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TO: The University Community

FROM: Ronald Berkman, Ph.D., Provost and Executive Vice President

SUBJECT: Appointment of Interim Dean for the College of Education

DATE: April 27, 2006

I want to thank the faculty from the College of Education for their active involvement in the process of selection of an interim dean. Faculty nominations and comments on nominees were reviewed, and both internal and external candidates were interviewed. All internal nominees received support from a number of their colleagues, but there was also advice to look external to the College if someone could be identified who was a seasoned administrator and could provide leadership for the College at this critical time with respect to NCATE reaccreditation.

After consultation with various faculty and administrators, I have decided it is in the best interests of both the College and the University to appoint Judith Blucker, PhD, as interim dean for the College of Education.

Dr. Blucker is an FIU founding faculty and served as a tenured Professor in the College of Education prior to her retirement. Dr. Blucker brings a wealth of management experience and knowledge to this position. She served a total of twenty-five years at FIU in various roles as assistant/associate dean of Education, vice president of student affairs, dean of Health, and executive vice provost of Academic Affairs. For the past fifteen months, she has served as chief negotiator for the University’s collective bargaining process.

Her reputation as a leader known for her integrity and fairness has convinced me that she is the right person for this interim leadership position. Dr. Blucker has graciously agreed to assist the College and University during what we both hope will be a short period while we conduct a national search for a new dean. Because of some prior commitments, I have agreed to allow her some scheduling flexibility but anticipate she will provide the 120% effort we have all come to expect from Dr. Blucker. She has my full support for continuing to move the College in a positive direction during this interim period. I urge the faculty, staff, and administration of the College to support her in that goal.

Her appointment will become effective with Dean Blanton’s resignation on May 8, 2006.

Office of the Provost

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