7 October 2016
Dear Parents/Carers
Ice Cream Friday
Ice Creams raised £31.00 on the 23rd September. Altogether our playground fund now stands at £1,059.53.
Jeans for Genes Day
Thank you to everyone who donated money to wear their jeans to school on the 23rd September. You raised £66.00.
Mendip Ploughing Match
Acorn class were lucky enough to attend the annual ‘Mendip Ploughing Match’ on Wednesday 28th September. These trips provide invaluable opportunities for the children to see ‘farming’ techniques before technology grew, meaning that ‘machines’ now do many of the tasks previously completed by man or horse.
The children were fascinated about seeing
these ‘traditional’ methods and the different
types of ‘machinery’ – old style versus the
modern tractors they regularly see on the road roads! Every child had an amazing day and
were extremely well behaved. I am always
very proud of the children and they literally
walked, what seemed like mountains –
laughing and smiling as they ran up and
down the fields! I was approached, again,
by two members of the public who commente commented on how well behaved, polite and and generally lovely the children were –
whilst I know this as I have the privilege of
working with them every day it is always
lovely to hear this from others. The
children and the adults enjoyed the free ice cream, kindly provided by Yeo Valley. Thank you, again, to the helpers who came along on the day – your help is much appreciated.
If you did not receive a copy of last week’s newsletter by email, can you please see Mrs Groves in the office? It may be that your email address needs amending, ie a dash should be an underscore.
With Christmas fast approaching, please join easyfundraising and raise free donations each time you shop online. From clothes to car insurance, it won’t cost you a penny more.
1) Go to and follow the simple steps to sign up (We are Friends of Croscombe School – Somerset)
2)Every time you shop online, visit easyfundraising first, search for the retailer you want and shop as normal. Everything is the same, including the price
3)With every purchase you make, you’ll raise a donation from the retailer. Your donations are then transferred to us!
Although the donation may not seem much, all the 10p’s and 20p’s soon add up. If you are thinking of booking a holiday online or buying new items for your home, please think of us.
Scholastic Book Club
Thank you to those parents who bought books recently. The school will receive £12.97 in rewards to be spent on buying the children new books.
Liddington Payment
Please note the next instalment of £19.00 is due on the 14th October.
Open Day
If you know of any parents who were unable to come to our Open Day, but are interested in sending their child here, please ask them to ring the office and we will show them round at a mutually convenient time.
Harvest Festival
Harvest Festival has been changed from Thursday 13th October to Thursday 20th October in the school hall at 9.15am. You are all most welcome to come. We encourage children to bring in donations of food on that morning – fruit and vegetables or tinned items (please ensure the item is in date!). We are once again supporting those families who are struggling to provide food for themselves. Therefore, the fruit and vegetables will be going to local Children’s Centres and the tinned items will go to the Food Bank in Shepton Mallet run by the Salvation Army. We hope you agree these are worthy causes and will help to alleviate their poverty.
Data Collection Form/General Consent Form/Photo Permission Form
If you have not yet returned these forms to school, could you please do so by Monday 10th October? Even if the information we currently hold for you is the same, we still need to have the signed forms returned.
- If your child is absent due to illness, we would appreciate it if you could call the school before 9.15am to report their absence
- Acorn Class – can you please ensure that Homework books are in school on Fridays
- School allotment – if you are available this Saturday to help, please contact Craig on 07791 376528
Holly & Hawthorn Half-Term Forest School (Windsor Hill Woods, Shepton Mallet)
Tuesday 25th October – 10am – 2pm & Thursday 27th October – 10am – 2pm
The forest school sessions will have a seasonal theme, but still include all the usual forest school activities such as den building and campfire cooking (5-11 year olds).
£15 per child per session (concessions available).
Please visit for booking form or contact forest school leader Kaye Watts on or telephone 07963 078024 (text message is best!)
Next Week
11.10.16 – Swimming – Years 2 – 4
11.10.16 - Rainbows
11.10.16 – Croscombe Tiddlers – 10.00am – 11.30am – School Hall
11.10.16 – Christmas Card making – 2.30pm – 3.30pm – all parents welcome
11.10.16 – Basketball Club – Years 1 – 3 - 3.30pm – 4.30pm
12.10.16 – Forest School
13.10.16 – Ukulele Lessons – 1.15pm – 2.00pm - Years 3 & 4
13.10.16 – Basketball Club – Years 4 – 6 – 3.30pm – 4.30pm
14.10.16 – Please note Choir has had to be cancelled, many apologies
Advance Notice
20.10.16 – Wells Literary Festival – Conkers class – FREE
21.10.16 – Break Up
31.10.16 – Return to School
08.11.16 – Clothes for a Cause (clothing, shoes, handbags & belts)
Yours sincerely
Mrs L Rainsford
Senior Teacher