February 23, 2010


J. Vermeesch (2006-2010), President

S. Seneca (2006-2010), treasurer

H.Antoine-Poirel (2008-2012), secretary

F. Speleman (2006-2010)

Y. Sznajer (2006-2010)

G. Van Camp (2008-2012)

P. Hilbert (2008-2012)

M. Jamar (2008-2012)

Minutes of the BeSHG Board Conference call of February 10 at 12.30-14.00)

Present : P Hilbert, S Seneca, F Speleman, Y Sznajer, G Van Camp, J Vermeesch, H Antoine-Poirel.

1. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting

2. Integration of High Council in BeSHG :

Frank Speleman replaced the president invited to participate to the HCHG meeting (Friday, 5th).

Long discussion of the organization of the College of medical geneticists via BeSHG or not? Several issues were mentioned: participants weremostly at the moment against developing via BeSHG but rather via an independent association of geneticists working in genetic centers. Whether discussion with BeSHG was closed or will continue was not clear.

Joris will ask to Mauricette Jamar who writes the PV of the meeting.

Discussion :

-Importance to keep theintegration of both counseling and testing in Belgian genetic centers

-role of a scientific society such as BeSHG in the genetics specialty ?

-Possibility to modify the statutes or the general internal rules

-BeSHG board remains opened to discussion

At the General Assembly, JV will propose a discussion if initiative from HCHG members and will be opened for collaborations between BeSHG and HCHG/College of geneticists.

3. Organisation of 10th BeSHG meeting

- Board members presiding speakers, best speaker and best poster award (forms from YS need for the number of participants 3 days before), evaluation forms (YS).

- Approval of press release : the contact is Isabelle Parma, U Ghent will contact the other universities.

4. Organisation of the General assembly at the 10th BeSHG meeting

a. Call for candidates for the election of 4 new board members in each genetic center

VUB: Sonia Van Dooren

 KUL: Toni de Ravel

 U Ghent: Paul Coucke

 ULB: Catheline Vilain

b. Review of the listing of the BeSHG members by each member of the board for validation :

the file will be send to each board member for validation after the meeting

c. Organisation of the agenda of the General Assembly of the 10th meeting : summary of the board activities, financial counts, election, working group presentations, proposal from the High Council.

 the agenda of the General Assembly will be sent to the members in a newsletter before February, 12th.

5. DNA day:

VIB is organizing manifestations for high school. Nothing is done from the French universities this year.

6.Participation of BeSHG in complex genetics course :

Financial participation for early registration of BeSHG members (minimum of 500 euros, till 1000euros / 20 participants).

Hélène Antoine PoirelJoris Vermeesch,

SecretaryBeSHG President