Enrolment, Fee Collection and Cancellation Policy Statement – 2016/17

  • All enrolments are to be forwarded directly to the School Holiday Program administration through the my Geelong online enrolment portal
  • Fee statements are sent to families and fees are to be paid directly at the Centres, online orat Customer Service Centres (in person or over phone 03 5272 4741)
  • Families are to check the statement toensure they days they requested have been approved - if there is any discrepancy, it is the families responsibilities to contact the administrator of the program to rectify to avoid disappointment. If a family is not booked in and on the roll, they will be unable to attend the program.
  • No money or cheques are to be collected at the Programs by staff.
  • Bookings may be altered or cancelled up until thecancellation date stipulated on the enrolment form (7 working daysbefore the program begins), without incurring a fee (Summer program cancellations can be made up until the lastweek of school - 5 working days before end of school). After this date any changes to bookings or cancellations will be charged at the regular daily fee less Child Care Benefit (CCB).

All bookings will close7 business days (at 5:00pm) before the program begins. Ifvacancies exist late enrolments may be accepted. Thecancellationpolicy is in place aftersuch time, therefore any available booked days will be charged regardless of attendance. All Inclusion Support bookings will close on the Friday at 5:00pm three weeks before the program begins or on last day of school for year (whichever occurs first).


The Program Team Leader and Administration staff are responsible for ensuring that:

  • All enrolments are processed in a timely matter and statements posted to families to confirm bookings as soon as possible.
  • Families who make late changes or extra bookings are telephoned to confirm their new booking.
  • If families experience difficulty in payment of fees, the option of a payment plan or Centre pay is arranged.
  • Receipts are issued to families from customer service.
  • All cheques, and petty cash, will be held in a secure place under the direct control of the School Holiday Program Administration Staff until such time that it is passed on to a Customer Service Centre for processing.
  • Parents / Families are responsible for ensuring that:
  • Online enrolment forms are completed accurately to the best of their knowledge including attachments if required and forwarded to Administration via post, fax or email.
  • The enrolment form and all relevant attachments are complete. If an enrolment form is incomplete or the necessary medical information, court orders or action plans are not attached, the Program Team Leader has the right to refuse care.
  • All authorising signatures have been signed.
  • If there are any issues with paying the fees by the due date (which falls prior to attending the program) parents will contact the Administration office. Once paid this statement is your receipt.
  • If they do not receive a statement, or their booked days are incorrect that they call administration to confirm their booking.
  • Payment for all booked days is made prior to the commencement of the School Holiday Program or within 7 days of receipt of the invoice, whichever occurs first. If payment is not received or payment plan arranged by this date your child will not be able to attend.
  • They pay for all days booked even if the child is absent, unless the day is cancelled prior to the cancellation date.
  • Fees will not be waived for the following:
  • If the child or parent/guardian is unwell
  • If the family has found alternate care
  • If parent / guardian rosters / leave arrangements change
  • Exceptions may be made in the following instances after consultation with the Program Team Leader:
  • Financial hardship due to loss of employment (This does not mean loss of a shift on a given day but of total employment)
  • Unscheduled medical procedures / hospitalization
  • Unforeseen family stress i.e. Death of a family member.
  • To waive fees in these instances appropriate paperwork and in some instances a medical certificate or statutory declaration must be supplied to administration.


ACECQA National Quality Framework Resource Kit (2012)

  • Quality Area 1 – Educational Program and Practice.
  • Quality Area 2 – Children’s health and safety
  • Quality Area 6 – Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  • Education and Care Services National Regulations (2012), Section 168

Date of last review: October 2016

To be reviewed: November 2017