Jacksonville Academic Calendar FA-16
Official Semester dates: September 9-December 22
M Sep. 5Labor Day (Offices Closed)
FSep23Last day to add non-scheduled courses for the fall session
MSep 26Last day to submit January 2017 Graduation application (May ceremony)
MOct 10Columbus Day (Offices Closed)
FNov 11Veterans Day (Offices Closed)
Th-FNov 24-25Thanksgiving Holidays (Offices Closed)
FDec9Written work due for January graduates
FDec16Grades due for January graduates
F-SDec 16-17Make-up weekend (inclement weather, etc.)
Dec 23-Jan 2Christmas/New Years’ Holiday (Offices Closed)
No later than 5pm for add, drops, extensions, and P/F petitions. Classes are Friday 6:30 to 9:30 PM and Saturday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM unless otherwise noted.
Classes can only be added until the first day of class.
Anglican History and Heritage---CH 647 (required for the Anglican/Episcopal track. Counts as Christian Thought elective for all others) Sep 9- Dec 10
FSept 9First Day of Class
FSept 9Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FOct 14Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 14Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FDec 9Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SDec 10Last day to withdraw/course ends
ThDec22Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates.)
Basics of Biblical Hebrew—OL501 (required for the M.Div.) Sept 10-Dec 3
SSept 10First Day of Class (short day: see schedule for details)
FSept 30Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FOct 21Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 21Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FNov 11Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SDec 3Last day to withdraw/course ends
ThDec 22Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates.)
Exegesis of Romans—NT 620 (required for the M.Div.) Prerequisites: OT 511 and 600 level Sept 16-Nov 5
FSept 16First Day of Class
FSept 16Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FOct 7Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 7Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FNov 4Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SNov 5Last day to withdraw/course ends
TDec 6Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates.)
Foundations for Ministry/Leadership—MC/CL 503 (required for the M.Div. and MACL. Counts as ministry elective for MACT) Sept 16-Nov 19
FSept 16First Day of Class
FSept 16Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FOct 7Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 7Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FNov 18Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SNov 19Last day to withdraw/course ends
ThDec 22Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates.)
Theology Survey 1—TH501 (required for all degrees) Sep 23-Dec 10
FSept 23Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation*
FSept 23First Day of Class
FOct 14Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 14Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FDec 9Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SDec 10Last day to withdraw/course ends
ThDec22Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates)
Preaching: Principles and Practices---PR 601 (required for the M.Div.)
Sept 30-Nov 12
FSep 30First Day of Class
FSep 30 Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FOct 21Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FOct 21Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
FNov 11Last day to withdraw and receive 30% tuition refund
SNov 12Last day to withdraw/course ends
TDec 13Written work due unless a different date has been established by the professor (see course syllabus for exact due dates.)
Semlink+ CoursesSept 12-Dec 19
MSep 12First Day of Class
FSep 16Last Day to drop and receive 100% tuition refund/no grade designation
FSep 23Last day to withdraw and receive 80% tuition refund
FSep 30Last day to withdraw and receive 50% tuition refund
FOct 7Last day for filing pass/fail petitions
MDec 19Last day to withdraw/course ends/all work due