Māori success - information for schools and kura

From Term 2, 2012 all education reviews of schools and kura will include ERO’s new approach to evaluating educational outcomes for Māori, as Māori.

This approach is consistent with ERO’s focus on complementary evaluation in which our external review interacts with a school’s self review. ERO reviews are intended to help build a school’s self-review capacity and contribute to a cycle of continuous improvement.

What you need to know

As part of school and kura education reviews, we will:

·  focus on educational success for Māori, as Māori

·  support internal and external review to consider and use Māori world views

·  support and encourage schools to develop partnerships with Māori communities

·  consider the school’s engagement with and support for Māori communities (families, whānau, hapū, iwi) to participate in internal and external review, especially in kura

·  consider the school’s future plans and innovations for further improving and accelerating educational outcomes for Māori, as Māori.

ERO considers educational success for Māori, as Māori as a key indicator of school performance. We are interested in:

·  the context of the school in relation to Māori in the school and the local community

·  the conditions and environment that support educational success for Māori, as Māori

·  how schools know they are being successful in improving educational outcomes for Māori, as Māori

What you need to do

As a starting point for the review, we suggest you reflect on what you know about the success of Māori students so you can tell the review team your own story. In preparing your story you may like to consider:

·  how your self-review practices have led to improved outcomes for Māori students

·  the role and voice of whānau and iwi in the school/kura

·  what Māori student success looks like in your school and how you will provide examples of this

·  the school’s philosophy and vision for Māori student success

·  the role of school leaders and teachers in promoting educational success for Māori, as Māori

·  your specific plans, strategies and targets to support and promote Māori learners’ success

·  what you know about the impact of your plans, strategies and targets

·  your next steps for lifting Māori success to another level

·  how Māori learners’ success links to what you know about their presence, engagement, progress and achievement in your school

·  the link between Māori students’ success as Māori and what you know about their identity, language and culture in your school.

The Māori Success Complementary Evaluation Framework will help you with this process. This framework is on our website, as well as more information about why we have developed this approach to evaluating outcomes for Māori learners.


ERO’s review reports of schools and kura will answer the evaluative question:

·  How effectively does the school promote educational success of Māori, as Māori?

We will identify areas of strength and areas for review and development. Information gathered in reviews will also contribute to ERO’s national reports about Māori student success. These reports will be a series of case studies of success in a range of contexts.

ERO’s review timing is based on specific criteria. We regard schools and kura as high performing only when they can demonstrate that Māori learners are actively engaged in their learning and are progressing very well and succeeding as Māori.

Tukuna te paehiranga kia topa! - Let excellence soar!

Please contact your review coordinator if you have any questions about the review.

Māori Success

Education Review Office, 2012 2