Jeannette McKee Elementary School

Parent and Student Handbook


Jeannette City School District


Principal………………………………..……………… Miss Shelley Muto

Administrative Assistant…………………...… Mr. Jeff Carroll

Elementary Secretary……………………………Mrs. Carol Patton

School Nurse…………………………………….…….Mrs. Cynthia Manolis

Cafeteria Manager…………………………………Mr. Scott Graff

Dear Parents/Guardians,

This handbook is to provide you with information regarding the rules and procedures of Jeannette McKee Elementary School. Throughout the course of this school year, this handbook should be helpful as questions arise regarding the variety of services provided through our school. As changes in school regulations and policies develop, parents will be made aware of such changes and modifications will be made annually in this handbook.

Teachers, staff, administrators, parents, and students all share the responsibility of helping Elementary students to be intellectually and emotionally prepared for Middle School, High School, and beyond. Here at Jeannette McKee Elementary School, we strive to provide an educational program which reflects a commitment to learning, compassion for the individual child, collaboration with the community, and cooperation with child-centered services with the community and home, and cooperation among the parties involved in the educational process. As educators and members of a community of learning, our goal is to provide an educational environment that is encouraging and challenging to the individual learner and to constantly look for better ways to provide such a program. The rules and procedures described in this handbook have been established to promote the accomplishment of these goals.

Please read through this handbook and review relevant sections with your child so that he or she is knowledge of the expectation of the elementary program here at the school. If you or your children have any questions regarding information included in this handbook please feel free to call the school at 724-523-6522. After you review the handbook, please sign and return page 4/5 to your homeroom teacher.

Throughout the school year, information and announcements will be sent home with your child. Please check with your son or daughter regularly for any announcements sent home regarding announcements and specials events. In addition, activities will be posted on the school website, which can be found at and will be available to you by calling the school.

Thank you and best wished for a successful and exciting year of learning and growing!


Miss Shelley Muto


Jeannette City School District

Student/Parent Agreement

Student Name: ______Grade: ______Homeroom:______

The Jeannette City School District 2013-2014 Student Handbooks is designed to provide parents/guardians and students with school district and building policies. The student handbooks are also available online at

In our efforts to continue to have positive contact with parents/guardians and update you with current events and activities happening in the schools we ask that you provide us with your current email address. Your address will only be used for school district purposes and will not be shared with outside entities.

Name: ______

Email address: ______@______

Please sign in acknowledgement that you have read and understand the student handbook with your child. If you have any questions regarding the school handbook, contact the school in which your child is enrolled. Please take special note of the following while you review the handbook:

2013-2014 Daily Building Schedules

Dress Code Policies

Internet Ethics Code

Locker Search Policy

Student Responsibility and Discipline Polices

We have read and understand all the rules and regulations set forth in the Student Handbook and agree to abide by the terms therein.


Student NameParent SignatureDate

Please sign and return immediately, DEADLINE is Friday, September 6, 2013


Photo / Video Release Form

I hereby grant permission for my child to appear in photographs / videos that will be distributed and/or broadcast by the Jeannette City School District in video form, hard copy publications, and/or on the District’s website. This includes but is not limited to local newspaper or media outlets that have chosen to publish stories or photographs in the Jeannette City School District. The copyright of these images belongs entirely to the publishing entity for the purpose of duplication, distribution, broadcast, or exhibits and I waive any rights to compensation or ownership of this material.

I release Jeannette City School District and its licenses from any liability arising from my child’s participation in the program and authorize the use of my child’s name, likeness, voice, and performance for project purposes. I intend to be legally bound by this release.

NAME OF STUDENT (please print):______


NAME OF PARENT/GUARDIAN (please print):______



I do NOT grant permission for my child to appear in any photographs / videos.

Jeannette McKee Elementary/MiddleSchool

School-Parent Compact

The Jeannette McKee Elementary/Middle School, and the parents of the

students participating in activities, services, and programs funded by Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (participating children), agree that this compact outlines how the parents, the entire school staff, and the students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership that will help children achieve the State’s high standards.

This school-parent compact is in effect during school year 2013 – 2014 .

Required school-parent compact provisions

School Responsibilities: The Jeannette McKee Elementary Middle School will:

  1. Provide high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables the participating children to meet the State’s student academic achievement standards as follows:

· By establishing and updating curriculum maps

in each subject area.

·By aligning these maps to the State Anchors through

the State’s comprehensive system of standards.

·By in-servicing teachers on those strategies shown to be effective in promoting student learning.

·By collecting and analyzing student learning data.

· By incorporating the use of technology to understand

student data and make relevant teaching decisions.

·By using teacher grade level meetings to discuss

individual student progress, effective strategies and

teacher resources.

  1. Hold parent-teacher conferences (at least annually in elementary schools) During which this compact will be discussed as it relates to the Individual Child’s achievement. Specifically, those conferences will be held:

·Two parent-teacher conferences at each grade levels

K through 5.

·Annual Open House

·Federal Programs Parent Information Night

·AYP Parent Meeting

  1. Provide parents with frequent reports on their children’s progress.

Specifically, the school will provide reports as follows:

·AnnualSchool Report Card

·Quarterly Report Cards

·Progress Notices

4. Provide parents reasonable access to staff. Specifically, staff will be

Available for consultation with parents as follows:

·Regularly scheduled formal teacher meetings.

·Parent-teacher meetings upon parent request.

·Administrative access.

  1. Provide parents opportunities to volunteer and participate in their child’s class, and to observe classroom activities, as follows:


· Parent Volunteer Program

·Schoolwide Committee participation

Parent Responsibilities

We, as parents, will support our children’s learning in the following ways:

·Monitoring attendance.

·Making sure that homework is completed

·Monitoring amount of television their children watch.

·Volunteering in my child’s school.

·Participating, as appropriate, in decisions relating to my children’s education.

·Promoting positive use of my child’s extracurricular time.

·Staying informed about my child’s education and communicating with the school by promptly reading all notices from the school or the school district either received by my child or by mail and responding, as appropriate.

·Serving, to the extent possible, on policy advisory groups, such as

being the Title I, Part A parent representative on the school’s Title I District wide Policy Advisory Council, the State’s Committee of Practitioners, the School Support Team or other school advisory or policy groups.

·Supporting our children through the PSSA assessments.

·Understanding Adequate Yearly Progress.

Student Responsibilities

We, as students, will share the responsibility to improve our academic achievement and achieve the State’s high standards. Specifically, we will:

·Do my homework every day and ask for help when

I need assistance.

·Read at least 30 minutes every day outside of school time.

· Give to my parents or the adult who is responsible for my welfare all notices and information received by me from my school every day.

· Do my best on any assessment task.


Language Arts Teacher Parents(s) Student


Date Date Date




100 – Mrs. Carter

102 – Mrs. Shaw

105 – Mrs. DeMichele

106 – Miss McClain

1st Grade

203 – Mrs. Gajski

204 – Mrs. Harbaugh

205 – Mrs. Mains

206 – Mrs. Gansor

2nd Grade

236 – Mrs. Davis

237 – Mr. Cordera

238 – Mrs. Avolio

239 – Mrs. Schultheis

3rd Grade

300 –Mrs. Coiner

301 – Mrs. Isaac

302 – Mr. Outly

303 – Mrs. Binda

4th Grade

304 – Mrs. Pelzer

305 – Mrs. Polechko

306 – Mr. Florey

307 – Mrs. Laskey

5th Grade

202 – Mr. Dini

313 – Mrs. Gogolsky

314 – Mr. Leonard

315 – Mrs. Rininger

Learning Support

101 – Miss Cook

103 – Mrs. Dumm

200 – Mrs. Kikel

309 – Mrs. Beckwith

310 – Mrs. Saunders


Mrs. Mattes


Mrs. McCormick


Miss Russell


Mrs. Aducci


Mr. Raible


Mrs. Capanna


Mrs. Crooks - Reading

Mrs. Orbin - Math



Emergency Forms:

Two emergency cards are kept on file for each student, one in the main office and one in the nurse’s office. This is necessary for use in the event of an illness or emergency. Parents and Guardians should sign both cards and answer all questions. Please return the cards to school as soon as possible and inform the school of any changes throughout the year.

Unlisted phone numbers will be kept confidential. You MUST have an emergency contact other than yourself who can pick up a student from school. This emergency contact should live within close proximity to the school.

Change of Address/Telephone/Cellphone:

Any change of address, telephone or cell phone number should be reported to the main office. A parent or legal guardian must call or come to school to make complete this change. New bus information will be provided at that time.

Student Transfers:

Should you move into another school district during the school year, we suggest you utilize the following procedure:

  1. Contact the main office several days prior to your moving date
  2. Inform the school of the new district, so that we are able to get necessary paperwork gathered
  3. Be sure your child has returned all textbooks, workbooks, library books, or other materials belonging to Jeannette City School District.
  4. Cafeteria balances must be paid in full.
  5. Contact the new district in which your child will be enrolling in order to begin the new registration process.



At the end of the first quartile an in-service day will be scheduled for the teachers to set up Parent/Teacher conferences. This is a great time for you to come in and discuss your child’s first report card as well as any other information you or the teacher may have in regards to your child’s education.

Conferences may be requested at any time throughout the school year by contacting the teacher. To assist in preparing for a requested conference, please give a general reason for the conference.


First Quartile
August 26, 2013 to October 28, 2013 / Progress Reports – September 26, 2013
Report Cards – November 4, 2013
Second Quartile
October 29, 2013 to January 13, 2014 / Progress Reports – December 3, 2013
Report Cards – January 21, 2014
Third Quartile
January 14, 2014 to March 20, 2014 / Progress Reports – February 14, 2013
Report Cards –March 26, 2013
Fourth Quartile
March 21, 2014 to May 30, 2014 / Progress Reports – April 28, 2013
Report Cards – May 30, 2013



8:15 a.m. Breakfast; Grades 3, 4, and 5

8:30 a.m.Homeroom; Grades 3, 4, and 5

8:35 a.m.Late Bell; Grades 3, 4, and 5

8:45 a.m.Breakfast; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

9:00 a.m.Homeroom; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

9:05 a.m.Late Bell; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

11:45 a.m.Lunch; Grades 4 & 5

12:10 p.m.Arrival; PM Kindergarten (enter through cafeteria doors)

12:15 p.m.Lunch; Grade 3 and Kindergarten (Full Day, AM, and PM)

12:45 p.m.Dismissal; AM Kindergarten (exit through main entrance)

12:45 p.m.Lunch; Grades 1 & 2

3:15 p.m.Dismissal; Grades 3, 4, & 5

3:45 p.m.Dismissal; Grades K (full day and PM), 1, & 2

Walkers and children brought to school MUST NOTarrive any earlier than 8:15.Staff supervision is not available until 8:15 and any child entering the school prior to that time must have teacher permission.

Arrival to School

Bus Riders: Students who ride to school on the buses will enter through the cafeteria doors and will wait in the cafeteria.

Walkers and children brought to school by parents: These students should enter through the cafeteria doors and report to the cafeteria. Parents are not permitted to enter the school through the cafeteria doors at any time. Parents must enter through the main entrance and sign in at the main office. Parents are not permitted to walk their child to his/her classroom.

Dismissal from School

Bus Riders: Teachers will walk all students to the cafeteria where they will wait for their buses to arrive. Teachers will then dismiss students by grade level and bus number.

Walkers and children picked up by parents:Students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will be escorted by school personnel to the crosswalk below the Administration Building where they may be picked up or walk home. Students in grades K, 1, and 2 can be picked up at the cafeteria doors by parents/guardians after buses have exited school grounds.


School closing and delays will be announced in the following ways:

District-Wide Global Connect System (it is extremely important that you keep your number updated in the main office in order to receive Global Connect Phone Messages)

Please check the local news/radio stations for updated information


Two Hour Delay:

10:30 a.m.Homeroom; Grades 3, 4, and 5

10:35 a.m.Late Bell; Grades 3, 4, and 5

11:00 a.m.Homeroom; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

11:05 a.m.Late Bell; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

12:40 p.m.PM Kindergarten arrival (enter through cafeteria doors)

1:15 p.m.AM Kindergarten dismissal (students exit through main entrance)

One Hour Delay:

9:30 a.m.Homeroom; Grades 3, 4, and 5

9:35 a.m.Late Bell; Grades 3, 4, and 5

10:00 a.m.Homeroom; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

10:05 a.m.Late Bell; Grades K (full day and AM), 1, and 2

12:40 p.m.PM Kindergarten arrival (enter through cafeteria doors)

1:15 p.m.AM Kindergarten dismissal (students exit through main entrance)



Each child is expected to ride his/her bus. However, should emergencies arise whereby a child needs to ride a different bus, written permission is needed from the principal’s office in advance. However, due to bus seating limitations this request cannot always be honored.

Students who are not assigned to a bus are not permitted to ride a bus even with parent permission.


Parents and the school (principal, teachers, and bus drivers) share the concern for safety and congeniality on the way to and from school. Each child is entitled to a safe trip to and from school without intimidation or injuries. PROBLEMS BETWEEN CHILDREN WITHIN NEIGHBORHOODS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF PARENTS. The school will become involved only as it affects the children at school.

It should be understood that riding a school bus is not a right—it is a PRIVILEGE. Students who violate the rules required for safe busing will LOSE this privilege and it will be necessary for them to find their own transportation to and from school. The bus driver has the authorization to assign seats. At all times students are to cooperate with the bus driver.

The following rules and regulations have been established in order to facilitate a safe and satisfactory program:

  • Pupils riding the school buses are under the direct supervision of the bus driver.
  • After having been assigned to a bus, pupils are not permitted to ride another bus unless their permanent address changes.
  • Pupils shall stand off the roadway when the bus approaches.
  • Pupils do not enter or exit a bus until it comes to a full stop.
  • Pupils shall not tamper with any of the bus equipment, windows, or vents without permission from the bus driver.
  • Swearing or improper language is not allowed at any time.
  • Hazing or tormenting other students will not be allowed or tolerated.
  • Smoking, pushing, or fighting is not permitted on the bus.
  • Pupils shall never drop waste paper and rubbish on the floor of the bus.
  • There shall be no eating on the bus at any time.
  • When entering the bus, the pupils will proceed to the back of the bus and take a seat beginning in the rear of the bus, unless assigned a special seat by the bus driver or principal.
  • Do not talk to the bus driver while in route unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Students must be seated on the bus at all times.
  • Students are not permitted to throw objects in the bus or out the bus window.


First Offense – One Day Bus Suspension

Second Offense – Five Day Bus Suspension