Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee
held on Friday, 7 November 2008 at 10.00 am
in the Conference Room, Summerfield House
David Cameron, Chairman NHSG
Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications
Harvey Grainger, Aberdeen Presbytery
John McKinnon, Infection Control Manager
Sarah Campbell, GREC
Fred Coutts, Head of Spiritual Care
Jane Alton, Salvation Army
Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society Scotland
Liz Tait, Clinical Governance Lead, Moray CHP
In Attendance:
Mary Innes
Item / Subject / Action1.
2. / Welcome & Introductions
Introductions were made round the table. David informed the Committee that he had attended the Service of Thanksgiving for the 60th anniversary of the Health Service and thanked Fred and his team for a very successful event.
Apologies had been received from Dr Amr Mahdy, Muriel Knox, Ian Groves, Harriet Mowat, Sylvia Spencer, Peter McDonald, Elizabeth McDade
3. / Minute of meeting held on 22 August 2008
With the removal of Mark Rodgers from those present and changing “in” to “it”, the minute was accepted as a true record.
4. / Matters arising
4.1Dr Shah’s Presentation
Dr Shah’spresentation from a previous meeting was attached. Under the requirements section, it was noted that a number of things had been taken forward but it was recognised that some were quite difficult to provide because of limitations in accommodation.
4.2Chapel at Dr Gray’s Hospital
Liz reported on the progression of work on the Chapel at Dr Gray’swhich should be finished by last week in January. All involved were looking forward to the Chapel being opened.
4.3Chief Executive’s Letter on Spiritual Care in NHS Scotland
This was still awaited. It was believed that it was going through the Health Department at the moment and should be issued shortly.
5. / The Humanist Society of Scotland (Dr Stuart Hannabus)
Dr Stuart Hannabus gave a very informative insight into the work of the Humanist Society of Scotland - see paper attached.
6. / Chaplains & Patient Information
A short working life group had been set up following the submission of the paper of OMT. This group had already met and were attempting to ensure that the information had been updated, but it was recognised that very little could be done until there was a resolution nationally.
7. / Draft Baseline Audit of Aberdeen Chaplaincy Services
The document Standards for NHSScotland Chaplaincy Services 2007 provided a self-assessment tool and it was thought appropriate to carry out a self audit against these standards for the whole-time chaplaincy team in Aberdeen. Any comments will be welcomed from the Committee before a full discussion takes place in the chaplaincy team. The following comments were noted:
1c1 – in relation to protecting patients and their carers from unwanted visits from spiritual or religious groups and representatives. It was agreed that the problem related to having appropriate access not inappropriate access. It was recognised that a written protocol was required in order to meet some of the criteria.
It was recognised that QIS were being more supportive during their audits.
Objective evidence was required.
The audit was carried out as atool for service development - at some stage might ask for a peer review.
8. / Dialogue with Community Based Services
It was noted that the majority of the outcomes of the PWC evaluation workshop had been met. There was an issue however in relation to community health based services and whether we should challenge ourselves to find if there were more or different needs required in the community setting. It was agreed to report on progress in 6 months time.
It was reported that there was no formal structured representation from all faith groups within the community but it was noted that there were channels of communication in place and also that GREC did a lot of work with NHS staff and patients. It was suggested that an item should be included in the NHS Newspaper to encourage communication. / FC/LG
9. / Moray 2020 and Pastoral Care to Support the Healthcare Experience
Fred reported on the work that Professor Grant Cumming, Consultant Gynaecologist, Dr Gray’s, was pursuing with Linda McKerron, L & D Manager. This was in relation to an electronic means of providing pastoral care and for a pilot to be run in Elgin in order to link patients with their faith group. After discussion on the problems associated with this, eg pastoral care should be on a one to one basis, laptops would have to be made available in the wards, the added risk of MRSA, etc, it was agreed to invite Grant and/or Linda to the February meeting to provide more information.
10. / Report from Head of Spiritual Care
The ongoing programme of teaching sessions for healthcare staff, participation in the lunchtime education for FYI Junior Doctors and working with an interdisciplinary group on End of Life Issues prior to their final examinations were noted.
Also noted was the successful Annual Service of Thanksgiving and Remembrance for those who had died in hospital or Roxburghe House.
11. / Dates of Future Meetings
The following dates were agreed for 2009:
16 February 2009
8 May 2009
27 August 2009
6 November 2009
All from 10.00-12.00 at Summerfield House at the moment (although some may be held off site).
12. / Agenda Items for Future Meetings
Suggestions included continuing to think about faith groups, Roxburghe House, anticipated changes at Woodend, links to City CHP, GREC. It was agreed that Laura and Fred should compile a programme for the year. / FC/LG
13. / AOCB
13.1Information Pack
It was agreed and that all abbreviations should be in full and a list of acronyms should be build up after each meeting.
13.2NHS Orkney
Fred had carried out a peer review of spiritual care services in NHS Orkney
13.3It was noted that Chris Levinson – Health Training Development Officer, was retiring in springtime and his post would be advertised.
13.4Liz reported that there had been an area dedicated last Sunday in the ElginCemetery which included a stone for people to go and lay flowers for babies lost in early pregnancy.
14. / Date of Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is 16 February 2009 in the Conference Room, Summerfield House