Hello Parents and Students,
I am very pleased to have your child in my Algebra III/Geometry class this year. A good learning experience is built on a cooperative effort between teacher, child, and parent. We can all look forward to a very progressive year filled with exciting learning activities.
My expectations for conduct and standards for academic growth are high. So that every student in the classroom can reach his/her potential in a positive educational climate, it is important that each student demonstrate self-discipline. To encourage a cooperative academic environment, the following classroom rules were developed:
- Come to class on time
- Be prepared
- Follow the dress code
- Model a positive attitude
- Encourage others to do their best
- Participate in classroom activities
- Complete all assignments
- Report any problems to an adult
- Follow classroom and school wide rules
- Use only appropriate language
- Respect yourself and others
- Use quiet voices when appropriate
- Remain on task
- Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.
The following is the Assertive Discipline ladder if a student continues to break a rule:
- Verbal Warning
- Parent Contact
- Department Detention
- Discipline Conference
- Major Office Referral
Homework is necessary to reinforce concepts learned during class time. There will be a homework and bell ringer grades assigned for each 6-week period. In addition, extra study time for tests, projects, and tasks, etc. will be required at home. Students will be informed in advance of assessment dates and project due dates.If a student has an excused absence, it is his/her responsibility to make up all class work, homework, tests, and projects within three class periods of the return to school. Arrangements for make-ups must be made with Ms. Robinson by completing a make-up slip.
The following supplies will be needed in class daily:
- Pencils or mechanical pencils
- Erasers
- Loose Leaf Paper
- Graph paper
- Composition notebook
- Pocket folder
- 3-ring binder
- Dividers
- Glue
- Scissors
- Colored pencils
- AAA Batteries or provide your own TI-83 scientific calculator
All students have been informed of the classroom rules, homework policy and make-up policy. I would appreciate it if you would review the plan with your child and then sign and return the attached form. Please feel free to contact me at any time. You may call me at school or send an email .
I am excited about this new school year! I know we can work together to make it one of growth, discovery, and significance for your child.
Ms. Cassandra Robinson