Lifetime Contribution Award
The SPR lifetime contribution award is intended to honor exceptional service contributions to the International Society for Psychotherapy Research. This award was established several years ago and David Orlinsky was the first recipient. Individualswho wish to nominate a colleague for this award are asked to prepare a letter detailing the lifetime service contributions to the society of the nominated SPR member, signed by at least three SPR members in good standing. The nominator will submitthe nomination letter with the supporting signatures via the online application. This award will not necessarily be awarded every year.
Please note: In order to be eligible, nominees for the 2019 awards must be planning to attend the Conference in Buenos Aires.
Deadline for submission of names for SPR Lifetime Award is January 15, 2019.
Award Committee:
Paulo P. Machado (Europe) - Chair
Chris Muran (North America)
J. Christopher Perry (North America)
Nominee submission link.
Individual making the nomination:
Name of Nominee:
Upload letter of lifetime service contributions with 3 signatures.
Outstanding Early Career Award
The early career award is granted no more than 9 years after the person hascompleted his or her main research training (e.g., award of terminal degree, postdoctoral training if any).
The award should reflect the significance of the nominee’s contributions, productivity, as well as promise in making scientific contributions to psychotherapy research. To make a nomination, the nominator should prepare three sets of the supporting documents and then submit via the online application.
The documents are: (a) the nominee's curriculum vitae; (b) a personal statement from the nominee that summarizes his/her program of research; (c) copies of four representative publications (the nominee should be the first author on some of these publications); (d) at least three letters of recommendation (one from the nominator) attesting to the quality, significance, and promise of the nominee's work. The three recommenders should represent more than one institution.
All of the materials, except for the publications, must be in English. If any publications are not in English, please include an abstract of each in English.
Please note: In order to be eligible, nominees for the 2019 awards must be planning to attend the Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Deadline for submission of names for the Early Career award is January 15, 2019.
Award Committee:
Paulo P. Machado (Europe) - Chair
Chris Muran (North America)
J. Christopher Perry (North America)
Nominee submission link.
Individual making the nomination:
Name of Nominee:
Upload Nominee’s CV:
Upload Nominee’s personal statement summarizing his/her research program:
Upload 4 representative publications: [Sven—I think it will be easier if these are uploaded individually]
Upload 3 letters of recommendation:
Senior Distinguished Research
This award honors a long career and a substantial body of scientific work that constitutes a major and significant contribution to psychotherapy research. The primary criterion for this award is the scientific merit of the nominee's contribution. To make a nomination, the nominator should prepare a set of the supporting documents (e.g., as PDFs) and submit vis the online application.
The documents should include: (a) the nominee's curriculum vitae; (b) six of the nominee’s most important publications, (c) at least three letters of recommendation (one from the nominator) attesting to the quality, significance, and impact of the nominee's research. The three recommenders should represent more than one institution.
All of the materials, except for the publications, must be in English. If any publications are not in English, please include an abstract of each in English.
Deadline for submission of names for the Distinguished researcher award is January 15, 2019.
Award Committee
Paulo P. Machado (Europe) - Chair
Chris Muran (North America)
J. Christopher Perry (North America)
Nominee submission link.
Individual making the nomination:
Name of Nominee:
Upload Nominee’s CV:
Upload 6 key publications: [Sven—I think it will be easier if these are uploaded individually]
Upload 3 letters of recommendation:
Emerging Scholars Award
The Executive Committee of SPR is delighted to announce the first call of theTaylor & Francis – SPR Emerging Scholars’ Program.DELETE
The aim of the Taylor & Francis Emerging Scholars’ Program is to provide support for young, talented scholars who (1) show promise as psychotherapy researchers and significant contributors to the field, and (2) are economically challenged and require financial assistance to attend the international meetings.
Eligible scholars should be within 5 years of completing their doctoral degree or psychiatry residency training. More senior scholars who are entering the field of psychotherapy research for the first time may also be considered.
The award will be made available annually to regular SPR members who are in good standing within the Society of Psychotherapy Research (i.e., paid, up-to-date membership in SPR). Applicants must demonstrate economic need and professional promise. They must also present a program of interest, including two specific proposals for studies. Confirmation of presentation at the upcoming international SPR meeting is also required. An award committee, nominated by the Executive Council of SPR, will review the applications.
Between two and four awards of $2500 per year will be conferred each year. Successful awardees may hold their award up to a maximum number of three years. Continuation of each award in the second or third year will depend on achieving specific outcome criteria. The award committee will be responsible for this review. Expected outcomes are: two submitted manuscripts after 1st year and an additional two submitted manuscripts after 2nd year. Grant proposals can be substituted for manuscripts.
Each awardee will be assigned a mentor from SPR based on his/her area of interest who will provide guidance during the term of the award.
The due date for submitting 2019 applications will be February 1, 2019.
Applications should include:
a) A cover letter, including confirmation of participation at the upcoming international SPR conference and necessity for economic support by SPR.
b) The application form, which includes two short descriptions of ongoing or intended research proposals (not more than 500 words each), specifying background, research questions, method and expected results.
c) Abstract and acceptance letter of the presentation at the upcoming SPR conference.
d) A short CV, including publications and research experience over the last 5 years.
The Review Committee’s recommended awardees will be submitted to the SPR Executive Committee for final approval by April 15, 2019, and award recipients will be notified after they have been approved by the EC. The awards will be announced at the annual SPR International Meeting.
Awardees must deliver annual reports to the EC, specifying submitted papers and obtained research grants.
The evaluation committee will consider the following criteria in adjudicating the awards:
a) Promise as a psychotherapy researcher and future significant contributor to the field, considering: type and content of the presentation at the SPR conference, research proposals, and CV.
b) Necessity for economic support by SPR.
Nominee submission link.
Upload Cover Letter:
Upload research proposals:
Upload abstract & acceptance letter for SPR2019:
Upload CV:
Single and Collaborative Small Research Grants
The Executive Committee of SPR is delighted to announce the sixth year of the Small Research Awards program, this time for the 2019-2020 academic year (September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020). The due date for submitting the application online will beFebruary 1, 2019. A maximum of4 single and 2 collaborative research awards, each with a maximum value of $2500 and $5000, respectively. This grants will be made annually to SPR members (regular/retired and student members) who are in good standing within the Society, across SPR chapters.
Applications should address research questions specifically pertaining to psychotherapy research, such as processes and outcome, methodological developments (data analysis, instruments, diagnostics, etc.), and the training/supervision of psychotherapists.
Only projects that are in the planning stages or are ongoing at the time of application will be considered. That is, completed research projects will not be eligible. The awards are specifically designed to aid investigators completingsmall pilot projects that are expected to provide data for future, larger projects. In general, the project should be clearly capable of being completed to the time scale proposed and within the budget applied for and that budget should be justified.
Awards may be used to purchase supplies (including instruments, equipment, postage, photocopying, software, etc.); to pay coders, research, or technical assistants; and to remunerate client or therapist participants. Awards may not be used for travelling expenses to present at conferences, but travel funds may be reimbursed if travel is necessary to collect data. It is not necessary to specify every last dollar but applications that are vague or fail to make the costing convincing will not be supported. In general only work that fits within the funds applied for from SPR will be funded, such assmall pilot projects or well-delimited sub-studies. Applications that ask for funds primarily to complement other funds will not be supported.
TheReview Committee is comprised of members from each SPR chapter and chaired by the General Vice President. This Review Committee will evaluate proposals and make recommendations for funding to the Executive Committee. To the extent possible, the intent is to seek balance in awardees across chapters and membership categories.
This year’s grant applications are dueFebruary 1, 2019. The Review Committee’s recommended awardees will be submitted to the Executive Committee for final approval by April 15, 2017, and award recipients will be notified after they have been approved by the Committee. The awards will be announced at the next annual SPR International Meeting. Grantees will receive their awards through a Responsible Authority (university or other institution). Please note that no indirect costs will be granted to the awardee’s institution.All funds must be spent by August 31, 2020. A Final Report will be due to the SPR Executive Committee by February 1, 2021.
Application Process
We are currently finalizing an online submission form, which will be available by December 1, 2018.DELETE
The application includes an Abstract (limited to 250 words), a summary of the proposed project (limited to 1500 words), an abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (CV), the total budget for the project, and the proposed timeline for completion of the research. Student members must, in addition, submit an Evaluation Form (included in application) from the responsible supervising faculty member.
For all applications (regular/retired and student member), the applicant must be in good standing with the Society (i.e., current year’s dues paid, as well as past dues, if applicable). Thus, the applicants should be members of the Society and theirdues paid for the year of application, this time for 2019. For both regular/retired and student members, priority will be given to applications that are submitted with documentation from the applicant’s institutional review board (ethics committee) that the proposed project has been approved or a waiver of IRB (ethics committee) review from the Responsible Authority, i.e., University or other Institution. Secondary priority will be given to applications with pending institutional review board approval. Student applications without approval documentation must be accompanied by a clear statement from the supervisor confirming that no problems with institutional review board approval are expected.
Single or groups of grantees are not eligible to receive an additional, new grant from SPR within the same membership category (i.e., regular/retired members or student members)within a 5-year period from the date of receipt of the initial award. The only exception is the following: a student grantee may receive a new grant within 5 years if she or he has become a regular SPR member in good standing.
Evaluation Criteria
The Awards Committee will evaluate each proposal along the following criteria:
- Importance or significance of the topic to the field
- Clarity and quality of the research methodology and analyses that will be conducted
- Appropriateness of the budget
- Feasibility of completing the project within one year
- Prospects for continuation of work building on the pilot project (if applicable) and for future funding
- Applicant’s qualifications for completing the proposed project successfully
- (for students only): Faculty Evaluation Form
Final Report
The Final Report concerning the outcomes of the project, due to SPR’s Executive Officer by February 1 of the year following the end of the award (February 1, 2019), must include the following:
- The extent to which the original aims as stated in the application have been achieved;
- The work you undertook in relation to this project;
- Any publications and presentations that have resulted from this work; and
- Any related subsequent grant awards.
Furthermore, the awardees have to provide an account for research funds from the responsible authority (University or other institution).
Application Materials
All applications must be submitted electronically in the order noted below in one document in PDF format:
- Application cover sheet
- Abstract (maximum 250 words)
- Project Description (maximum 1500 words, exclusive of references)
- Timeline of proposed activities/work schedule
- Itemized budget, with justification as indicated on the Budget form
- A letter (or e-mail to the applicant) from the applicant’s institutional review board indicating that the proposal has been approved or has been submitted and is awaiting approval (if approval is required by the applicant’s institution or country). Letters of approval should indicate the start and end dates of the project. For students, the Faculty Evaluation Form should indicate whether any problems with institutional review board approval are expected.
- Abbreviated curriculum vitae (CV); 5 pages maximum, focusing on the applicant’s major research activities (presentations, publications, works in progress) within the past 5 years. Students’ CVs should indicate educational status (e.g., master’s student, doctoral candidate). In case of a Collaborative Research, the application must include the CVs of all the researchers of the group.
- For students: Faculty Evaluation Forms must be submitted electronically in PDF format to the Awards Committee Chair ()separately from the student’s application. Sven:we need to do the same thing here that we did with the travel awards. That is, send receipt of application to the person and include a link for them to give to a recommender that indicates where to submit the letter of recommendation. Students should provide the advisor with their application and with the e-mail address of the Chair of the Awards Committee.Student applications lacking a Faculty Evaluation Form will not be considered.
The Project Description should not exceed 1500 words, single-spaced (exclusive of references, tables, and figures). The narrative should include the major research questions, the specific objectives of the study, the research methodology, the preliminary work already accomplished (if applicable), the anticipated significance to the field, and any supporting evidence regarding the likelihood of continuation of work building on the pilot project and future funding (if applicable). It is particularly important that applications specify analysis of the data collected sufficiently to convince raters that the project will be completed to an ethical and publishable standard. Quantitative projects should address sample size, power/effect sizes and use of confidence intervals to complement or replace hypothesis testing and should spell out aims leading to specific hypotheses or effects/models to be explored and the particular statistical and/or psychometric methods to be used. Qualitative projects should say what methods of exploration of the data will be used and how the chain of evidence and its plausibility and value will be conveyed in the report.
It is very important to explainwhy the researchers chose to apply as a group rather than individually. This justification is part of the nature of the project and will be an important criterion for the selection.
Download the application form [doc]