
Mr S Dustan, Manager, Elderly Services

Ms F Francey, General Manager, SA LCHP

Ms C Garden, Dental Representative

Councillor Alison Grant, SNP Group Representative

Ms G Gray, Personnel, Aberdeenshire Council, representing Ms G Cromar

Dr J Hall, CHP Public Health Lead

Councillor M Humphrey, Vice-Chair, Infrastructure Services Committee

Mr G Kidd, CHP Finance Manager

Dr R Liddell, CHP Clinical Lead

Mr C Mackenzie, Director of Housing and Social Work, Aberdeenshire Council

Mr M McEwan, CHP Planning Lead

Professor V Maehle, Chair, CHP Committee

Ms S Melrose, Community Pharmacist

Ms L Middleton, Senior Communications Officer, Corporate Communications NHSG

Mr M Ogg, General Manager, Central Aberdeenshire LCHP

Mr B Robertson, Director of Education, Aberdeenshire Council

Councillor R Stroud, Chair, Education & Recreation Committee

Ms S Strachan, Allied Health Professional (AHP) Representative

Mr J Stuart, CHP General Manager

Mrs A Taylor, Acting GM, NA LCHP

Ms E Taylor, CHP Lead Nurse Advisor

Mr R White, Head of Policy, Aberdeenshire Council

Dr S Wilkinson, Group Clinical Director, Interface Services

Mr A Young, Voluntary Sector Representative

In attendance:

Mrs M Bonner, PA to Mr Jack Stuart

Mrs K Penman, Senior Health Improvement Officer

Mr D Jennings, Aberdeen City Council, item 6 only

Mr J Gallagher, Planning Manager, NHSG, item 6 only

Mr B Archibald, Service Planning Lead, item 7 only

Ms L Duthie, Self Care Project Manager, item 8 only

Mr W Gault, ADAT Strategy Manager, item 10 only

Mr C Booth, Head of Social Work (Child Care and Criminal Justice) item 11 only

Ms P Scott, Head of Children's Services, Education, Learning & Leisure, item 11 only

Apologies noted from:
Ms G Cromar, CHP Human Resource Manager
Ms A Findlay, Public Representative, South Aberdeenshire LCHP
Dr R Gatenby, Clinical Lead, NA LCHP
Ms S Masson, Staff Side Representative
Dr McCrone, Clinical Lead, South Aberdeenshire LCHP
Councillor Alisan Norrie, Independent Group Representative
Dr A Palin, Clinical Director Mental Health Services (MHS)
Mr R Paton, Public Representative, NA LCHP
Ms J Rees, Clinical Lead, CA LCHP
Mr A Reid, Scottish Ambulance Service
Councillor Anne Robertson, Chair, Policy & Resources Committee
Ms R Vilar, CHP Joint Future Manager
Professor Maehle welcomed everyone to the meeting and following introductions, stated that Agenda Item No. 9 would be taken first to allow Mr R White to leave the meeting thereafter.
Mr White was welcomed to the meeting and apologised for any confusion surrounding his attendance. Mr White outlined that the purpose of his attendance was to make the CHP Committee aware of the concept of the new SOA that local authorities are negotiating with the Scottish Government, and to seek comments/feedback on the SOA so that these can be reported on at the Policy and Resources Committee meeting on 12 June. The SOA had been drawn up in a very tight timescale and although councils were not required to consult with partner agencies this year, Aberdeenshire Council are to be commended that they did so. In future years however, the SOA will be made formally between the Scottish Government and the Aberdeenshire Community Planning Partnership (CPP), in which the CHP is a full member of behalf of NHS Grampian.
Dr J Hall then gave a presentation on the background to the formation of the SOA, following which the under-noted comments were noted:
There did not appear to be any reference to the achievement of the goals outlined, nor was there any reference made to the resource required to support them.
There was a need for baseline targets relevant to Aberdeenshire, not just Grampian wide as it may be that targets are being met within Aberdeenshire, although not across Grampian as a whole.
With reference to the issue of risk, Mr White stated that guidance received from the Scottish Government stated that all risks should be analysed in all actions, however in the timeframe given to complete the exercise, this was not achievable. It was also agreed that contact should be made with the Risk Managers of both organisations.
As far as resource to support the SOA is concerned, it is hoped that in future, organisations and all public providers involved in the SOA will be required to change the spend of their resource to enable them to meet the targets outlined in the document.
Thanks were recorded to Mr White, Dr Hall and everyone who had been involved in pulling together such a comprehensive document in such a short timeframe.
The Minute of the Meeting held 18 December 2007 was agreed as an accurate record of discussion.
Employment Development Officers
Mr Mackenzie was pleased to report that funding had been secured to allow the SDA to remain in post.
The Committee noted the contents of the Information Bulletin which had been produced and circulated to provide an update on current topics in an attempt to reduce the time taken at meetings for discussion of such items.
Mr Dustan reported that the second monthly return is currently being prepared and he is confident that there will be a “0” return achieved. However as the number of people requiring nursing home placements remains static, and the number of places available reduces, it will prove very challenging to achieve a “0” return as the year progresses. Mr Dustan wished to record his thanks to all staff involved in achieving the target and stated that the early identification and escalation of any problems to senior management, and the support given at that level, had played a huge role in achieving the target. Clients are now being assessed more thoroughly, and alternatives to nursing home placement are considered, where possible.
Mr Dustan informed the Committee that the “Choice” policy will be officially “launched” on the 26th June in an attempt to ensure that the policy is consistently applied across Grampian.
Professor Maehle also wished to convey her thanks on behalf of the Committee to everyone involved in achieving the “0” target. This was echoed by Mr Mackenzie who stated that best use of joint resources was imperative to ensure that the best possible care is provided in the best possible location.
Mr David Jennings, from Aberdeen Council, gave a very information presentation on the Draft Aberdeen City and Shire Structure Plan, a copy of which is attached to the Minute for information. Mr Jennings outlined the status of the Strategy Plan and the direction in which it was going. A Strategic Development Plan Authority has been established to progress the Plan and is due to meet at the end of June. Numerous workshops and events have been held to promote the Structure Plan, including dialogue with infra-structure providers, and a website is also in the process of being set up. Public consultation on the Plan will commence on 27th June and run through to mid September, following which the Plan will be reviewed in light of comments/feedback received. It is then intended to submit the Plan to the Scottish Government at the end of 2008, following which approval of the Plan would be expected 6-12 months thereafter.
Mr Jennings stated that the Strategic Development Planning Authority is a partnership between the two councils and that a close working relationship does exist with the planning partners in both councils thereby ensuring a joined up, co-ordinated approach. Although health partners are not directly involved as part of the public consultation process, Mr Jennings works closely with Mr Gerry Donald of the Physical Planning Team within NHS Grampian. The importance of early involvement by both health and education in this issue was stressed as the Plan will have a major impact on both services. It was noted that no health assessment impact had been carried out, only strategic and environmental assessments.
Mr J Gallagher, Planning Manager, provided the Committee with an update on the background to the production of the Transport Action Plan, taking account of local health service redesign, the projected increases/decreases in communities and the increasing demands for the provision of care for patients with long term conditions given that the local population, over the age of 80 yrs is going to increase significantly. The ability of all partner agencies to work together in this major undertaking is paramount, however, with the co-operation that has occurred during the process of producing the Health Transport Action Plan Report to date, all agencies are optimistic about what can be achieved. A copy of Mr Gallagher’s paper is attached to the Minute for information.
Ms F Francey, General Manager, SA LCHP gave an informative presentation regarding the current CHP Property Development and Rationalisation Plan, the purpose of which was to meet the changing direction of government policy, Aberdeenshire’s Change and Innovation Plan, population changes and the Disability Discrimination Act requirements. Ms Francey also reported on the rationale behind the prioritisation of the Plan to ensure that buildings are fit for purpose and remain in good order to allow for the provision of more advanced procedures locally. Clarification was also provided to Cllr Grant regarding the provision of services within CA LCHP, who wished the Minute to reflect that she did not feel that a “Priority 3” for Insch Hospital was appropriate, i.e. beyond 2014. The Plan will be updated on a regular basis and updates provided to the Committee as appropriate. It was noted that Independent Contractors are not yet included within the Plan. .
Mr Mackenzie sought clarification on whether the paper, marked Confidential Draft, could be circulated outwith the Committee and approval was given to do this.
Mr Mackenzie also stated that there was close association with all 3 presentations, from which it was clear that Aberdeenshire is a major growth area and that in light of the information provided, significant challenges would be faced by both health and local authority. Although Aberdeenshire has a growing older population, there is also an increase in the number of children with learning disabilities and that any redevelopment of resources should be mindful of this client group. Aberdeenshire Council are currently reviewing their Asset Management Plan and looking to move that forward very quickly in its infra-structure. It is important that where there are joint teams in Aberdeenshire that we seek to locate those staff together in order to maximise the way both organisations work. Mr Kidd stated that almost every scheme is jointly planned and managed and in many cases, staff is already co-located. Strategically however there is a case about how we finance such developments.
The Committee endorsed the plan in its current format and agreed its onward submission to NHS Grampian Asset Investment Group for formal approval. The Committee also agreed to receive annual updates of the Blueprint.
It was agreed that to improve the involvement of health and local authority in all planning issues, this subject would form discussion at a future meeting of the Joint Officers Group, ensuring that cognisance is paid to both the Structure and Transport Plans and that ultimately, NHS Grampian Board are fully briefed on the implications of the plans.
A future Agenda Item will be the ARI Blueprint which is integral to the Aberdeenshire CHP Plan.
The content of the Summary Consultation Paper and the NHSG Dental Plan was noted. Mr B Archibald also gave an informative presentation summarising current initiatives to improve oral health, current waiting lists/times and proposals to address workforce issues. Upgrade of dental premises is also an issue and in an attempt to address this, all dental premises have been written to regarding an inspection of their premises with a view to supporting dentists to improve their premises.
Aberdeen Dental School will have its first intake of 15 dental students this year and it is hoped that on completion of their 4 yr training programme, they will remain in the Grampian area.
Alterations to the current contract are required, but it is paramount that a fair and equitable system is identified. The current grant of £100k to improve and upgrade current dental facilities is insufficient and there requires a lot of discussion in order to keep NHS dentists working within the NHS.
Ms Duthie was welcomed to the meeting and briefed the Committee on the progress of establishing a Telehealth Pilot Project in Peterhead in partnership with Aberdeen College. Peterhead had been chosen as the site for the pilot since Aberdeen College, one of the partner agencies involved, had offered its new premises on the main street in Peterhead as a pilot site for the provision of a community on-line facility for accessing health advice and information. Following discussion it was noted that before approval could be granted to support the development of a stakeholder event to take the proposal to the next level, discussion should take place at both LCHP and local CPP groups. Dr Hall undertook to provide Ms Duthie with contact details. / JH
Mr Gault was welcomed to the meeting and outlined that the purpose of his attendance was to allow the CHP Committee members the opportunity to make comment on the content and progress of the ADAT Strategy, which fits in very closely with two recent publications, namely the National Drugs Strategy published by the Scottish Government and the recent publication of the document Scotland’s Futures Forum.
The Strategy aims to:
Ø  Set out the shared vision for a healthier, happier and safer Aberdeenshire and clarify the nature of the alcohol and other drug challenges Aberdeenshire faces.
Ø  Set out principles and priorities for how harm caused by alcohol or other drug misuse will be prevented and addressed in Aberdeenshire.
Ø  Communicate each agency’s pledge to make the principles and priorities forming the basis of this strategy evident in their daily work and plans.