IVL and KTHcollaboration day

Time: March 13th at 13.00 – 17.00, following a mingle to 19.00

Place:KTH, Brinellvägen 8 (old Red Cross hospital)

Language: English

A memorandum of understanding between KTH and IVL was signed the 17th of December 2013 with the aim to strengthen and expand cooperation between the two partners, amongst others within the field of renewable energy, transportation, environmental engineering and ergonomics.

In order to gain more knowledge about each other's activities and discuss new and fruitful collaboration, a seminar is organized. Plenary sessions in combination with workshops on different themes will be held in order to offer participants an arena to discuss new collaboration opportunities.


13.00 – 13.10Göran Finnveden,welcome and introduction to the day, an overview of KTH activities, good examples and benefits from collaboration with IVL

13.10 – 13.40Three short presentations from KTH; Anna Ledin, Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering, Björn Palm Energy Technology, Lars Pettersson, Chemical Technology (10 min each)

13.40 - 13.50ÖstenEkengren, IVL, Sjöstadsverket

13.50 – 14.00John Munthe, overview of IVL and examples of fruitful collaborations with KTH

14.00 – 14.30Coffee

14.30 – 14.40Ann-Beth Antonsson, Adjunct Professor at KTH,aims for the coming year

14.40 – 14.50Elin Eriksson, Introduction to workshops

15.00 – 16.30Workshops on following themes (setup and location - see below): Climate and energy, Air and transport, Water, Resource-efficient products and waste, Sustainable building, and Sustainable production and working life

16.30 – 17.00Reporting back from workshops

17.00 – 19.00Mingle, floor 11


The aim of the workshops is to get to know each other and to discuss how to expand the cooperation between the two partners.

  1. Participants divide into six groups on the following themes:


Climate and energyPresidiet, floor 11

Air and transportTristan, floor 5

WaterJuridicum, floor 5

Resource-efficient products and wasteBakfickan, floor 4

Sustainable buildingGästmatsalen, floor 11

Sustainable production and working lifeIsolde, floor 6

  1. A rapporteur is appointed in each group with the responsibility of taking notes and presenting results to the larger group in the end
  1. Group members present themselves and their research briefly
  1. A short discussion about dissimilarities and strengths of IVL and KTH
  1. The rest of the group discussion is aimed at discussing how to expand our cooperation through:
  2. Common projects – can relate to a current call (national or Horizon 2020 etc.)
  3. Expansion of common projects around facilities such as Sjöstadsverket and ideas for new common demonstration facilities
  4. Personal exchange (PhD students etc.)
  5. Publishing articles
  6. Other ideas – common seminars etc.
  1. After 45 minutes group members rotate to another group and repeat the procedure
  1. Reporting back to everyone
