Tribal AmeriCorps Program

Tribal AmeriCorps Program

Tribal and Coalition Memorandum of Understanding


Term of Service will be September 2, 2015-August 31, 2016

Applications must be received by July 31, 2015

·  July 31, 2015 - Applications are due.

·  August 6, 2015 - Community coalitions will be notified.

·  June through August - Member recruitment.

·  Call Bob Kovar to schedule Mandatory Host Site Supervisor Training in your community

·  September 2-3, 2015 - Member orientation at Lac du Flambeau, WI.

·  September 4, 2015 - Members report to assigned host site.

For more information contact:

Bob Kovar, Prevention Specialist

1-800-782-8581, ext 2-7308

*NOTE: All program placement, operations and continuation are pending Federal funding announcement by May 31, 2015.


Tribal AmeriCorps Program (TAP)

The Sokaogon Chippewa Community (2009-2013), Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community Inc. (2013-present) and its program partner, Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach, have operated a multi-site inter-tribal AmeriCorps program since 2009. During this time, this partnership has maintained a strong record of recruiting and retaining members and meeting performance measures. The Tribal AmeriCorps Program is one of a small handful of Tribal programs across the country funded by an independent federal agency, the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS). As a program of CNCS, AmeriCorps is considered a domestic version of the Peace Corps in which each AmeriCorps member commits to a year of service in a community.

Tribal prevention coalitions will recruit and host thirteen (13) AmeriCorps members from the tribal communities to strengthen the capacity of coalitions and youth serving organizations to achieve positive outcomes related to substance abuse. Members will implement prevention activities and engage in direct service with youth. Members will assist their coalitions in implementing evidence-based prevention strategies to improve the substance abuse environments in their local communities.

Memorandums of Understanding are accepted from Tribal Nations whose leadership has passed official Resolutions of Support that empower their local Tribal prevention coalitions to participate in the Tribal AmeriCorps Program. The Resolutions of Support are held on file by the TAP program. Due to the ongoing process of getting these Resolutions from each Tribe, please inquire about your Tribe before submitting your MOU. (As of 4-9-14 all but the Oneida Nation have Resolutions of Support on file with TAP). In addition to the Resolutions, Tribal Coalitions must belong to, or join, the Northwoods Coalition.

Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community Inc.

Beginning with the 2013-14 year, Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc.(Northwoods NiiJii) became the new fiscal agent for TAP managing all of the fiscal responsibilities for the project. Northwoods NiiJii is a unique partnership started in 1998 among three Native American tribes (Lac du Flambeau, Sokaogon and Menominee) and eight municipal partners in rural northern Wisconsin. Mission: To build sustainable communities by empowering citizens to foster partnerships and mobilize resources for the elimination of poverty for future generations. Vision: The Northwoods NiiJii communities are determined to build successful community economies based on the wisdom of Native American culture and spirituality. This wisdom is holistic in its applications, seeing earth, water, sky, people and all of life as part of a web where actions taken toward a single strand have implications for other strands in a concentric circle outward.

TAP Advisory Board

The Tribal State Collaboration for Positive Change (TSCPC), a coalition comprised of behavioral health professionals from all 11 Tribes, serves as the TAP Advisory Board. Their wide range of knowledge and experience in prevention, intervention and treatment in Tribal communities is critical in helping guide TAP coalitions and their AmeriCorps members in serving their communities.

Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach (CCO)

The Center for Community Outreach provides program management and oversight of the project. CCO is a reflection of Marshfield Clinic’s broad concept of healthcare, which includes looking beyond Clinic walls at medical and non-medical issues that have a significant effect on quality of life for all residents of a community. CCO staff provide consultation, education, training, technical assistance and other resources to community coalitions and afterschool programs across Wisconsin.

Northwoods Coalition

In 1995, Marshfield Clinic CCO partnered with several community coalitions to form the Northwoods Coalition, which is now the largest and oldest coalition dedicated to substance abuse prevention in Wisconsin. Representatives from 50 coalitions in a 40-county and 11 Tribal Nation region serve on a non-governing advisory board to help shape policies, practices and programs which address public health issues arising from use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

Alliance for Wisconsin Youth

Alliance for Wisconsin Youth is a program of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, Bureau of Prevention, Treatment and Recovery. Over 100 local coalitions, including those in the Northwoods Coalition, belong to Alliance for Wisconsin Youth.

Rules and Guidelines

AmeriCorps committee

CCO staff will organize an AmeriCorps committee consisting of the member(s), host site supervisor, coalition representative and a Marshfield Clinic prevention specialist that will meet on a regular basis to discuss member-related issues, concerns, and member service plans. One person may serve multiple roles on the AmeriCorps Committee.

Cash Payment

Participating host sites are responsible for payment of $4000 per member to Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community Inc. no later than October 31, 2015. If the host site loses or releases a member anytime during the term of service, the host site is still required to complete the full payment. There are no refunds for loss of member services. If multiple agencies share a members cash match payment, ONE agency must assume responsibility for the invoice payment and designate this in the application. If the host site supervisor does not track his/her in-kind services EACH WEEK in OnCorps the cash match for the site will be $5,500.

Education award

Upon the successful completion of the term of service (1700 hours minimum), members receive a $5,730 Segal AmeriCorps Education Award. Education awards can be used to pay educational expenses at qualified Title IV institutions of higher education, for educational training, or to repay qualified student loans (not private loans). Members have 7 years to use their Education Awards. Any member 55 or older at the start of his/her term of service may transfer the Education Award to his/ her children or grandchildren.

Living allowance

Members receive an annual living allowance of approximately $484 (gross pay/before taxes) every two weeks. The net amount received is based on individual tax status. Northwoods NiiJii manages the member payroll.

Loan forbearance & interest accrual

During their term of service, members are exempt from paying off qualified student loans (not private loans) and are not required to pay the interest that is accrued on those loans during their term of service as long as the member completes the appropriate section in the online portal system. If a member service term is terminated (non-compelling) they will be responsible for interest accrued during their term of service. These systems are managed by the Corporation for National and Community Service.

Member placement

Members are enrolled for the purpose of serving their coalition. The coalition assigns a host site and host site supervisor for the member. The host site is the physical location where the member has a desk, phone and internet access. The host site can be any agency or organization that belongs to the coalition. The host site supervisor is an individual employed by the host site that directly supervises the member.

Health Insurance and Childcare

Members receive the option for health insurance (premiums paid by the AmeriCorps program) and childcare assistance. The member must apply for childcare benefits and be approved by the management organization, GAP Solutions Inc. (GAPSI). Northwoods NiiJii links the members to these benefits but does not manage them.

Service Gear

Service gear is provided to members. Service gear is clothing (sweat-shirts, t-shirts, pullovers, etc) with the partner program logos that members are encouraged to wear while serving.

Recruitment and Retention of member

Members must be 18 years of age by September 30, 2015 AND have a high school diploma, certificate of General Education Development (GED), or High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED).

Host site supervisors and other coalition representatives will screen qualified applicants and will be responsible for interviewing and selecting the AmeriCorps member(s). All enrollment considerations will be non-partisan, non-political and non-discriminatory as established in Corporation for National and Community Service and Northwoods NiiJii policies.

The coalition or host site supervisor will send the completed member application of the selected applicant to CCO staff who will review the applicant information and forward the application to Northwoods NiiJii whowill perform criminal background and Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV) checks to determine eligibility to serve

Retaining members for the full-term of service is crucial to the future success of the Tribal AmeriCorps Program. Coalitions must understand the importance of selecting members that fully understand the financial and time commitment and who are prepared to commit to the full 1700 hours of service. Host site supervisors and CCO staff will help ensure retention by being available to members and making sure they have access to financial and social service assistance.


Members who drive to/from any Tribal AmeriCorps Program required trainings will be reimbursed if at least one other member shares the ride and (s)he has an acceptable driving record. Geographic restrictions will be taken into consideration.

Replacement of member

Members may be replaced only if they leave the program prior to November 28, 2015 AND if they have completed less than 30% of their hours (510 hours). A replacement member would need to be selected by the host site and processed by December 5, 2015. Replacement members must complete 1,700 hours and will receive the $484 bi-weekly living allowance, beginning on the designated start date through August 31, 2016.

Term of service

Members must serve at least 1700 hours during the term of service, averaging approximately 35 hours per week in most situations. Members may apply to serve up to four terms of service, although federal regulations allow a member to earn no more than the value of two full-time education awards.

Tribal AmeriCorps Program

Tribal and Coalition Memorandum of Understanding



1.  Submit ONE MOU per coalition (pages 6-14).

2.  No hand-written MOU’s will be accepted.

3.  Upon completion of this document please do the following:

a. E-MAIL the completed application as a Word document to .

b.  PRINT the completed application, have the appropriate people SIGN AND DATE, and SCAN and EMAIL, MAIL or FAX to:

Bob Kovar, Prevention Specialist

Marshfield Clinic Minocqua Center

9601 Townline Rd

PO Box 1390

Minocqua, WI 54548

FAX: 715.358.1156

4.  Any box high-lighted yellow is mandatory. To go from one box to another, use the Tab key or your mouse.

5.  To go from one box to another, use the Tab key or your mouse.

Name of Tribe:

Coalition Name:

Host Site Name:

Number of AmeriCorps members being requested:


Tribal Government will:

·  Work with CCO staff to develop and sign an official Resolution of Support for their local tribal coalition to participate in TAP.

Northwoods NiiJii Enterprise Community, Inc. will:

·  Provide legal and fiscal oversight and management of the project.

·  Provide program administration and benefits management for members including: enrollment, background checks, DMV checks, payroll, mileage reimbursements, and service gear.

·  Assist with the following benefits managed by a third party: childcare, health insurance, education award, loan forbearance, and interest accrual.

Tribal Advisory Board will:

·  Review TAP as standing agenda item each month at TSCPC meetings.

·  Oversee all aspects of the project, from grant writing to implementation to evaluation, to ensure culturally appropriate and adaptive methods are incorporated throughout the project.

·  Review TAP program grant applications, renewals and reports.

·  Review tribal/coalition MOU’s for each member.

·  Guide development of “tribal track” prevention curriculum for member trainings.

·  Guide development of tribal sovereignty/government curriculum for members.

·  Help mediate member issues at local tribal prevention coalitions.

·  Help promote member and volunteer recognition at each tribal site.

Marshfield Clinic Center for Community Outreach will:

·  Provide overall program management, event planning, and organizational development of TAP.

·  Provide on-going technical assistance, training, education, and other resources to coalitions dedicated to community health improvement (e.g. substance abuse prevention).

·  Form an AmeriCorps Committee consisting of the TAP members, host site supervisor, appointed coalition member, and any cash payment donors.

·  Provide on-going communication with Tribal AmeriCorps members, site supervisors, and coalition representatives (AmeriCorps Committee).

·  Provide members up to 10 days of training and programming including orientation and midterm. (Training content includes: team-building, skill development, out-of-school time programming, Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), citizenship, volunteer recruitment and mobilization, and positive youth development).

·  Provide locally held one-day training for host-site supervisors.

·  Coordinate the Tribal Advisory Board

·  Provide Tribal governments with updates as requested and written TAP Quarterly Reports.

·  Integrate and coordinate Marshfield Clinic/TAP member and host site supervisor orientation and ongoing trainings

·  Review weekly service reports, monitor and document service hours, ensure that living allowances meet the minimum specified by the Corporation for National Service, provide program and policy updates, conduct site visits and review member performance evaluations.

·  Train members on the protocols for TAP Coalition Progress Survey administration, and will compile, analyze and disseminate results of TAP Coalition Progress Surveys.

Tribal coalition will:

·  Be an active member of the Northwoods Coalition.