James William Jennings, Jr.
Professional Summary
May 7, 2007
Business address:The University of Texas at Austin
Bureau of Economic Geology
University Station, Box X
Austin, Texas78713-8924
(512) 471-1534
E-mail address:
Academic Background
B.S., with Honor, GPA 3.94/4.00, Petroleum Engineering, University of Wyoming, May 1978
M.S., GPA 4.00/4.00, Petroleum Engineering, TexasA&MUniversity, May 1981
Ph.D., GPA 3.93/4.00, Petroleum Engineering, TexasA&MUniversity, December 1983
Areas of Expertise
- Petroleum reservoir modeling.
- Petroleum reservoir engineering.
- Petroleum reservoir characterization.
- Modeling flow in porous media.
- Fluid flow scaleup.
- Geostatistics.
- Mathematical geology.
Professional Work Experience
A.Present Position: Research Scientist, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (November 2000 - Present).
Conduct research focused on improving the accuracy of carbonate reservoir characterizations and modeling of flow in porous media with many scales of heterogeneity, through mathematical modeling and statistics, to efficiently analyze and integrate many sources of information, including outcrop measurements and geological interpretations. Conduct research on scaleup, the construction of suitable approximations that allow an acceptable representation of fluid flow, without explicit quantification of all heterogeneity scales simultaneously.
Contribute geostatistical components to the open-source geophysical data processing software package Madagascar.
B.Visiting Professor (on Leave of Absence from The University of Texas at Austin), Shell International Exploration and Production, Rijswijk, The Netherlands (August 2002 - August 2003).
Transfer Bureau of Economic Geology knowledge on carbonate reservoir modeling, geostatistics, and scaleup to the Shell Carbonate Development Team. Conduct research and mentor junior researchers on carbonate reservoir model construction and the fluid-flow effects of various carbonate heterogeneities.
C.Research Associate, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin (June 1995 - November 2000).
Conduct research focused on improving the accuracy of carbonate reservoir characterizations and modeling of flow in porous media with many scales of heterogeneity, through mathematical modeling and statistics, to efficiently analyze and integrate many sources of information, including outcrop measurements and geological interpretations. Conduct research on scaleup, the construction of suitable approximations that allow an acceptable representation of fluid flow, without explicit quantification of all heterogeneity scales simultaneously.
D.Senior Research Engineer, ARCO Exploration & Production Technology, Plano, Texas (August 1988 - June 1995).
Initiate a new reservoir characterization research program, develop a stochastic shale model for the Prudhoe Bay Field, develop a geostatistical description of heterogeneity for the Kuparuk River Field, develop a well log calibration method accounting for different measurement volumes, and initiate a research project on the use of history matching with multiple realizations.
E.Reservoir Engineer, Standard Alaska Production Company, Anchorage, Alaska (August 1986 - August 1988).
Analyze Prudhoe Bay waterflood, gravity drainage, and vaporization performance, estimate Prudhoe Bay waterflood and EOR reserves, and develop a general purpose stream line based visualization tool.
F.Project Engineer, Standard Oil Production Company, Warrensville, Ohio (December 1983 - August 1986).
Design and implement a higher order finite difference simulator for the modeling of laboratory surfactant flooding experiments with a minimum of numerical dispersion, develop an efficient method for the determination of interfacial tensions from drop profile data, and develop analytical and numerical tools for the interpretation of various core flooding experiments.
G.Research Associate, TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, Texas (August 1982 - December 1983).
Develop a new method for the measurement of relative permeability and capillary pressure, and supervise students involved in the laboratory phase of the project.
H.Instructor, TexasA&MUniversity, College Station, Texas (August 1981 - May 1982).
Write and deliver lectures, examinations, and homework for a sophomore level course in hydrocarbon fluid properties, and supervise laboratory courses in rock and fluid properties.
Professional Societies
American Association of Petroleum Geologists
International Association for Mathematical Geology
Society of Petroleum Engineers
Awards and Honorary Societies
Outstanding Technical Editor, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2002
Who’s Who Among Students in AmericanUniversities and Colleges, 1977 - 1978
One of the top five men at the University of Wyoming, 1977 - 1978
Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association national scholarship winner, 1977 - 1978
One of the top five men at the University of Wyoming, 1976 - 1977
Petroleum Equipment Suppliers Association national scholarship winner, 1976 - 1977
Tau Beta Pi, 1977
Phi Kappa Phi, 1977
One of the top five men at the University of Wyoming, 1975 - 1976
One of the top five men at the University of Wyoming, 1974 - 1975
Committee Responsibilities and Professional Activities
Session Chair, Geological Uncertainty in Reservoir Modeling and Prediction, American Association of Petroleum Geologists 2004 Annual Convention, Dallas, 2004
Chairman, Reprint Committee, Advances in Reservoir Characterization, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 2002 - 2006
Member, Research Committee, American Association of Petroleum Geologists, 2002 - 2004
Session Organizer, Reservoir Modeling, GulfCoast Association of Geological Societies 52nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, October, 2002
Theme Chairman, Reservoir Modeling and Visualization, GulfCoast Association of Geological Societies 52nd Annual Convention, Austin, Texas, October, 2002
Organizer, Modeling of Flow in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conferences, 1998
Session Chairman, Quantitative Geological Descriptions, Modeling of Flow in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conferences, 1998
Technical Editor, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1997 - 2002
Session Chairman, Geologic Modeling and Field Studies, Modeling of Flow in Permeable Media, Gordon Research Conferences, 1996
Reports, Monographs, Brochures, Pamphlets, Bulletins
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2000, Spatial statistics of permeability data from carbonate outcrops of West Texas and New Mexico: implications for improved reservoir modeling: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 258, 50 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Lucia, F. J., and Ruppel, S. C., 1998, Waterflood performance modeling for the South Cowden Grayburg reservoir, Ector County, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations No. 247, 46 p.
Kerans, Charles, Jennings, James, and Lucia, Jerry, 2004, Algerita Escarpment field trip: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory Field Trip Guidebook for Hedberg Research Conference, variously paginated.
Ruppel, S. C., Ward, W. B., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1997, Cyclicity and petrophysics of reservoir-equivalent, Leonardian platform deposits: Victorio Peak Formation, Sierra Diablo, Texas: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Field Trip Guidebook, 29 p. + figs (56 p.).
Kerans, C., Fitchen, W., Zahm, L., Ward, B., Osleger, D., Barnaby, R., and Jennings, J., 1997, Carbonate reservoir heterogeneity styles within a sequence stratigraphic framework: Albian (Cretaceous), Pecos River Canyon: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, RCRL Laboratory Field Trip Guidebook, 130 p.
Kerans, Charles, Barnaby, R. J., Ward, W. B., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1996, Painted Canyon window, tide-dominated foreshore-shoreface rudist grainstones and bafflestones, Albian 19 HST: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology Field guide for Carbonate Reservoir Characterization Research Laboratory annual meeting, 47 p.
Zhang, Liying, Nair, Narayan, Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Bryant, S. L., 2005, Models and methods for determining transport properties of touching-vug carbonates: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Paper No. SPE 96027, 7 p.
Kane, J. A., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2005, A method to normalize log data by calibration to large-scale data trends: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Paper No. SPE 96081, 12 p.
Philip, Z. G., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Olson, J., Laubach, S. E., and Holder, Jon, 2005, Modeling coupled fracture-matrix fluid flow in geomechanically simulated fracture networks: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, v. 8, no. 4, p. 300–309.
Kane, J. A., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2004, Development of the wireline-log database and determination of porosity using wireline logs, in Ruppel, S. C., ed., Multidisciplinary imaging of rock properties in carbonate reservoirs for flow-unit targeting: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-FC26-01BC15351, p. 163–187.
Zhang, Liying, Bryant, S. L., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Arbogast, T. J., and Paruchuri, Ramoj, 2004, Multiscale flow and transport in highly heterogeneous carbonates: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Paper No. 90336, 9 p.
Lucia, F. J., Kerans, Charles, and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2003, Carbonate reservoir characterization: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 55, no. 6, p. 70–72.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2003, Predicting permeability from well logs in carbonates with a link to geology for interwell permeability mapping: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, v. 6, no. 4, p. 215–225.
Lucia, F. J., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2002, Calculation and distribution of petrophysical properties in the south Wasson Clear Fork field, in Integrated outcrop and subsurface studies of the interwell environment of carbonate reservoirs: Clear Fork (Leonardian-age) reservoirs, West Texas and New Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC26-98BC15105, p. 95–142.
Philip, Z. G., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Olson, J. E., and Holder, Jon, 2002, Modeling coupled fracture-matrix fluid flow in geomechanically simulated fracture patterns, in Integrated outcrop and subsurface studies of the interwell environment of carbonate reservoirs: Clear Fork (Leonardian-age) reservoirs, West Texas and New Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy under contract no. DE-AC26-98BC15105, p. 227–278.
Philip, Z. G., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Olson, J., Laubach, S. E., and Holder, Jon, 2002, Modeling coupled fracture-matrix fluid flow in geomechanically simulated fracture networks: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 77340, 13 p.
Philip, Z. G., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Olson, J., Laubach, S. E., and Holder, Jon, 2002, Modeling coupled fracture-matrix fluid flow in geomechanically simulated fracture networks, in Proceedings, Conference on Naturallay Fractured Reservoirs, Oklahoma City, June 3–4: Mewbourne School of Petroleum and Geological Engineering, University of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Geological Survey, 15 p., CD-ROM
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Lucia, F. J., and Ruppel, S. C., 2002, 3D modeling of stratigraphically controlled petrophysical variability in the South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 77592, 15 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2002, 3D modeling of stratigraphically controlled petrophysical variability in the South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir, in Lucia, F. J., ed., Integrated outcrop and subsurface studies of the interwell environment of carbonate reservoirs: Clear Fork (Leonardian-age) reservoirs, West Texas and New Mexico, The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under contract no. DE-AC26-98BC15105, p. 145–190.
Ruppel, S. C., Ward, W. B., Ariza, Eduardo, and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2002, Integrated geological and petrophysical studies of Clear Fork reservoir analog outcrops: Sierra Diablo Mountains, Texas, in Lucia, F. J. (ed.), Integrated outcrop and subsurface studies of the interwell environment of carbonate reservoirs: Clear Fork (Leonardian-age) reservoirs, West Texas and New Mexico: The University of Texas at Austin, Bureau of Economic Geology, final technical report prepared for U.S. Department of Energy, under Contract DE-AC26-98BC15105, p. 1–57.
Lucia, F. J., Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Ruppel, S. C., 2001, South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir model: outcrop to subsurface via rock-fabric method: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 70063, 10 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2001, Predicting permeability from well logs in carbonates with a link to geology for interwell permeability mapping: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 71336, 16 p.
Lucia, F. J., Jennings, J. W., Jr., Rahnis, M. A., and Meyer, F. O., 2001, Permeability and rock fabric from wireline logs, Arab-D reservoir, Ghawar field, Saudi Arabia: GeoArabia, v. 6, no. 4, p. 619–646.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2001, Predicting permeability in carbonates for interwell permeability mapping: Journal of Petroleum Technology, v. 53, no. 11, p. 42–43.
Prasad, R. K., Lake, L. W., Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2000, Improving economics of production in heterogeneous reservoirs by redirecting water injection patterns: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 59692, 15 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Ruppel, S. C., and Ward, W. B., 2000, Geostatistical analysis of permeability data and modeling of fluid-flow effects in carbonate outcrops: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, v. 3, no. 4, p. 292–303.
Ruppel, S. C., Ward, W. B., Ariza, Eduardo, and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2000, Cycle and sequence stratigraphy of Clear Fork reservoir-equivalent outcrops: Victorio Peak Formation, Sierra Diablo, Texas, in Lindsay, R. F., Trentham, R. C., Ward, R. F., and Smith, A. H., eds., Classic Permian geology of West Texas and southeastern New Mexico: 75 years of Permian Basin oil and gas exploration and development: West Texas Geological Society, Geo 2000 field trip guidebook, Publication 00-108, p. 109–128.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2000, Author’s reply to discussion of how much core-sample variance should a well-log model reproduce?: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, v. 3, no. 5, p. 469–470.
Goff, J. A., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1999, Improvement of Fourier-based unconditional and conditional simulations for band limited fractal (von Kármán) statistical models: Mathematical Geology, v. 31, no. 6, p. 627–649.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1999, How much core-sample variance should a well-log model reproduce?: Society of Petroleum Engineers Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, v. 2, no. 5, p. 442–450.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Ruppel, S. C., and Ward, W. B., 1999, Geostatistical analysis of petrophysical data and modeling of fluid-flow effects in carbonate outcrops, in Grace, D. T., and Hinterlong, G. D., eds., The Permian Basin: providing energy for America: West Texas Geological Society, Publication 99-106, p. 91–106.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Ruppel, S. C., and Ward, W. B., 1998, Geostatistical analysis of petrophysical data and modeling of fluid-flow effects in carbonate outcrops: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 49025, 15 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1997, How much core sample variance should a well-log model reproduce?: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 38663, 11 p.
Gupta, A. D., and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 1988, Accurate resolution of physical dispersion in the multidimensional numerical modeling of miscible chemical displacements: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE/DOE Paper No. 17338, 14 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., McGregor, D. S., and Morse, R. A., 1988, Simultaneous determination of capillary pressure and relative permeability by automatic history matching: Society of Petroleum Engineers Formation Evaluation, v. 3, no. 2, p. 322–328.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Pallas, N. R., 1988, An efficient method for the determination of interfacial tensions from drop profiles: Langmuir, v. 4, no. 4, p. 959–967.
King, M. J., Falzone, A. J., Cook, W. R., Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Mills, W. H., 1986, Simultaneous determination of residual saturation and capillary pressure curves utilizing the ultracentrifuge: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 15595, 14 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., McGregor, D. S., and Morse, R. A., 1985, Simultaneous determination of capillary pressure and relative permeability by automatic history matching: Society of Petroleum Engineers, SPE Paper No. 14418, 15 p.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2006, The effect of scaleup on bivariate statistics: insight into modeling imperfectly correlated porosity and permeability (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 53.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Zhang, L., Nair, Narayan, Bryant, S. L., and Lucia, F. J., 2006, Fluid flow in a touching-vug Cretaceous carbonate outcrop: measurements and models from millimeters to kilometers (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 53.
Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Lucia, F. J., Wang, F. P., Zeng, Hongliu, Kane, Jeff, and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2006, Fundamentals of rock-based reservoir modeling: a case history from the Lower Permian Fullerton field, Permian Basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention, v. 15, p. 93.
Ruppel, S. C., Jones, R. H., Lucia, F. J., Wang, Fred, Zeng, Hongliu, Kane, Jeff, and Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2005, Multidisciplinary reservoir characterization of a giant Permian carbonate platform reservoir: insights for recovering remaining oil in a mature U.S. basin (abs.), in Lufholm, Peter, and Cox, Denise, eds., Unconventional reservoirs technology and strategies: alternative perspectives for the Permian Basin: West Texas Geological Society Fall Symposium, October 26–28, Publication #05-115, p. 207.
Bellian, J. A., Kerans, Charles, Playton, Ted, Jennings, James, and Dunn, Paul, 2004, 3-D Cretaceous rudist reef reservoir model: integration of GPR, RTK GPS, and lidar (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A12.
Lucia, F. J., Jones, R. H., and Jennings, J. W., 2004, Poikilotopic anhydrite enhances reservoir quality (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13, p. A88.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., 2004, Principles of carbonate matrix petrophysical data analysis and reservoir flow model construction (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Janson, Xavier, Gale, J. F., Jennings, J. W., Kerans, Charles, Loucks, R. G., Lucia, F. J., Ruppel, Stephen, and Wang, F. P., 2004, Importance of core in understanding carbonate reservoirs (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Jennings, J. W., Jr., Lucia, F. J., and Ruppel, S. C., 2004, South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir modeling: representing stratigraphically controlled petrophysical variability for fluid-flow simulation (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Lucia, F. J., Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Ruppel, S. C., 2004, South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir modeling: the rock fabric method for constructing flow layers for fluid flow simulation (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Ruppel, S. C., Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2004, South Wasson Clear Fork reservoir modeling: outcrop and subsurface geology―the critical basis for defining reservoir framework (abs.), in Feazel, Chip, Byrnes, Alan, Honefenger, Jim, Leibrecht, Bob, Loucks, Bob, McCants, Steve, and Saller, Art, Carbonate reservoir characterization and simulation: from facies to flow units: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Hedberg Research Conference, El Paso, March 15–18, unpaginated [1 p.]
Bellian, J. A., Kerans, Charles, Jennings, J. W., Jr., Janson, Xavier, and Playton, T. E., 2004, Carbonate digital outcrop modeling (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts Volume, v. 13.
Ruppel, S. C., Lucia, F. J., and Jennings, J. W., 2003, Outcrop-based stratigraphic, petrophysical, and geostatistical characterization and modeling of a carbonate platform reservoir succession: middle Permian, Permian Basin (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 12, p. A148–A149.
Jennings, J. W., Jr., and Lucia, F. J., 2002, Predicting permeability from well logs in carbonates with a link to geology for interwell permeability mapping (abs.): American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Official Program, v. 11, p. A87.