San Luis Obispo Unit

Health and Safety Meeting Notes

March 26, 2009

The meeting was held at Station 21 and started at 0930. In attendance;

Pat Kerschen-HQEmma Lauriston-Batt. 4

John Richardson-SOKirk Petrie-Batt.6

Matt Mihalco-Paso AABGeoff Money-EMS

Mark Sparling-Batt.-1Danny Richard-Cuesta

Eric Tebbits-Batt.-2AlbertAguilar-ServiceCenter

Manny Beckius-Batt. 3

Also in attendance; Pat Sparks, Tom Swanson, Bill Fisher, Dave Kay

Minutes from January meeting were read.

Old Business

  1. FC-B’s running heavy equipment are being supervised by a HFEO or skilled operator.
  2. Inclement weather driving-the speech last meeting must have worked as there were no incidents.
  3. Code-3 driving while bumper towing specialized equipment- The members reviewed 3411’s proposed policy to restrict any code-3 driving with this equipment unless requested by an IC. The committee agreed to send in a recommendation to approve the draft as write.
  4. 1000 degree proof turnouts- See new business.
  5. Geoff went over the new standard compliment for the medical bag.
  6. There is a new DNR form coming out soon.

New Business

  1. The committee discussed the February safety conference call. It is attached.
  2. 2009 Focus on Safety- When it comes out officially the unit TO will be responsible to meet the deadlines for them to be completed.
  3. The committee discussed the 2008 accident review from the NWCG.
  4. Tom Swanson presented a comparison between the different types of structure boots that are currently being worn and tested throughout the state. 3401 recommended forming a sub committee for ppe issues. The county sops are out of date and this committee would research, test, and make recommendations to management on ppe. Contact me if you are interested in getting on this committee. Make sure you have your supervisor’s approval.
  5. Geoff passed out a flyer for a lecture on burns by Dr. Grossman. He also passed out a schedule for CE classes in 2009. Contact EMS-1 for details.
  1. Operators of the new model 34 engines need to be aware of the short tailboard. There has been some injuries statewide from people falling off while attempting to pull hose or other equipment off the back. Some county versions have been modified from 10” to 18’ to make them safer.
  2. There should be a decision on the wire-mesh goggles for the chainsaw operators.
  3. Make sure all employees are aware and follow the new policy for marking hazardous areas. The policy can be found in section 1738 of the 1700 H&S Manual.


There were none!

The next Health and Safety Meeting will be held at Paso Robles AAB, May 28, at 0930.