Iteration Assessment Report (IAR) Version 1.0 Version no x.xx

Iteration Assessment Report (IAR)

Improving Thai CDC

Establishing a New Client/Donor/Partner Communications & Project Tracking Tool

Team #: 01

Team Members & Roles

Name / Primary/Secondary Role
Brandon Foster / IIV & V/Quality Focal Point/Implementation Team
Charles Muckenthaler / IIV & V/Quality Focal Point
Ding Li / Life Cycle Planner/Software Architect
Yi Li / Feasibility Analyst/Tester/Requirements Engineer
InoMantaring / Prototyper/ Builder/ Requirements Engineer
Vishal Punjabi / Operational Concept Engineer/Implementation Team/Prototyper
Katelyn Swift-Spong / Project Manager/Implementation Team/Operational Concept Engineer


Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
11/21/11 / DL / 1.0 / ·  The first version for Thai CDC CRM system / ·  Preparation for transition

Table of Contents

Iteration Assessment Report (IAR) i

Version History ii

Table of Contents iii

Table of Tables iv

1. Overview 5

1.1 Capabilities Implemented 5

1.2 Summary of Test Results 6

2. Adherence to Plan 8

3. Summary of Core Capability Drive-through (CCD) Results 8


IRA_TRR_F11a_T01_V1.0 Version Date: 11/21/2011

1 Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Capability implemented 5

Table 2: Tested Capabilities 6

Table 3: Capabilities in IP which are not tested 6

Table 4: Result for each Test Case 7

Table 5: summarize of feedback 9


IRA_TRR_F11a_T01_V1.0 Version Date: 11/21/2011

Iteration Assessment Report (IAR) Version 1.0 Version no x.xx

1.  Overview

The purpose of this document is to access the work of development team in development iteration. According to our Iteration plan, the development iteration includes 2 sub-iteration:

10/24-11/07 – 1st iteration

11/08-11/21 – 2nd iteration

The capabilities implemented and tested are listed in following section

1.1 Capabilities Implemented

Table 1: Capability implemented

Capability Goals / Description / Priority Level / Implemented iteration / How implemented
OC-2 Targeted information / Provide partners and donors information specific to interests including upcoming events, fundraisers, and functions / Must have / Iteration 1 / Provided by Salesforce
OC-3 Search contacts based on donation / Search contacts based on donation history (date donated, amount donated, to what events donated) / Must have / Iteration 1 / Configured
OC-4 Data export / Ability to export data so that it can be migrated to a different server / Must have / Iteration 1 / Configured
OC-7 Newsletter and mass mailing / The system will have newsletter/mass-mailing capabilities / Must have / Iteration 1 / Configured
OC-10 Contact tags / Have the ability to add categories and associate contacts to that particular category / Must have / Iteration 1 / Configured
OC-5 User restrictions: / The system should afford different levels of access to users (e.g. managers, interns, supervisors, etc...) / Should have / Iteration 2 / Configured
OC-6 Event management: / Efficient control of event management; including RSVP configuration, sending out mail invites, email, etc... / Should have / Iteration 2 / Configured
OC-1 Fundraising tracking: / The system should have some level of fundraising capabilities including tracing donation amounts for each donor / Should have / Iteration 2 / Configured
1.2 Summary of Test Results

Table 2: Tested Capabilities

Capability Goals / Description / Priority Level / Tested iteration / Related Test Case
OC-2 Targeted information / Provide partners and donors information specific to interests including upcoming events, fundraisers, and functions / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-02,TC-09
OC-3 Search contacts based on donation / Search contacts based on donation history (date donated, amount donated, to what events donated) / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-01
OC-4 Data export / Ability to export data so that it can be migrated to a different server / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-03
OC-7 Newsletter and mass mailing / The system will have newsletter/mass-mailing capabilities / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-06
OC-10 Contact tags / Have the ability to add categories and associate contacts to that particular category / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-07
OC-5 User restrictions: / The system should afford different levels of access to users (e.g. managers, interns, supervisors, etc...) / Should have / Iteration 2 / TC-04
OC-8 project tracking: / The system should have some project tracking ability with required filed in of data / Should have / Iteration 2 / TC-05
OC-1 Fundraising tracking: / The system should have some level of fundraising capabilities including tracing donation amounts for each donor / Should have / Iteration 2 / TC-02
WC_968 / System is supported by Firefox, chrome, and IE / Must have / Iteration 1 / TC-08

Table 3: Capabilities in IP which are not tested

Capabilities to be tested / Rationale
LOS-1 Concurrent users: The system will support at least 10 users at the same time (users defined as having different user accounts) / The license of Salesforce has already committed this capability
LOS-2 Size of database: System must be able to support information for at least 4000 contacts / We cannot control this capability of Salesforce. But Salesforce committed such a capability.
LOS-3 After-hours access: System must support after-hours access for users except during system outages and system maintenance (default level of access for cloud based CRM) / We cannot control this capability of Salesforce. But Salesforce committed such a capability.
LOS-4 Response time: Response time of about 5-10 seconds for complicated tasks / We cannot control the response time of Salesforce. But Salesforce committed such a capability.

Table 4: Result for each Test Case

Test Case / Description / How tested / Result / Future Plan
TC-01: Filter Contact / Filter contacts based on donation history / Demonstrated / Passed / None
TC-02: Provide clients partners and donors information / Provide clients partners and donors information specific to interests including upcoming events, fundraisers, and function / Demonstrated / Passed / None
TC-03: Export data / Export data to .csv file / Tested in team / Passed / Test on clients’ desktop
TC-04: Different levels of access / The system should afford different levels of access to users / Demonstrated / Passed / None
TC-05: Event Management / Manage events in Thai CDC / Demonstrated / Passed / None
TC-06: Newsletter/mass-mailing / Mass mailing and e-mail template / Demonstrated / Passed, / Add more template and demonstrate to clients
TC-07: Add categories and associate
contacts to that category / to create a category for contacts and associate contacts to the category / Demonstrated / Passed, / None
TC-08: Browser support / Test whether the system can be supported by IE, Firefox and Chrome / Demonstrated / Passed / None
TC-09: Add information / Test the ability of adding information / Demonstrated / Passed / None

2.  Adherence to Plan

According to the Iteration Plan, our iteration runs well. The development team finished development and tested all Win-conditions in time. The development team also had Core Capability Drive-through on 14/11/2011 and 16/11/2011 separately.

The main uncertainty in our project is that clients may change some of their claimed fields in database and add some new capabilities, which did happen in our CCD. Clients may change their metric of success.

In order to avoid risks and mistakes in future iteration, we need more connection with clients and explain our agreement on win-conditions to them. Also, we will try to fulfill their new requirements under our win-conditions.

3.  Summary of Core Capability Drive-through (CCD) Results

We had to CCDs for our clients on 14/11/2011 and 16/11/2011, in the CCD on 14/11/2011, we showed capabilities of contacts management, donation management, and project management to clients. Specially, we introduced how to create/delete/ edit/ search/filter contacts, donation or project to clients. In this CCD, clients proposed to change names and positions of some fields of contacts and donations. They also proposed some new capability requirements which are not listed in our win-condition. All feedbacks are listed in Table 4.

In the CCD on 16/11/2011, we demonstrated the capabilities of mass mailing, different access level, export data and import data. Specially, we showed following functionalities: sending email to a group of contacts, create/edit mass mailing template, check mass mailing history, schedule to export/import data. We also displayed how different user could access data in database. In this CCD, clients proposed to change the format of mass mailing template and add some help information for each field in database.

Generally, our CCDs were very successful. Clients were very satisfied with our project. But they also pointed out some shortfall in our project such names and position of some fields, format of mass mailing templates. They also had some new requirements which would add our risk in the project.

In order to avoid risks in the project, we need to take following strategies: 1) implement and improve those capabilities which are under the win-conditions. 2) Explain our win-conditions to clients and negotiate further plan for those new requirement which are not in win-conditions. Basically, we will try to convince the clients that their new requirements are not feasible to implement in our ordinary plan.

Table 5: summarize of feedback

Feedback / Our response
Change field primary address to mailing address / Accept
Change field secondary address to residential address / Accept
Change field “donation total N” to a exact number / Accept
Change field “Lead source” to “how we get donations” / Accept
Change fields in dropdown list of “lead source” to {web, media, event} / Accept
Move the name of contact to the first place in dodation page / Accept
Add volunteer hours as one kind of donation / Accept
Add volunteer management page / More negotiation
Change organization name in mailing template / Accept
Add different roles for donation in organization / Accept
Hide affiliation name in organization donation page / Accept
Add Champaign / More negotiation
Print newsletters / More negotiation


IRA_TRR_F11a_T01_V1.0 Version Date: 11/21/2011