the Council.
Article 2- PURPOSE
The purpose of the Council shall be to:
- Involve all students in sharing ideas to make our school the best it can be.
- Focus upon the recreation of students and staff members
- Promote and enhance educational programs at our school.
- Promote a positive attitude to increase school spirit.
- Teach and promote leadership in our school.
- To serve our school and our community.
Section 1: All students in grades 9-12 shall have the opportunity to fill out a petition or dual credit leadership course application, to vote, and to offer ideas for Council action.
Section 2: All accepted dual credit leadership course applicants will be determined by March and automatically become members of the Council for the following school year.
Section 3: The remaining members of the Council shall be representatives elected each April by their fellow classmates from their respective grade level.
Section 4: The offices of Council President and Council First Vice President, Council Second Vice President, Council Secretary, Council Treasurer, and Council Historian shall be elected by popular vote each January by students in grades 9-11.
Section 5: Students that fail to attend at least 75% of scheduled Council events and meetings shall be removed from office and a replacement will take that student’s position in the Council. The replacement will be selected through an application and interview process conducted by the Advisor(s) and executive student council members.
Section 6: The Principal of Jennings High School shall be the final authority over all actions of the Council.
Section 1: A student who wishes to be a candidate for the Council shall:
- All students that participate in the Jennings Senior High School Student Council must prove themselves responsible young adults by maintaining an accumulated grade point average of 2.0 or above. Students must not be on Effort Suspension.
- All students that participate in the Jennings High School Student Council must maintain an overall average of 90% attendance, not be late to class on a consistent basis, and be active in at least one or more clubs or organizations within the school.
- All students that participate in the Jennings Senior High School Student Council must display a pleasant and positive attitude in and around the school campus at all times. The participant must acquire the signatures of his or her teachers, guidance counselor, and assistant principal or principal to confirm that they have practiced and performed positive school spirit and citizenship.
Section 2: Petitions and Dual Credit Applications
All students that participate in the Council as a representative or as an officer must complete a petition that demonstrates completion of the aforementioned requirements and a petition that includes the signatures of at least thirty of their classmates that support their candidacy for the council. A dual credit leadership course application may be filled out in lieu only for the petition for class representative.
Section 3: Elections
- Election for the Council’s President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian for the following school year shall be elected by popular vote of all current students in grades 9-11 each January.
- All accepted applicants for the dual credit leadership course will automatically become members of the Council for the following school year.
- All remaining candidates for the Council shall be elected by popular vote each April.
- Each cohort class shall elect a Class President, Class Vice President, Class Secretary/Treasurer, and seven Class Representatives each April for the following school year and serve as members of the Council.
Section 4: Powers and Duties
Each representative shall be responsible for performing duties of the representative as listed in the National Association of Student Councils Student Council Handbook.
Section 5: Term of Office
The term of Council representatives shall be for one school year starting in May and ending the following May.
Section 1: Council Officers
The Council officers shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian. All of which will serve on the executive committee.
Section 2: Procedures to become Council Officer
- The Council Officers are elected each January through the process outlined above.
- The Council President must be a member of the senior class during their term of office and have served as an active member of the council at least one school year. They shall preside at all council meetings, attend district and state MASC conventions, Fulton Leadership Workshop, call special meetings when necessary, communicate and assist other council members, council sponsor(s), school administrators in coordinating school-wide activities. They shall perform any duties ordinarily performed by the president of an organization and be the official consultant to the principal and superintendent on council activities.
- The Council First Vice President may be a member of the junior or senior class during their term of office and have served as an active member of the council for at least one school year. Shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president, communicate and assist other council members, the council sponsor, and administrators in coordinating school wide activities. Shall assist in coordinating of the Homecoming Spirit Week events, including the parade and dance and shall perform any duties designated to him or her by the council president.
- The Council Second Vice President may be a member of the sophomore, junior, or senior class during their term of officeand have served as an active member of the council for at least one school year. Shall assumes the duties and responsibilities of the president in the absence of the president and first vice president and assist in completing district and state convention preparations and applications for annual council recognition. Shall perform any duties designated to him or her by the council president.
- The Council Secretary must have served as an active member of the council for at least one school year. Shall maintain accurate attendance records at all councilmeetings, activities and events and provides council members with contact information of all other council members. Shall share agendas and minutes for all council meetings with other council members, the council advisor, and administrators to help promote and organize school wide activities. Shall assist in any school sponsored social media platforms.
- The Council Treasurermust have served as an active member of the council for at least one school year. Shall maintain accurate financial records for all councilsponsored activities and events and share financial reports at each meeting with other council members, the council advisor, and administrators in coordinating school wide activities. Shall organize efforts to promote all council solicitation and fundraising efforts.
- The Council Historianmust have served as an active member of the council for at least one school year. Shall maintain historical records and photographic evidence at all council sponsored activities and events and share council historical information on bulletin boards, school webpage, and in presentation form with other council members, council advisor, and administrators in coordinating school wide activities.
- The Council Officers are expected to enroll in the dual credit leadership class for both semesters of their term of office.
Section 3: Powers and Duties
Each officer shall be responsible for performing duties of their office as listed in the National Association of Student Councils Student Council Handbook.
Section 4: Term of Office
The term of Council officers shall be for one school year starting in May and ending the following May.
Section 5: Advisors
The Advisor(s) shall be a member of the school staff who shall be responsible for fulfilling the duties and responsibilities of an advisor in accordance with school policy and those outlined in the National Association of Student Councils Student Council Handbook. The Principal will choose the Council’s advisors.
Any Council officer or representative may be removed from office by a majority vote of the Council representatives for poor attendance at Council events, failure to perform required and requested duties, failure to establish school rules or class rules, or by request of the school’s administration.
Section 1: Standing Committees
Standing Committees shall be the Executive Committee, Communications Committee, Spirit Committee, and Fundraising Committee.
Section 1A: The Executive Committee shall include Council officers, Class Presidents, the Advisor(s), and the Principal. No meeting of the Executive Committee shall take place without either an Advisor or the Principal in attendance.
Section 1B: The Communications Committee shall be Co-chaired by the Council Secretary and Council Historian. It shall be responsible for publicizing all Council related elections and fundraisers. They will share minutes of all meetings with the other Council members and staff members.
Section 1C: The Spirit Committee shall be chaired by the Council First Vice-President. It shall be responsible for planning and organizing activities within the building and community including but not limited to (Back 2 School Jamboree, Freshman Orientation, Open House, Homecoming Spirit Days and Parade, Parent Teacher Conferences, and Pep Rallies).
Section 1D: The Fundraising Committee shall be chaired by the Council Second Vice President and Council Treasurer. It shall be responsible for coordinating fundraisers to ensure that the Council’s account allows for normal operating expenses throughout the school year.
Section 2: Special Committees
Special committees may be appointed by the Council President, Advisor(s) or Principal to plan and carry out activities approved by the Council.
Section 1: Council meetings shall take place at least once monthly. The Council membership will decide each year the appropriate meeting dates and times. For example: The first Thursday of the month at 7:00 a.m. An agenda shall be prepared and delivered to each member of the Council at least one day before the meeting. Council members initiate agenda items. All items for consideration to the agenda must be submitted to the Advisor(s) two days before a meeting. Additional agenda items may be added at the beginning of each Council meeting by a majority vote of Council members. If a quorum (half of the Council members plus one) is not present for a meeting, no Council action may be voted upon.
Section 2: Class meetings shall be conducted by representatives of each cohort class at least one week after each Council meeting. The meeting may consist of a written communique of the Council agenda items.
Section 3: Special meetings may be called by the Council President, Advisor(s), or Principal to conduct business that needs urgent consideration of the Council.
Section 1: Each representative shall have one vote.
Section 2: All motions require a second; all motions require (for passage) a majority vote of the Council members.
Section 3: Any and all actions of the Council are not official until approved by the Principal.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Council representatives.