Regular Meeting of the Village of McLean held the 12th day of December2016
Present:Mayor Mark Towers, Councilors: Shawn McIntosh, John Dulle, Jamie Torry, Mike Trithart Admin. Nadine Jensen.
Call to Order: Mayor Towers called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm
198/2016–Clr. Torry: moved the agenda be adoptedas presented.
199/2016 – Clr. Torry: moved the minutes of the Regular meeting held Nov 10/16 be adopted as presented.
Mayor Towers requested the correspondence be presented.
200/2016 –Clr. Dulle: McLean Volunteer Fire Dept. (MVFD) – moved
WHEREAS Hazmat training is very important information for the MVFD to have,
BE IT RESOLVED that at least a couple of theMcLean Fire Fighters participate in the Hazmat course (3 levels), provided at the Fire School.
201/2016 –Clr. McIntosh: McLean Volunteer Fire Dept. (MVFD): – moved
WHEREAS the Village of McLean Council is not aware of what courses have been taken by members of the MVFD
BE IT RESOLVED: that the MVFD give the Village of McLean a report as to how many F.F. have taken which course, and what the future plans are in regard to classes and training.
202/2016 –Clr. Trithart: Bylaw #3/05 Animals running at large: – moved
WHEREAS there is a problem of animals running at large in the Village of McLean
BE IT RESOLVED: that Bylaw #3/05 be re-written to include registering/licensing dogs and cats, and to revisit the Humane Society proposed agreement.
203/2016 –Clr. Torry: Correspondence – moved that the correspondence was presented, and is to be filed accordingly.
Admin Report: yesFirst Responder Report: N/A
Rec Board Report: N/AFire Dept. Report: N/A
Water report: emailed to council
New/Old Business:
204/2016 – Clr. Torry: Bylaw #03-2016 Code of Ethics –moved
WHEREAS the Code of Ethics bylaw #03-2016 was previously given the first reading
BE IT RESOLVED that the Code of Ethics bylaw #03-2016 was now given second reading.
205/2016 – Mayor Towers: Bylaw #03-2016 Code of Ethics – moved
WHEREAS the Code of Ethics bylaw #03-2016 needs to be given 3 readings to be passed
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #03-2016 be given the third reading tonight.
206/2016 – Mayor Towers: Bylaw #03-2016 Code of Ethics – moved
WHEREAS the Code of Ethics bylaw #03-2016 has had 2 readings
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #03-2016 Code of Ethicshas been read a third time and is adopted as presented.
207/2016 – Clr. Torry: Bylaw #04-2016 A bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014Zoning Bylaw – moved
WHEREAS an amendment must be made to the Zoning bylaw so that the fence and hedge heights are the same in both sections R1 and R2 of Zoning Bylaw No 03-2014
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #04-2016 A bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 Zoning Bylaw, has been given the First reading.
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208/2016 – Mayor Towers: Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 – moved
WHEREAS Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 requires 3 readings
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014,be given all three readings at this meeting.
209/2016 – Clr. Torry: Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 – moved
WHEREAS Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 has been presented,
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014, has been read a second time.
210/2016 – Clr. Dulle: Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 - moved
WHEREAS Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014 has been presented
BE IT RESOLVED that Bylaw #04-2016 a bylaw to Amend Bylaw No 03-2014, has been read a third time and is adopted as presented.
211/2016 – Clr. Torry: Dudley & Co LLP - moved
WHEREAS the auditor has been out to complete the pre-audit review
BE IT RESOLVEDthat council sign the audit information forms from Dudley & Co. LLP for 2016 audit.
212/2016 – Clr. Torry: Funded Reserve Acct. - moved
WHEREAS section 4 of Water & Sewer Bylaw No.4/15 states a fee will be charged as per Schedule C, to be set aside in a reserve fund for future capital work,
BE IT RESOLVED that council approve admin to set up a Funded Reserve Account specifically for the Infrastructure Fees collected.
213/2016 – Clr. Torry: Funded Reserve Acct. - moved
WHEREAS the monies collected from the Water & Sewer Infrastructure Fee in 2016 totaled $48,735.25
BE IT RESOLVED that council approve moving $48,735.25 from the general revenue account, into the applicable Funded Reserve Account.
Clr. Torry called for a break at 8:27 pm
Mayor Towers called the meeting back to order at 8:35 pm
214/2016 – Clr. Torry:Fire Hydrants - moved
WHEREAS the Village requires all fire hydrants to be flushed in order to remove sediment build up,
BE IT RESOLVED that council request all hydrants to be flushed 3 times per year during summer months.
215/2016 – Clr. McIntosh:Sewage Flow Meter - moved
WHEREAS the sewage flow meter has not been hooked up since the new lagoon was built
BE IT RESOLVED that an estimate of cost to set up the Sewage Flow Meter be obtained.
216/2016 – Clr. McIntosh: Animal Control Officer – moved
WHEREAS council wishes to obtain a second Animal control Officer that is more available
BE IT RESOLVED that the Village offer the position to Richard Thom or James Potter, and remove Brad Moes.
217/2016 – Clr. McIntosh:Village Payments options - moved
WHEREAS payment options available to Village of McLean ratepayers are presently Cheque, Cash, Money Orders, and e-transfer
BE IT RESOLVED that the above stated options be advertised on the McLean web site.
218/2016 – Clr. Torry: Tax exempt - moved
WHEREAS the Village presently co-owns 3 properties with Jim Schaeffer in Poplar place,
AND WHEREAS the village does not pay taxes on properties it owns
BE IT RESOLVED that said properties be tax exempt as long as the Village of Mclean is listed on the title as owner.
Continued…Page 3Dec 12, 2016
219/2016 – Clr. Torry: Blanket Contractor Agreement - moved
WHEREAS when contractors are hired to do work in the Village of McLean
AND WHEREAS council would like all contractors to leave the property the same way as they found it, eg: skim the topsoil, and put back on top at the end of the job
BE IT RESOLVED that an applicable blanket agreement be drawn up for all contractors
220/2016 – Clr. Dulle: Snow removal procedure- moved
WHEREAS in the spring there is a water issue on the service road as the snow melts,
BE IT RESOLVED that snow removal at the south end of Allan St. be moved to the east side on the easement, and snow removal at the south end of Haugen Bay be moved to the west side on the easement, in effort to coordinate with the culvert locations for spring run-off. CD. UN.
221/2016 – Clr. Dulle: 6 month Bulk Water purchase- moved
WHEREASthere are customers in the community that have requested to purchase bulk water for only 6 months per year,
BE IT RESOLVED that council approve bulk water be sold for 6 consecutive months per year, for 50
% of the annual cost, as long as the key is handed in at the end of the 6 month term.
222/2016 – Clr. McIntosh: Provincial approval letter - moved
WHEREAS the Gov’t of SK. Consumer Protection Div. requires a letter from the Village of McLean stating that the auto dealership is following municipal bylaws,
BE IT RESOLVED that council approve the issuance of said letter in regard to Dan Leonard’s Auto Dealership.
223/2016 – Clr. Torry: Accounts Payable – moved the Accounts Payable be paid as presented. ($43,925.90)
224/2016 – Clr. Torry: Clr. Trithart “to do” list - moved
that council table the emailed list received from Clr. Trithart, to the next meeting.
Mayor Towers adjourned at 11:10pm.
Mayor Administrator