Hillock Lane, Woolston, Warrington WA1 4PQ

Tel: (01925) 815314

Fax: (01925) 851702


Headteacher : Mrs H Lea


Parent Governor Elections

For all Catholic Aided Schools in the Liverpool Diocese, the period of office for Parent Governors is four years.

MrsRizpah Conlon was the elected Parent Governor at St Peter’s School for four years; however we have recently received her resignation as a Governor at St. Peter’s due to family commitments. Therefore, we are seeking to appoint a new Parent Governor.

Mrs Conlon has been a Parent Governor at St. Peter’s for just over 2 years and we would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for her support during this time.

Any parent, or Guardian, with a child at the school will be able to nominate, second, or stand for election and we hope that parents will consider candidature as the Parent Governor of St. Peter’s School.

If you would like any information about the role of the Governing Body and the valuable work they undertake, any of the existing Governors would be happy to talk to you.

Details are enclosed of the forthcoming election, together with a nomination paper. Nominations are invited and should be returned to the school by FRIDAY, 17THMARCH 2017, in an envelope addressed to Mrs Val McCowen, the Returning Officer, and marked:

“Nomination Paper – Parent Governor Elections”

Yours sincerely,

H Lea

Mrs Helen Lea



Parent Governor Elections – Notice of Election and Nomination Paper

Nominations are invited on the attached form not later than FRIDAY, 17THMARCH 2017, for the election of a Parent Governor to the Governing Body for a four year period.

Each candidate must be the parent/carer of a registered pupil at the school at the time of the election and must agree to being nominated. Each nomination must be supported by a proposer and a seconder, who may be the husband or wife of the candidate. A parent may not propose or second more than one candidate in any one election.

If there is more than one nomination, an election will be held. Candidates may, therefore, wish to provide a statement of not more than 100 words, which will be sent to parents with ballot papers.

Election Timetable

Nominations closeFriday, 17thMarch 2017

If no ballot is required then:

- a result will be availableFriday, 17thMarch 2017

If a ballot is required then:

- ballot papers will be issuedFriday, 17thMarch 2017

- ballot papers must be returned byThursday,6th April 2017 (before 12 noon)

- countThursday, 6th April 2017

- result availableThursday, 6th April 2017

Mrs. Val McCowen

(Returning Officer)

This form must be sent to the Returning Officer, care of the school, no later than Friday, 17th March 2017.

Please mark the envelope:

“Nomination paper – Parent Governor Elections”



  1. The CandidatePreferred Title

SurnameForename(s)(e.g. Mr. Mrs)

…………………………..…………………………………………….. ………………...




Name(s) and Age(s) of Child(ren) in the school



  1. Proposer and Seconder

Proposer’s Signature…………………………………………………….




Name(s) and Age(s) of Child(ren) in the school



Seconder’s Signature…………………………………………………….




Name(s) and Age(s) of Child(ren) in the school



  1. Agreement To Nomination

I agree to stand as a candidate in the above Parent Governor election.

Signature:………………………………………………… Date:………..…………………

  1. Election Statement

You may wish to attach, in not more than 100 words, a statement in support of your nomination. This will be sent to parents with the ballot.