Ms. Clift

ENGLISH 9,10, 11, 12, AP Literature, and Oral Communications

Grading Policy

A specific number of points will be assigned for all assignments, tests, projects, writings, and participation. A mid-term and final will be given at the end of each term which will account for 10-25% of the total grade. The number of points earned will be recorded, totaled, and the percentage computed. The percentage will then be used to determine the grade using the following scale:

90-100% – A

80-89%- B

70-79% - C

60-69%- D

0-59%- F

Students will receive periodic grade updates in class. Progress reports for students receiving Ds and Fs will be sent home approximately every 3 weeks and at Mid-Quarter. All students will receive a Mid-Quarter progress report that will need to be signed and returned.

Make-Up/Late Work

Make-up work is permitted and is graded for full credit for all excused absences with the exception of truancy and suspension. I DO NOT accept late work from students who were present in class and chose not to complete assignments on time. They will fill out a form explaining that they chose not to complete the assignment and why.

All assignments, projects, and tests that are missed must be made up within the time allotted in the handbook or a 0 will be recorded. If an assignment is due on the date of the absence, the student is expected to turn in the assignment upon return to school. It will be considered late after that point.

If an assignment is turned in late (not due to an absence) the penalties are as follows:

Turned in 1 day late: 20% deduction

Turned in 2 days late: 50% deduction

Turned in 3 days late: 75% deduction

I do not accept work after the third day of it being late.

*AP Literature work all has to be turned in when it is due. No late work accepted.

The student is responsible to find out the missed class assignments and complete the work in a timely manner. If students need any help or clarification, it is their responsibility to ask.