¡¡¡Tarea de español 1!!!Spanish 1 Homework!!!

A. Watch the Flipped Classroom Video and take Comprehension Check on Socrative before next class!

1) Watch the Flipped Classroom Video on our website (Unidad 1> Week 7 > Day #14).

2) Take the comprehension check on Socrative as many times as you need to succeed.

- Go to the website.

- Click on the Socrative tab.

- Enter room number ‘sala203’.

- Make sure to use the ‘last name, first name’ format (ex. Berndt, Sarah)

B. Study and practice for the quiz this Wednesday (A) or this Thursday (B)!

The quiz is on:

  • infinitive verbs

You will be expected to:

  • explain/define what an infinitive verb is in English
  • look at pictures of activities and write the infinitive verbs that corresponds in Spanish
  • spell each of the infinitive verbs correctly

(*only those on the front of the blue ‘Sounds like…’ sheet)

Study tips:

  • go to the Unidad 1 page and rewatch the flipped classroom video under Week 5/Day #11
  • go to the Realidades website and complete the practice activities for chapter 1A
  • make/study already made flashcards of each infinitive on Quizlet.com
  • work with a partner (ELO, after school in 231 or at home) to quiz each other – use your blue sheet with each term, have someone say the English word (ex. to run) and you write the Spanish (correr) and have your partner correct your work
  • come in to Ms. B.’s room after school for help this Tuesday and/or Wednesday.

*This quiz will be short, taking only ten minutes of class time to complete.

C. Study and practice for the presentation next week, Tuesday 11/18 (A) and Wednesday 11/19 (B)!

**More directions and an example

Will be provided on Wed./Thu.!

The presentation must include:

  • adjectives
  • describing your personality
  • infinitive verbs
  • expressing your likes and dislikes
  • saying to what extent you like or dislike something
  • including más…que, también, tampoco, seasons/weather, useful words, etc.

You will be expected to:

  • create an oral presentation to deliver in front of the class
  • create a visual to help you organize your thoughts – the visual must have NO words!!!

Study tips:

  • look at your “I can…” statements sheet for this unit and reflect on what you need to learn/review most
  • go to the Unidad 1 page on the website and review all materials/videos
  • go to the Tarea/HW – Calendar, Extra Copies, and Resources page on the website and review/use all materials
  • go to the Realidades website and complete the practice activities for chapter 1A
  • make/study already made flashcards of each infinitive and the target questions and responses on Quizlet.com
  • work with a partner (ELO, after school in 231 or at home) to quiz each other – use your blue sheet with each term, have someone say the English word (ex. to run) and you write the Spanish (correr) and have your partner correct your work
  • come in to Ms. B.’s room during ELO or after school for help this Wednesday
  • review your notes from the Power Point presentations on expressing likes and dislikes, negative language, and class

notes on all of the big concepts

  • do the practice activities in the book with a partner outside of class (#7 p. 30, #8 p. 31, #16 and #18 p.37)
  • reread the grammar boxes on infinitives (p.32) and using negatives(p. 36) in your book and ask questions if there is anything confusing
  • write a conversation between two people talking to each other about what they like to do and don’t like to do, asking as many different types of questions as possible, giving a lot of details and have a peer look it over to give you feedback or ask Ms. B. to look at it and give suggestion