Use Patio Paints and Americana Acrylics to create this decorative weatherproof terra cotta pot with an Easter theme. /
DecoArt Products Required
Americana Acrylics DA101 - Dioxazine Purple (semi-opaque)
DA132 - Hauser Medium Green
DA133 - Hauser Dark Green
DA137 - Shading Flesh
DA166 - Deep Midnight Blue
DA167 - Payne's Grey
DA168 - Golden Straw
DA196 - Tangelo Orange (semi-opaque) / Patio Paint
DCP23 - Light Eucalyptus Green
DCP24 - Clear Coat
Supplies / Surfaces
Brushes - Loew Cornell - Series 7400 1/4", 3/8" Angular; Series 7350 #10/0 Liner; Series 7000 #3 round
Brushes - Jill McFarlane - 1/2" Feather Edge Rake Brush
Supplies - Tracing and graphite paper (white), 1" Sponge brush / 6" Terra cotta pot
1. Paint pot Light Eucalyptus Green. When dry, transfer design onto pot.
2. Eggs: Base purple egg with Lavender. Add details using Hauser Medium Green, Tangerine and Dioxazine Purple. Shade with Purple, making the darkest shading at the edge of the egg. Leave the center Lavender, allowing it to be the highlight.
3. Base the largest egg with Golden Straw. Add details with Lavender, Tangelo Orange and Purple. Shade with antique Gold and a touch of Georgia Clay.
4. Base blue egg using Baby Blue and add details with White and Tangelo Orange. Using Deep Midnight Blue, shade both sides, plus the bottom where this egg falls behind the other egg.
5. Base the last egg with Gooseberry Pink. Add details with Golden Straw and Light Eucalyptus Green. Shade with Shading Flesh.
6. On all eggs, remember to shade edges dark and retain the base color in the center area as the highlight.
7. Rabbit: White. Shade with Payne's Grey. Load brush with White. Then, using the chisel edge of the brush, drag out fur around face and ears. Paint insides of ears with Gooseberry Pink, then shade with Georgia Clay. Eyes and nose are Black. Add White highlights. Use Georgia Clay to drybrush color onto cheeks.
8. Grass: With a Rack brush and Hauser Dark Green, add grass at the bottom of the pot.
9. Jelly Beans: Randomly paint jelly beans as follows:
- Base with Golden Straw, shade with Antique Gold.
- Base with Tangerine, shade with Tangelo Orange.
- Base with Lavender, shade with Purple.
- Base with H. Med. Green, shade with H. Dark Green.
- Base with Gooseberry Pink, shade with Country Red.
10. Finish pot by sealing with Clear Coat Patio Paint. Fill with candy, and enjoy!