Chair/Director Administrative Leave (CDAL)

Application Form

This Application is for Chairs/Directors who elect to take a CDAL. Members who took up duty as Chair or Director before July 1, 2011 may receive sabbatical credit for their time served as Chair or Director according to Article 6.1G of the 2011-2015 collective agreement, or they may opt to take a CDAL under the terms of the 2008-2011 collective agreement (Article 6.3), or their letter of appointment, as appropriate.

Please complete the form and attach your full proposal with all supporting documentation.

The Application must be submitted by October 15th prior to the academic year in which the leave commences. Application is made to your Dean.

  1. Name:
  1. Department/School:
  1. Faculty:
  1. Date of last paid leave:[] N/A – First Paid Leave
  1. Dates of proposed CDAL:

[] July 1, 2019toJune 30, 2020

[] July 1, 2019toDecember 31, 2019

[]January 1, 2020toJune 30, 2020

NOTE: As of January 1, 2008, where a Chair/Director had service credits towards a sabbatical leave prior to the date they began as Chair/Director, and has not taken a sabbatical leave since becoming Chair/Director, he/she will retain these service credits to a maximum of three (3) years.

  1. Attach a statement of goals and an activity plan to achieve the objectives of the CDAL provided for in Article 6.3(b) of the 2008-2011 collective agreement, ensuring it addresses the following:
  • Summarize expected concrete outcomes of the leave, including a description of material expected to be produced, or work or study to be completed.
  • Describe relevance of the leave to your professional development.
  • Describe relevance of the leave project to your unit, students, and the University and how the outcome(s) will be shared with your academic unit.
  • Indicate whether the leave will be spent in Canada or another country.
  • Provide a work schedule (indicate time periods and location for each segment of project, if applicable).
  • Provide the name and location of institution/employer/laboratory with which you will be affiliated, and copy of letters of acceptance from them (if applicable).
  • Details, nature, and amount of any paid work to be undertaken during leave, indicating changes from normal level of such paid activities. As with any paid professional activities outside the University, the conditions in subsection 7.4 of the Collective Agreement apply, and any attached statement in that regard will be considered written notice to the Dean.
  • If you have previously received a Ryerson University paid leave, attach a copy of your last sabbatical report.

7.I have made arrangements for supervision of graduate students while on paid (sabbatical) leave.

YES: []N/A []


October2018Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty Affairs