City Council Public Hearing Agenda
March 9, 2009
1:30 p.m.
Council Chamber
Orders of the Day:1:30 p.m. / Call to Order
1:30 p.m. / F.1. and F.2.
3:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. / Recess
3:45 p.m. / G. 1 – G.4. and E.1.
5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. / Dinner
9:30 p.m. / Adjournment
A.1.Call to Order
Deputy Mayor:R. Hayter
Acting Mayor:B. Henderson
A.2.Adoption of Agenda
That the March 9, 2009, City Council Public Hearing agenda be adopted.
Addenda require a Special Resolution.
Deletions require a unanimous vote.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
F.1.Bylaw 15117 - Rezoning from IM to IL, located west of 99 Street NW and south of 62 Avenue NW, Rosedale Industrial
To allow for the development of high quality light industrial uses.
The proposed rezoning conforms to the South East Industrial Outline Plan which allows the site to be developed for either medium or light industrial uses. The purpose of the IL Zone is to provide development opportunities on 99 Street to accommodate changing demands in this area for light industrial/business development.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, February 20, 2009, and Sunday, March 1, 2009. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 15117 is ready for three readings after the public hearing has been held.
Administration Comment
Administration supports this Bylaw.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 15117 be closed.
F.2.Bylaw 15136 - Rezoning from AGU to AG, RSL and RF4, located north of 167 Avenue NW and east of 50 Street NW, McConachie
To allow for the future development of single detached and semi-detached dwellings, as well as designate the southern portion of the future District ParkCampus.
The purpose of therezoning is to prepare the lands for future subdivision into residential lots for single detached and semi-detached lots, as well as designate the northern portion of the subject site for the future District ParkCampus site, in compliance with the McConachie Neighbourhood Structure Plan.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, February 20, 2009, and Sunday, March 1, 2009. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 15136 is ready for three readings after the public hearing has been held.
Administration Comment
Administrationsupports this Bylaw.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 15136 be closed.
A.5.Explanation of Public Hearing Process
A.6.Call for Persons to Speak
G.1.Bylaw 14982 - Amendment to the Boyle Street/McCauley Area Redevelopment Plan
To exclude a portion of the Boyle Street Neighbourhood such that this area may be incorporated into The Quarters Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan under Bylaw 15037.
Bylaw 14982 will adjust the boundary of the approved Area Redevelopment Plan to exclude a portion of the Boyle Street Neighbourhood comprised of 18 city blocks such that this area may be incorporated into The Quarters Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan under Bylaw 15037.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, November 7, 2008, and Sunday, November 16, 2008. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 14982 is ready for second reading after the public hearing has been held. Third reading is to be withheld pending review by the Capital Region Board.
Administration Comment
Administration supports this Bylaw.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 14982 be closed.
G.2.Bylaw 15037 - Adoption of The Quarters Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan
The proposed plan establishes a redevelopment concept consistent with City Council’s Vision for The Quarters, an 18 city block area within the Boyle Street Neighbourhood.
Amendments to Bylaws 14982, 15037, 15038, 15039 have been undertaken in keeping with Council’s direction. Minor technical changes were made to maps and notes located within map legends to ensure that the maps align correctly with proposed zoning. In addition, revised bicycle requirements either match or exceed those of the Downtown and Zoning Bylaw. Maximum bicycle requirements have been removed.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, February 20, 2009, and Sunday, March 1, 2009. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 15037 is ready for second reading after the public hearing has been held. Third reading is to be withheld pending review by the Capital Region Board.
Administration Comment
Administration supports this Bylaw.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 15037 be closed.
G.3.Bylaw 15038 - Text Amendment to the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw
To amend the Zoning Bylaw by adding:
- Section 860, The Quarters Overlay
- the “Live Work Unit” Use Class and the definition for “Stepback”
Amendments to Bylaws 14982, 15037, 15038, 15039 have been undertaken in keeping with Council’s direction. Minor technical changes were made to maps and notes located within map legends to ensure that the maps align correctly with proposed zoning. In addition, revised bicycle requirements either match or exceed those of the Downtown and Zoning Bylaw. Maximum bicycle requirements have been removed.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, February 20, 2009, and Sunday, March 1, 2009. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 15038 is ready for second reading after the public hearing has been held. Third reading is to be withheld pending third reading of Bylaws 14982 and 15037.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 15038 be closed.
G.4.Bylaw 15039 - Rezoning from CB2, CNC, DC1, DC2, RA7, RA8, RA9 and RF6 to DC1, located between 97 Street to 92 Street and from 103A Avenue to Jasper Avenue and 101 Avenue, Boyle Street
- To amend the Zoning Bylaw from CB2, CNC, DC1, DC2, RA7, RA8, RA9 and RF6 to DC1 for six sub-areas within The Quarters being a portion of the Boyle Street Neighbourhood; and
- To amend the area of application for Section 819 – the Pedestrian Commercial Shopping Street Overlay such that it is removed from The Quarters Area.
Amendments to Bylaws 14982, 15037, 15038, 15039 have been undertaken in keeping with Council’s direction. Minor technical changes were made to maps and notes located within map legends to ensure that the maps align correctly with proposed zoning. In addition, revised bicycle requirements either match or exceed those of the Downtown and Zoning Bylaw. Maximum bicycle requirements have been removed.
Advertising and Signing
This Bylaw has been advertised in the Edmonton Journal on Friday, February 20, 2009, and Sunday, March 1, 2009. The Bylaw can be signed and thereby passed following third reading.
Bylaw 15039 is ready for second reading after the public hearing has been held. Third reading is to be withheld pending third reading of Bylaws 14982 and 15037.
Motion:That the public hearing on Bylaw 15039 be closed.
E.1.The Quarters Downtown Urban Design Plan
Administration Recommendation
That The Quarters Downtown Urban Design Plan, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the October 20, 2008, Planning and Development report 2008PDG012, be approved.(This recommendation can be considered after the non-statutory public hearing.)
The Quarters Downtown Urban Design Plan forms part of a family of documents that includes the previously approved Council Vision for Downtown East Project, The Quarters Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan and the Quarters Downtown Zoning provisions.
Delegation:P. Ohm.
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