Jackson Football 2017

The Jackson coaches are excited and eager to begin the 2017 season. This sheet provides information for parents and students to aid in the success of the program. We would appreciate your time in reading this information and signing the acknowledgement slip to be returned to us. Thank You.

●Jackson football season begins the first day of school and ends on October 31st. We will begin practices on the first day of school, in P.E. uniforms, for those who have turned in their physical forms.

●We will practice every school day, except game days, unless otherwise informed. Practices will begin everyday at 3:45 pm and end at 5:30 pm.

●It is imperative that players attend every practice in order to be prepared for the games. Players that are not able to attend practice must have their parents notify the coaches by phone, e-mail, or note prior to the practice missed.

●Players with unexcused absences from practice, (including D-hall, I.S.S. or suspension) will not play in the next game and may face removal from the team.

●Every player that misses a practice, or any part of a practice, excused or unexcused will do extra conditioning drills when they return to make up for the work that was missed.

●Jackson Athletes are expected to be leaders and will be held to high standards in regards to their behavior. Players with discipline problems during the school day will be assigned Opportunities For Improvement (OFI’s) that will be completed after practice. Continual discipline problems can result in suspension from playing in games or removal from the team.

●If a student is in I.S.S. or D-Hall they are still expected to practice with the team on those days, but may not play in the game on a day they are in I.S.S. or D-Hall unless they have finished their duty on that day.

●Players need to be picked up by 6:00 p.m. on practice days. Players need to be picked up as soon as possible following games. The Jackson coaches will be calling home for those players who fail to be picked up on time. Repeated failure to be picked up on time will result in further action taken.

●District policy requires each student to have the Middle School Athletic Participation completed online along with a completed physical signed by a parent or guardian and returned to the coaches before they are allowed to participate in the practices or games.

●Students are required to score a 90% or better on the Northeast ISD Hazing test in order to participate in the games.

●Players will be issued helmets, shoulder pads, football pants/ pads and are financially responsible for their return. Players should purchase rubber cleats and have a Jackson Athletics Dri-Fit shirt and P.E. shorts to wear.

●North East ISD football is played in an A Team/B Team format. The Jackson coaches will evaluate the players and place them on the appropriate team based on their skill level and development. Players can move between the teams throughout the year. The A game will be played first each week, followed by the B Game.

●Players ride to and from games on school buses driven by the coaches. Jackson Football players are required to attend both games and ride the bus back to the school on away games. Parents will NOT be allowed to take players after the completion of the first game (Home or Away games). We want to encourage teamwork and unity and this policy will help build these positive characteristics in our athletes.

●Coaches are available to parents to discuss their child’s progress in the program or other concerns, but coaches will not enter a dialogue regarding;

  1. playing time
  2. game strategies or play calling
  3. other players

●Parents can contact one of the coaches by calling 356-4435 or by e-mail.

●We are looking forward to a great year. We thank you for allowing us the privilege of coaching your athlete. It is a duty that we love and take very seriously. Go Jaguars!!!!

Thanks again,

8th Grade Coaches7th Grade Coaches

Travis Kersten ()Head Coach Kyle Bryant () Head Coach

Brian Twyford () Assistant Zach Ramos () Assistant

Walt Workman ()Assistant Andrew Price () Assistant


(detach and return by TuesdayAug. 29th)

“I have read and understand the information presented here.”

Athlete Name (Printed): ______

Athlete Signature: ______

Parent Name (Printed): ______

Parent Signature: ______