Pandora’s Box

Today’s culture would be different had the world NOT been introduced to perils such as violence, sickness, and hunger. Allowing a sleeping dog to lie comes to mind when you think about how simple life really was before and could have been IF curiosity hadn’t killed the cat!

Your group will receive a real world event/topic. With this real world event/topic, YOUare expected to collaboratively create your very ownPandora’s Box with a total of SIX items along with thoughtful physical representation that symbolizes each of the SIX items. FIVE of the SIX items MUSTbe things/items that make specific real world event topicworse in the world.

The SIXTH item MUST be ONE thing that would leave a sense of hope, as it relates to the real world event/topic assigned to your group. Like the five items, this one item of hope MUST have a physical representation that symbolizes it. **See the hope event/item as the SAVIOR of your group’s real world event/topic.

PLEASE NOTE: Because creativity is the key, you are NOT to purchase (or ask your parents to purchase) ANYTHING for items! YOUR group is expected to be far MORE resourceful in creating the symbolic representation for each item. You are encouraged to create items OR bring representatives from home. Each person in the group is responsible for at least one item for your group’s Pandora’s Box. Everyone in the group is responsible for creating the actual BOX that will hold the items. A total of THREE ELAR grades will come from this project.

ITEMSof Pandora’s BoxGrading Rubric:

Item & Symbolic
Representation / Symbolic Representation (60 pts.)
(of Item) Rating Scale:
3=FantasticRepresentation (10 pts.)
2=FairRepresentation (6 pts.)
1=Poor Representation (0 pts.) / Explanation of Symbolic Representation (60 pts.)
Rating Scale:
3=Thorough Explanation(10 pts.)
2=Fair Explanation(6 pts.)
1=Insufficient Explanation(0 pts.)
The SAVING item

Each person will present their item on the presentation date!

PRESENTATION of itemsof Pandora’s Box Grading Rubric:

Group Member / Eye Rating:
3 (25 pts.)…
Confidently Excellent
2 (15 pts.)…
Fair but inconsistent
1 (0 pts.)…
Noeye contact / Volume Rating:
3 (25 pts.)…
Fantastically Audible
2 (15 pts.)…
Fair but inconsistent
1 (0 pts.)…
Too low/loud / Rate Rating:
3 (25 pts.)…
Extraordinarily well-paced
2 (15 pts.)…
Fair but inconsistent
1 (0 pts.)…
Too fast/slow / Enthusiasm Rating:
3 (25 pts.)…
2 (15 pts.)…
Fair but inconsistent
1 (0 pts.)…
No enthusiasm conveyed

Each person will present their item on the presentation date!

Pandora’s BOX Grading Rubric:

Components / Criteria Evaluation, Ratings, & Facilitator Comments
Bonus Points/Extra Credit is embedded in this assignment! However, you MUST give extra to attain exceeding expectation in order to earn the points; they will NOT be given!
3=30 pts.—Exceeds Expectation
2=25 pts.—Met Expectation
1=10 pts.—Below Expectation / Choice of box—(25pts.)—Rating: _____
BoxDesigned according to peril assigned—(25 pts.)—Rating: _____
Use of Color—(25 pts.)—Rating: ______
3=25 pts.—Met Expectation
2=15 pts.—Somewhat Met Expectation
1=10 pts.—Below Expectation