Below you’ll find a “justification letter” template – a letter to your supervisor/manager explaining all of the benefits you’ll get from attending the 2018 Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference.

This general template will get you started while allowing you to customize it to you and your organization’s particular needs.

Letter to Manager/Supervisor


Dear [Supervisor’s name],

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies have the potential to secure up to 90% of CO2 emissions, however this technology is just reaching maturity. That’s why the 2018 Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference is an important opportunity for me to join more than 350 CCS/CCUS and ghg reduction technology decision makers from more than 18 countries to get in-depth information on topical areas including storage, transportation, usage and policy.

The 2018 Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference, which takes place March 19-22 in Nashville, TN, brings together carbon capture and GHG reduction technology decision-makers, scientists, and government officials to network, get high-level strategic update, hear case studies on emerging technologies and connect on research in the industry to advance this important technology. Plus, co-locating with ELECTRIC POWER Conference + Exhibition gives me access to additional networking opportunities, keynote presentations, technical sessions, and more.

Session topics include:

·  Carbon Capture Policy

·  Major CCUS Projects

·  CCS as a Bipartisan Issue

·  CCS from a Global Perspective

·  And more!

I’ve provided a couple of documents for your review. There is a breakdown of costs to attend the conference and a benefits worksheet that specifically targets industry pain points and how attending this event will help provide solutions.

I would welcome the opportunity to interact with presenters and colleagues, plus learn about the latest industry updates at the 2018 Carbon Capture, Utilization & Storage Conference. This would seem to be a wise investment in my education, and I look forward to discussing this with you.


[Your name here]