May 13-15, 2016
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach
1107 Jamboree Rd, Newport Beach, CA 92660
FRIDAY, May 13, 2016
7:00 AM / Registration and Breakfast with EXHIBITSNO CME / 7:50 AM / Welcome & Logistics
George Sarka MD, DrPH, CNS President
1.00 CME / 8:00 AM / Autonomic & and Small Fiber Testing
Sharon Yegiian, MD Huntington Memorial
1:00 CME / 9:00 AM / Adventures in Neuro-Imaging
William Preston, MDUniversity of California, Irvine
10:00 AM / Coffee Break with EXHIBITS
1.00 CME / 10:20 AM / Advances in Migraine
C. Philip O’Carroll, MDHoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
1.00 CME / 11:20 AM / Advances in Pediatric Epilepsy
Debra Holder, MD Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles; University of Southern CA
12:20 PM / Lunchon your own/ VisitExhibits / OPTIONAL Alzheimer’s CME Talk
1.00 CMEfrom Potomac Center for Medical Education / 12:30 PM / Staying Up to Date with Evolving Changes in Alzheimer’s Management
Marwan Sabbagh MD, FAAN Barrow Neurological Institute; UA College of Medicine
(Lunch included)
Legislation, Practice & Accreditation Issues
NO CME / 1:50 PM / MOC: Reform or Reboot?
Paul Mathew, MD, FAHS Harvard University
NO CME / 2:40 PM / Discussion
NO CME / 3:10 PM / CNS Legislation & Advocacy
Steve Cattolica, Executive Director CNS
NO CME / 3:50 PM / Coffee Break with EXHIBITS
Steve Holtz, MD, CNS Past President
NO CME / 5:00 – 5:30 PM / Panel Discussion
6:00–8:00 PM / President’s Reception – PLEASE JOIN US!
TOTAL CME: 4 hours from SFNS; 1 hour from Potomac
SATURDAY, May 14, 2016
7:00 AM / Registration and Breakfast with EXHIBITSTelemedicine
Moderator – David Tong, MD
0.67 CME / 8:00 AM / TeleStroke - CPMC - Sutter
David Tong, MD California Pacific Medical Center
0.67 CME / 8:40 AM / TeleStroke/ TeleVisits– Kaiser
Jeffrey Klingman, MD Kaiser Permanente
0.67 CME / 9:20 AM / Private TeleConsultation
Goeffry Rutledge, MD HealthTap
10:00 AM / Coffee Break with EXHIBITS
NO CME / 10:20 AM / Malpractice Liability in Telemedicine - Risk Management (NORCAL)
NO CME / 11:00 AM / “FAST” act and AAN's Position - Steve Holtz, MD, past Pres. CNS
12:10 PM / Lunchon your own/ VisitExhibits / OPTIONAL ATHENA HEALTH Talk
NO CME / 12:20 PM / Next Incarnation of MU & PQRS – Jason House (Athena Health)
1.00 CME / 1:20 PM / Sleep Disorders
RavindraChandrashekhar, MD Sleep & Smile Institute
1.00 CME / 2:20 PM / MS Update
Daniel Bandari, MD MS Center of California; HOAG
3:20 PM / Coffee Break with EXHIBITS
1.00 CME / 3:45 PM / Parkinson’s: What’s new and what’s around the corner
Neal Hermanowicz, MD University of California, Irvine
0.50 CME / 4:45 – 5:15 PM / Panel Discussion
1.00 CME / 6:30 PM / Dinner + “Get the Lead Out: NeuroToxic Effects of Heavy Metals”
Speaker: Sanford Schneider, MD – Clinical Professor Neurology & Pediatrics, University California, Irvine
$115 per person – advanced registration required
TOTAL CME: 6.50 hours from SFNS
SUNDAY, May 15, 2016
7:00 – 8:00 AM / Registration and Breakfast with EXHIBITS8:00 AM / Poster Session & Palatucci Award
George Sarka MD, DrPH, CNS President
1.00 CME / 9:00 AM / Genetic Applications in Neuromuscular Disorders
Perry Shieh, MD. PhD University of California, Los Angeles
1.00 CME / 10:00 AM / Advances in Adult Epilepsy
John Stern, MD University of California, Los Angeles
11:00 AM / Coffee Break with EXHIBITS
1.00 CME / 11:30 AM / Stroke/NeuroVascular
David Tong, MD California Pacific Medical Center
12:30 PM / CNS Annual Meeting – “State of the Society”
George Sarka MD, DrPH, CNS President
1:00 PM / Closing Remarks & Adjourn Meeting
George Sarka MD, DrPH, CNS President
1:00pm / Board Meeting and Lunch
TOTAL CME: 3.00 hours from SFNS